Wednesday, January 30, 2008


A million thanks for all the prayers, e-mails and concerns. My inbox is loaded down and I will try to catch up when time permits. Please forgive the delays. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Parker is improving, but far from 100%. He is still on a liquidy diet and can't chew yet. We are hoping that he will be able to chew by the weekend, but only time will tell. For the first time in 3 nights, he slept through the night last night without crying most of the night. Praise God! His face is still puffy and swollen, but the doctor said it could be like that for another 10 days or so. He is talking and smiling now.

John is preaching tomorrow for the first time. It was suppose to be Tuesday, but they had a scheduling conflict. I am leading my first Bible-study tomorrow in Spanish. My friend Jenny translated it into to Spanish for me and saved me about 5 hours of work. And now I can make cupcakes with my kids! :) Of course, I still have to facilitate it, decipher through what they are saying and give the right response - all in a foreign tongue! Yikes! Preaching seems more appealing b/c no one is responding to what you are saying.

Anyway, I've been very unmotivated to blog lately - as you might have noticed. :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Parker's Story

I'm trying to write this quickly, so please forgive typos, mispellings or grammar.

Yesterday morning at 9:30 a.m. we went to meet our friends Jenny and Caleb at the park. I decided to be goofy and see how high I could climb on the jungle gym set. Of course, Parker followed me. At the same time that I was thinking that this is really dangerous and if we fell it could be bad, Parker fell on his belly and face from about 7-9 feet. We scooped him up and were scared when we saw all of the blood and couldn't figure out where it was coming from. John carried him to our friend's house from school, Dr. Kevin, who is a trauma E.R. dr. in inner city Denver. Of course, he wasn't home. We brought Parker home and he was not doing well. He was swollen, not eating, talking, etc....He went to sleep at 10:30 a.m. in the morning, but he kept saying he was fine when we would ask him how he was doing. He didn't look fine and he wasn't acting fine. Turns out, he was scared that he would need stitches if he told us he was really hurt. After I convinced him there was nothing to stitch up, he finally let me know how bad the situation was at about 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon. I called a nurse from school to see if she could look at him. Once I described everything to her, she said we would take him in right away and that I should call Dr. L - the Dr. that works at our school 2 days a week. I paged the Dr. and he did not call me back so we just went to see a doctor at the hospital. The Dr. we ended up seeing there is a neonatologist, but she was very helpful. She took 5 x-rays and then said his jaw was dislocated. She sent us home with advil and said to return on Monday.

We came home and I called Dr. Kevin from school to see if he could check out the x-ray and Parker tomorrow. Once he heard the story, he came over immediately. After he examined Parker he said that if it was his patient and we were in the hospital that he would sedate him and relocate the jaw - an extremely painful procedure when a person is awake. But, he has no jurisdiction here. Well, Dr. L from school actually called me back when Kevin was here (what a blessing). They talked for awhile and decided it shouldn't wait until Monday because of the risks that are involved with that (arthritis, pain, etc...) So Dr. L conferred with the Dr. we saw earlier in the day and then he proceeded to call 10 different doctors to see who could come in to relocate the jaw. No one was available. NO ONE! Except Dr. Kevin who is not licensed to practice in C.R. It was agreed that Dr. Kevin would do the procedure with Dr. L as the attending Physician.

God worked it all out and at 11:30 p.m. last night we went to the hospital. There was a team of people (including Dr. Kevin and Dr. L). I was with Parker for every second except for the moment when they unhinged his jaw and then reset it. It's awful. I just couldn't see that - even though he was sleeping. The whole time they were getting ready to put him under, Parker was so calm and brave. Everyone kept saying how valiente he is.

When he woke up from the procedure he had a strange reaction that like 2-5% of kids have. He was convulsing his body, ripping at everything, eyes rolling back and just out of control. His mind was out of it. It was extremely scary to see this. The Doctors wanted me to take care of him while he was like this. I was singing and praying and talking to him, but it was as if his brain was shut down. It took about 10 minutes and then he finally could focus and sit up and stop convulsing.

He sat up and said, "Mom, am I talking clearly?" He hadn't said much all day long. He already looked less swollen within 15 minutes of the procedure.

So I said, "Yes, Bubba, you are talking clearly. Is there something you want to say?"

"I love you, mommy," he said.

Oh, I just held him and started crying softly. It was such a beautiful moment. After not seeing him smile or really talk all day and to hear his first words were that he loved me was just priceless.

We said our thanks and hugs and more thanks and arrived home at 1 a.m. this morning.

As we were laying down to go to sleep this morning I said to Parker, "So what was the lesson for the day?"

And I'm thinking...."No more monkey bars."

And he said, "The lesson of the days is to always trust God and remember that He is with me in every situation."

And God was with us EVERY step of the way. His hand and presence were in every detail and we just give Him all the glory.

"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth." Proverbs 27:1

P.S. Please keep praying that he will continue to heal. He still can't solids or open his mouth very much. There is still a chance he could have a fracture. If so, then that is a whole other ball of wax.


We're home! The whole night was a picture of God's hand. I will tell the story tomorrow. But Parker's jaw was definitely dislocated. He was put under anesthesia while his jaw was relocated.
He is 90% better already. It was like a miracle watching the transformation of before and after. More tomorrow.

Father, I just praise you for working out every last detail so that Parker could get the medical attention he needed. You are so faithful!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Going to the hospital right now to have Parker's jaw reset. They are going to put him under anesthesia and our Dr. friend from school is going to reset it. Out of the 10 doctors that were called, no one at the hospital was available and several docs conferred and said it needed to be done asap. Thank God Dr. McVaney, our good friend from school, know exactly how to take care of this problem and the school doctor agrees. Parker is scared. Thanks for your prayers.

Please Pray for Parker

Actually, we took Parker to the doctor at the E.R. ward at the hospital.

A great week

John led his language partner to the feet of Christ this week. She had never heard this message before and has never read her Bible. She attended Catholic church occassionally, but the idea that Christ's sacrifice is enough, was new to her. She accepted His gift. Now we are praying for a woman to come along side of her to help disciple her.

John is going to preach tomorrow, yes - in Spanish, at the house of restoration. Please pray for Him. I am soooo proud of Him. I won't be able to hear him b/c I will be home with the little ones.

This week at the women's house of restoration, I shared out loud at the Bible study for the first time. It's very intimidating to speak to 15 nationals in their heart language with all eyes on the gringo. But God gave me the strength and the words. I was more concerned with speaking Truth than with getting my grammar correct. Please pray for 2 particular women that I have connected with there - Priscilla and Sandra. John and I realized that they know so very little about the Bible or God. Even the fruits of the Spirit was a brand-new concept to them. We are realizing that there is a great need to start at the very basics and fundamentals of Christ. Because we have been "churched" for so long this can actual be difficult for us, because it's easy to assume that people know things about God or the Bible that they don't actually know. We don't want to miss a step!

Other stuff:

Please pray for our marriage as we continue to adjust to this new life. Satan wants to devour our unity, and we definitely need intercession.

Ally starts ballet on Monday. It is a block away and for an hour twice a week. It's only $20 a month. Please pray for witnessing opportunities and for Ally to have a great time. She adores ballet and I think she might have a gift with it.

Please pray for my language partner, Rita, as she will be having sinus/head surgery in a few weeks. She has been a HUGE blessing to me and I praise the Lord every day for her. I absolutely love her!!!!!

The kids are doing well and everyone is healthy. Wooohooo!

Still no more migraines.

Running has haulted for now! The knee pain has returned once again. All was fine and then I ran 2 miles and it hasn't stopped hurting since. God knows what is best for me and maybe not running is what's best. It has been improving, so we'll see. It is possible I just did too much too fast.

God is teaching me to take it one day a time and not to look at the big picture of the hecticness of our lives or I will become discouraged. I am truly only thinking about today and its concerns and leaning on Christ because His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

A great week

John led his language partner to the feet of Christ this week. She had never heard this message before and has never read her Bible. She attended Catholic church occassionally, but the idea that Christ's sacrifice is enough, was new to her. She accepted His gift. Now we are praying for a woman to come along side of her to help disciple her.

John is going to preach tomorrow, yes - in Spanish, at the house of restoration. Please pray for Him. I am soooo proud of Him. I won't be able to hear him b/c I will be home with the little ones.

This week at the women's house of restoration, I shared out loud at the Bible study for the first time. It's very intimidating to speak to 15 nationals in their heart language with all eyes on the gringo. But God gave me the strength and the words. I was more concerned with speaking Truth than with getting my grammar correct. Please pray for 2 particular women that I have connected with there - Priscilla and Sandra. John and I realized that they know so very little about the Bible or God. Even the fruits of the Spirit was a brand-new concept to them. We are realizing that there is a great need to start at the very basics and fundamentals of Christ. Because we have been "churched" for so long this can actual be difficult for us, because it's easy to assume that people know things about God or the Bible that they don't actually know. We don't want to miss a step!

Other stuff:

Please pray for our marriage as we continue to adjust to this new life. Satan wants to devour our unity, and we definitely need intercession.

Ally starts ballet on Monday. It is a block away and for an hour twice a week. It's only $20 a month. Please pray for witnessing opportunities and for Ally to have a great time. She adores ballet and I think she might have a gift with it.

Please pray for my language partner, Rita, as she will be having sinus/head surgery in a few weeks. She has been a HUGE blessing to me and I praise the Lord every day for her. I absolutely love her!!!!!

The kids are doing well and everyone is healthy. Wooohooo!

Still no more migraines.

Running has haulted for now! The knee pain has returned once again. All was fine and then I ran 2 miles and it hasn't stopped hurting since. God knows what is best for me and maybe not running is what's best. It has been improving, so we'll see. It is possible I just did too much too fast.

God is teaching me to take it one day a time and not to look at the big picture of the hecticness of our lives or I will become discouraged. I am truly only thinking about today and its concerns and leaning on Christ because His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Technology is great

Here is our first video blog. Hopefully this will save us time in the future and make things more personal.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Thought

I haven't driven a car in 6 months today!

More Good Stuff

I couldn't make it to the house of restoration on Thursday because of the stomach bug I aquired from Avery's 2-3 year old pre-school class. Unfortunately, I got sick in the middle of class and had to leave school early. Most of my day was spent in bed fighting off nauseusness or in the bathroom. But the next day I woke up and felt like a $100 bucks. All that to say....I did not get to go the house of restoration, but John did. And he will blog about it later today.

Okay, so yesterday I got my haircut, a manicure, a pedicure, and Ally got her nails and toe-nails professionally painted. Right now your thinking, "Hold up! You guys are poor missionaries. How in the world did you afford that?" Great question. We afforded it because the grand-spanking total for all of the glamorous work was only $23 dollars. Yep! Not joking! And my hair actually looks really nice - especially for a $7 haircut. So I'll break it down for you - $7 manicure, $5, pedicure, $2 for ally's toes and another $2 for her fingers - with cute little flowers on each finger. How awesome is that! And everything was done at a very high quality. Not that you care (my girlfriends will), but she cut off 2 inches and put some layers on the bottom of my hair. I like it mucho!

Yesterday at school, the director called us out of class and informed us that 2 grammar classes were going to be re-shuffled. Our teacher teaches 2 classes and they want to make a class that goes at a slower pace and one that goes at a more rapid pace. What an honor that they asked me to go to the fast class. My response? NO THANKS! Please don't change a thing. I would've had to switch conversation teachers as well and I LOVE HER and the way she teaches us. So, I might be going at snail's pace this tri-mester but I was thinking that I would rather speak in quality than in quantity. :) I'm really in no rush and I seriously want to laugh and have a good time and not be stressed at all. And this first 2 weeks has been much better for me than the stress of last trimester so I requested that nothing change. Oh yeh, plus my good-buddy Paula (that has been with us since training in Richmond) is going to be in my class now and we are going to laugh and learn together.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Good stuff

No migraines in 4 weeks! Woohooo! Although John had one this week. :(

I ran 3 miles yesterday. God has given me a running partner at school. She is just starting to run, too, so we run very slow together. It is a great combo. I'm enjoying making a new friend - especially while running. Something about sharing miles together that bonds people together.

Dr. said I can't run 3 miles again for at least 2 weeks. He said I can run 2 miles EVERY other day. I will take it!

We are going to the house of restoration today. My friend Rita can't make it today so I am a bit nervous. Please pray for wisdom and discernment, the ability to communicate God's love, and for opportunities (i'm sure there are many) to share.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jaxson Dean

School is great. Life is great. All is well.

I met with the doctor today to talk about Jaxson's appointment last week. He said that Jaxson's testicle ascends and descends like a yo-yo, but the problem is that it goes very, very high into his abdomen - almost to his belly button (not quite, but almost). He said that this increases a person's risk for testicular cancer in the future. Our Dr. also mentioned that he consulted with a urologist because he hasn't seen one that ascends this high. The uro. said that they can tack the testicle down through some type of surgical procedure. This would be his second urological surgery. Well, the ever-growing, weird shaped, 2-colored mole has to come off of his leg as well, so the doctor said maybe we could do both at once. There is no way Jaxson could have the mole cut off while he was awake - not if the doctor wants to still be alive afterwards. It takes 3 adults to just hold him down for a shot (yes, he's a bit melodramatic) so imagine how he'd react if a stranger with a scalpel and a needle came at him.

Nonetheless, we are going to keep observing his testicles for another few weeks and see how it goes. I really think it's fine, but the doctor isn't quite on that page. But the mole is definitely going to be removed. We won't tell him until we are on our way to the hospital - dr's suggestion.

Well, maybe later I'll post you a picture of what was in my lunch today! ;) It might surprise you!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

What a night!

Last night we went to Dinner with our friends from language school. All 4 of us hopped on a bus to downtown San Jose in search of a restaurant - nothing too classy and nothing too dumpy either. We found this restaurant that has two floors and was affordable. We sat on the second floor next to the window over looking the mainstreet downtown. The mood and ambiance were remarkable. Great company! Yummy Food! And did I mention the mariachi guys. 2 men came over and seranaded us with 4 songs. I just closed my eyes and soaked in every moment of the experience. I was wishing that all of you could've been there with us last night as we enjoyed the culture and the food!

The only bummer was that we tipped the guys $4 and they wanted $4 more. UGH!!! $2 a song. What? We didn't budge though.

We had yummy fried churros for desert and found some very cheap shops downtown. The night was perfect!

I am a RUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This past year God broke my leg. He took away the one thing that I almost loved more than Him - RUNNING! It hurt! My heart hurt! My leg Hurt!

I went through the entire grieving process starting with denial; followed by anger, then grief, then acceptance, a little more anger and then an amazing peace.

This was a 12 month journey that had many ups and downs, 2 knee surgeries and many tears.

God showed me, as I've said before, that I am more than runner. He showed me that I can survive without the one thing that held my passions so deeply.

I spent a lot of the year not understanding why God would allow this. But then in my heart I knew the answer. He is a jealous God (as His word says) and He wants no idols in my life. Although I wasn't physically worshipping my running shoes, I was worshipping my running times, my achievements and my goals. And then, bam......I ran a marathon and pretty much nothing else for 1 year.

This week, exactly one year from last year's torturess pain-filled marathon (it's tomorrow by the way), God allowed me to run again and without pain. I had settled with the notion that running was a thing of the past. And I truly was resting and okay with that. But I went out for a jog with Dr's. orders and it went well. And then I did another mile a few days later and it went well. And then yesterday I ran 2, YES 2 miles. And pain, no swelling, nothing. I can sit walk, squat, bend, etc.... The only thing that hurts is my Quads from being so out of shape. :)

I called the doctor to make sure this was okay - that I ran 2 miles. He didn't call me back, but I see him on Wednesday and I will find out then.

Yesterday when I was running it felt like such a miracle. A true miracle. So many times we would pass runners while were in taxis and I was so proud of them. And Parker would say, "Don't look, Mom. Don't look." And at first I was sad, but as time went on I could look without the sadness in my heart. And then yesterday, there I was running the streets of San Jose dodging traffic and smog. Just what I had dreamed of! I was one of them again.

My heart is filled with joy to the Lord for restoring my leg and my running. I am a runner! But I am HIS first! No more emphasis on speed, time or races. I just want to feel his presence and worship Him as I take each step.

The Restoration Houses

Thursday afternoon at the restoration houses was a good chance for us to get introduced to the people who are living there. First, we went to the men's house. We were greeted with green mango juice and bread on the cutest little cups and saucers. What hospitality! The men had just received a shipment of produce and John pitched right in and helped bring everything in the house. The men seemed very glad we were there and hit it off well with John immediately. It warmed my heart to see how he fit in so well and was really trying to connect with the men. They were even talking about having him help preach during their chapel times which they have twice a day. Unfortunately, we had to cut our time short to make it the women's house to meet the director because she was waiting for us.

The director is about as nice as they come. She welcomed and encouraged us. God has given her a vision to work in Peru (somewhere, someday) with the people there. She was so excited that we are going to Peru that she called our friend, Rita, the next day to share her excitement in what God is doing. She wants to come visit us there and to be a part of the work that God is already doing in there. We know that this is no coincidence that God placed this woman in our path.

The time at the women's house was nice. It was a little more difficult than last week because there were more women and a few of them had only been in the house for a day or so which means they are just trying to get clean. A girl I met last week really took me under her wing and shared a lot with me and helped me to understand what the others were saying because they were talking so fast. Keep in mind NO ONE was speaking English - only Spanish and we loved it.

Anyway, the director would like John and I to go to our respective houses each Thursday after school for a few hours. She would like us to prepare a small Bible study (yes, in Spanish) and facilitate discussion. Afterwards, we will have bread and coffee and sit around the table and get to know one another better. I think there are 9 women - maybe 10 if you include the one that was sleeping heavily as they had just pulled her off the streets. She had been sleeping on the sidewalk.

I've been thinking about how thankful I am to God for this opportunity. John and I have a heart for these people and we feel like this is the beginning of our ministry. RIGHT NOW! I told John that when we are 50 or 60 we will look back on these days and how little we knew about working with addicts and we'll be able to see where God has brought us and them.

Since we will be working in the shanty-towns in Lima these are exactly the types of situations and people we will be encountering daily - drugs, alcohol, violence issues, etc.. (there is a woman in the house who is there because of a problem with violence - not drugs). So God is using this situation to prepare us for what He has in store and He's also using it, I believe, for whatever vision he has for the director of the house.

My friend, Rita, told me yesterday that she is going to continue to come with me for a little while so that she can teach me how to work with addicts. She said when she first started visiting 5 years ago that she thought she new everything, but God showed her she knew nothing. I told her that I really know that I know nothing and I am extremely thankful and hopeful for any help she can give me.

WOW! Isn't God amazing! This is just the beginning! Praise HIM!!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

First day of classes!

Today was our first day back to school and I must say I enjoyed not being a freshman anymore. :) We have 60 new student at our school and I would say we are definitely crowded, but somehow I ended up with less students in my class. There are 5 of us in grammar and 4 of us in conversation. I have the same people as last trimester. I'm glad for this. My teachers seem AMAZING - as I was told they would be. I think I am going to learn a lot and be challenged like crazy at the same time.

On other news, I ran a mile 2 different times this week. My knee is feeling very good, but my hamstring is still giving me problems. But I RAN!!! 2 miles in total and it took me a ridiculous amount of time to complete them, but I did it. I can't believe that this time last year I was running 26 miles and now I'm huffing and puffing to get through one. I just hope I can continue to run here and there and get better. I just need to find out what's up with my hamstring. It has been hurting for the entire year too, so who knows? But at least it's bareable.

I know I sound kind of blah, but running again was one of the best things that has happened to me this year. One day I'll write a blog telling you how spiritual the experience was for me.

Tomorrow is our day at the restoration house. Please pray God will give us the words to communicate His love to these precious people.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Bus and School Schedule

It only took us 6 months, but we learned the bus system inside and out today. The kids were at school and we took the liberty to find the places that are somewhat costly to get to in a taxi. In the process we walked many miles, found a skating rink, a go-cart rink, and a neat little market for souvenirs. What a productive morning. We try to be frugle, so we are glad to take the buses to all of these places. Since we have 4 kids, at times a taxi is cheaper than a bus - depending on where we are going.

Also, we received our school schedule today and we start at 7:30 a.m. and end at 1 p.m. We will have a 2 hour back-to back break though. I actually think this will be better for us because it will give us 2 hours a day to study without the children and then we can focus 100% on them in the afternoons. Plus, we are usually beat by the time they good to bed and studying becomes challenging.

Also, I found out I have 2 AMAZING teachers. One of my new teachers helped write and organize the school's grammar book. I've been told she's tough, but very good. I've been praying ALL break for amazing teachers. Praise the Lord!

Monday, January 7, 2008

I did it! I memorized the Romans Road in Spanish and recited it fully 5 times today. WOW! When I was assigned this task a month or so ago I thought it was impossible. But with God's help I actually did it. Now let's just hope I can remember them enough for when the time comes and I have to actually share them with people that have a pulse.

Jaxson had his 4 year well-child check-up and gazillion vaccines today. The doctor said he was perfectly healthy except for the ascended testicle and the abnormal, ever-increasing in size mole with a dark spot in the middle-of-it on his leg. The doctor asked me to come back next week so we can talk about these issues when Jaxson isn't around. He said the appointment was going so well that he thought it would be better to "talk" without bubba in the room. Not sure what that all means. I'll let you know.

Only 3 more days until our visits to the restoration houses. I asked my friend today what we should talk about with the people in the house. She said, "The word." She would like us to share the Bible with these individuals and when we are ready to do so, we can lead them in some sort of study; one on one or small group. I know this opportunity is from the Lord and we are very EXCITED! So far, the scheduling and everything has worked out and the director has approved us to come.

Hasta Manana! (imagine an accentish type thingy over the 2nd N).

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Inappropriate music and birthing in the food court

This evening was filled with more stress than I've had in awhile and it didn't come from school or children; it came from the televsion and radio.

We took a taxi to the mall for ice-cream. All 6 of us were jammed into a Toyota Tercel - yes, that would be the smallest car Toyota makes. And yes, that means the baby was not in a car seat. In fact, she never is. They just don't do that here. Although the taxi driver didn't speak a word of English, as is common here, the music he listened to was in perfect English. And the's an old song by the group Heart. You might know it. The lyrics are something like this "One night of love was all we knew. I'll make love to you if you want me to." You know, the song about 2 perfect strangers shacking up, creating a baby and going there separate ways. LOVELY HUH? And the chorus is the 2nd sentence in the latter quote. It is repeated at least 50 times in the song. OVER and OVER again! UGH!!! And the innocent taxi driver had no idea what was being transported over his speakers. I was trying not to freak out as the radio is blaring this nonsense into my little one's innocent ears. I started engaging them in every type of conversation I could think of like, "What's your favorite letter, number, color, etc..." I think they fell for it and missed the song. I pray this is the case!

Would it have been rude if I leaned forward and clicked the radio off? Probably not a good idea.

Whew....we dodged a bulletin on that one.

Only to get to the food court where there is a television posted up high over virtually every garbage can. It is like this in most restaurants. Hard to protect little eyes when you can't control the televison.

But no worries because it was only National Geographic. How bad can that be? Oh look, it's a baby being formed in a mother's womb. How sweet! Oh look, the baby is getting bigger! Oh look........! AAAAAHHHHHHH! I knew it was coming and I tried desperately, for the 2nd time in less than an hour to divert their attention. Not only did the program show the entire birth and EVERY thing that goes along with it, but it showed the after stuff as well. And then a c-section. I was seriously in a state of ultra-stress. We're sitting there with our food eating and I guess getting up and leaving our fresh meal never crossed my mind. I do NOT want to explain to my 7, 5 and 3 year old where babies come from. When they are at appropriate ages I'm all for it. But I still have to help wipe their hineys and tie their shoes. I did manage to divert their eyes back to me and John and the ongoing soccer game playing on another television set. For once, I was grateful for another television to be playing.

Next time we go out they are going blind-folded and with ear-plugs in. They'll still be able to talk so I think it'll be a fun trip! :)

Saturday, January 5, 2008


I was TAGGED by my sweet friend, Jordana, and I happened to like this list. Hope you do too:

8 Things I'm Passionate About:
1. Serving the Lord through being set-apart in the way that we live
2. Sharing Christ's love and truth to those who do not know
3. My husband and Children
4. Homeschooling
5. Dressing Modestly but trendy
6. Money - being thrifty or frugal or cheap or whatever you care to call it.
7. Exercise and health
8. My friendships

8 Things I say Often : (recently - for me)
1. Como Se dice? (How do you say.....)
2. No hablo espanol. (I don't speak Spanish)
3. No entiendo. (I don't understand!)
4. Disculpe (excuse me?)
5. Otra Vece, porfavor (once again, please)
6. Te Amo (I love you)
7. To my kids.....have I told you today how much I love you?
8. To myself....I'm not going to cry....I'm not going to cry!

8 Things I've Read Recently:
1. The Broker - John Grisham (last week)
2. The Pelican Brief - John Grisham (last week)
3. The Innocent Man - John Grisham (this week - hey, I'm on Christmas break)
4. Get Out of That Pit - Beth Moore
5. Believing God - Beth Moore
6. To Train Up a Child
7. Having a Mary Heart in A Martha world (didn't finish it)
8. From Fear to Freedom (don't remember the Author's name and I gave the book away after I read it)

8 Things I want to do before I die:
1. Run Again....and I mean really run (like a 10K or half-marathon)
2. See each child walking with Christ intimately
3. To see my kids be a better person than I am (probably not hard)
4. To see new testament house churches planted
5. To see multitudes of people come to Christ through our family or individual witnesses
6. Complete a full triathalon (the iron-man distance)
7. Go to Africa
8. Have more babies

8 Songs I can Listen to over and over (and I probably have):
1. That song by Sonic Flood...."Over the mountains and the seas, your river runs with love for me.... This is my favorite song in the ENTIRE world and after almost 10 years I am soooo not sick of it.
2. Breathe of Heaven
3. Your Love is Extravagent (Casting Crowns - not sure if that is the right title)
4. The Robe (Wes King)
5. Create in Me a Clean Heart
6. Footloose
7. Ice Ice Baby (not proud of this one - but come on, it's a classic)
8. Hotel California (okay...I had a secular upbringing)

8 Things that Attract Me to My Friends:
1. Transparency
2. Fun and funny (although I'm not so much)
3. Loyal
4. Dependable
5. Devoted to Christ
6. Accepting of me
7. Easy to talk to
8. Not afraid to cry

8 Things I have learned in the last year:
1. I am more than a runner
2. God loved me before I ever thought I had anything to offer Him
3. I can have every comfort in my life stripped away and as long as I have God, my husbands and my babies....I will survive - and grow tremendously in the process
4. Language learning is hard.
5. God wants me dependent on Him and NOTHING else
6. That I really love homeschooling and can't wait to do it again.
7. That John is my bestest, bestest friend in the entire world.
8. That it's okay to cry and to cry often! And that people will still like me if I do.

People I have decided to tag for this: (this means you have to do one and put it on your blog, time permitting - of course)
1. Paula
2. Jenny M.
3. Kitty
4. Jonatha
5. Heather
6. John M.
7. Brooke
8. Steffanie
9. Michelle D.
10. Pamela
11. Aimee Alich
12. Kathryn E.


Avery's fat foot! John loves these precious feet!

My dad "Pappa" and his fan-club!
The Volcano at night and the errupting lava!

The kids and their annual Christmas-Eve pajamas.

Nana and Avery eating cereal together. Nana was eating and Avery hopped up with her for her own bowl.

Cowboy Jaxson in his hat from Nana and Papa.
The girls in their "Costa Rica" dresses from Nana and Papa.

Happy Birthday

Another HUGE THANK YOU to each and every one of you that called, e-mailed or sent e-cards on my birthday. I cannot thank you ENOUGH for your wishes. My birthday was perfect in every sense of the word. We spent the day at an amusement park with the kids and then in the evening we went to a VIP movie theatre (with no kids) where we watched National Treasure 2 in recliners and ate sushi. If this is the life of a missionary, I'm doing this forever. The movie was only $8!!!!

My friends Paula and David and Jenny and John (who were in training with us since Virginia) just all happened to be at the mall at the same time. WOW! And David and Paula were watching the same movie. It was like a mini-surprise party that wasn't planned. Planned by God, of course!

School Starts

This week we received 3 wonderful care packages in the mail. Thank you to Aunt Mary for the beautiful new clothes for the kids, thank you to the Kitchin Small group in Kansas City, Missouri, and another appreciation is for First Southern Baptist Church of Yuka Valley in Californa (Pastor Stephen Jones). Our children were thrilled as they opened these packages filled with love and goodies from those of you who support us and pray for us. Our appreciation is beyond words. We are sending our hugs and thanks!

We start school again on Wednesday and the kids return on Monday and Tuesday. School is changing quite a bit and we are going to have to go to school until 1 p.m. instead of until noon. We will have the same amount of classes, but more break time during school - which means MORE time away from my kids. I am praying about this even as I type. I am asking for the Lord's understanding and patience, because 5 more hours at school a week is quite an increase. However, we only have 7 1/2 months until we finish language school. Can you believe it?

I guess this means my blogging vacation is over. The holidays were perfect and we have enjoyed every minute of every day together. I hope I don't cry like a baby when I have to drop the kids back at school on Monday and Tuesday morning. other thing. The restoration house that I went to last week approved John and I to visit weekly. He will visit the men and I will visit the women in 2 separate homes. Please read my previous blog if you have no idea what I am talking about. We ask you to please pray that the Lord will use this time for His purposes and for His glory. We also ask you to pray that the scheduling works out with our family, schooling and empleada and getting to the restoration house. As you know, we have no car and a limited amount of time. Blessings!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Todaym my friend from church, Rita, took me to a restoration house. It is a house where women who have lived on the sreets doing drugs, prostitution, alcohol and theft come to be restored. It is a Christ centered program and each woman lives there for 6 months. I met a woman who had lost her eye from fighting and drugs. She has been clean for 3 years now. I met another woman who has lived in the house for 8days and she is trying to get clean and walk with the Lord daily. She has a 2 year old child and was living on the streets before she entered the house.

The entire time I was there today I could feel the Lord's presence. I did not want to leave. I was reminded today WHY we are learning this language - it is all about sharing Christ with people like these who feel desperate and hopeless.

I am hoping to go back next week to continue to get to know them and encourage them in their new walk. They either said they can't wait for me to come back or are hoping I will come back. It's the same verb so I'm not sure.

This was my first experience being TOTALLY alone with nationals with no English speaker. The study was great (hard to understand because they were talking so fast). Today was wonderful! Thank you, Lord!

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