Friday, May 30, 2008

The world's quickest update

John's dad didn't have to have surgery today. His stomache is still having problems, but the cat-scan shows no internal bleeding. Yesterday his blood sugar was to0 low and today it is too high! He is pretty much the same.

My hubby will be home in 30 minutes.

Jaxson's surgery is at 7 a.m. tomorrow.

I was being followed home from school the other day (probably by a would-be mugger). Another student at school saw the guy that was following me in a car (and I had NO idea) and the student tried to get close to me and then the guy fled. I know this was God protecting me. I didn't know about it until the next day at school when the student told me exactly what had happened. I now have my mace in my hand ever second I am walking and am extra cautious. There have been a lot of incidents with students from our school lately.

I ADORE my kiddos but I desperately need a few hours alone.

John's Dad/Friday Update

John's dad has continued to have complications. His stomache has been hurting and swelling underneath the feeding tube. The doctor's were concerned about internal bleeding and they did an x-ray. His dad had to be horizontal during the x-ray. He vomitted and then aspirated it into his lungs. THe doctor's then had to drain his lungs and there is a HUGE concern now about pneumonia. They are waiting for the results today of his chest x-ray. He has been coughing now and wasn't before.

His blood sugar hit an all time low, for him, of 40. They have stabilized the sodium but not the blood sugar.

He is having surgery today for his abdomen. It is severely swollen. He HAS to have the surgery, but his body is not in a condition for this. He was given a blood thinner yesterday (I don't know why - before they knew he was going to have surgery), so there is a HUGE risk for bleeding.

He is still not able to recognize people or perform any time of function.

As you can imagine, John is incredibly sad and down. He is returning tonight. I will keep you posted. PLEASE PRAY!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

John's Dad Update/Wednesday

John's dad remains the same for the most part. However, he has a staph infection and 2 bacterial infections called graham positive and graham negative. The doctors are taking this very seriously and are treating all 3 very powerfully. Today they managed to get his sodium level under control - FINALLY! He was not recognizing anyone and John said it was just a blank stare all day. He did say a complete sentence, "I need to go to the bathroom." I think it was slow and deliberate, but it's good that his body his recognizing this need. He is hooked up to 3 IV's and has the feeding tube in his stomach. John sat by his bed ALL night last night with him. I think it was a very hard night emotionally for John. He really needs lots of prayers. He has never been through anything like this before.

I can't say thank you enough for all of the support, love, encouragement and prayers we have received.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday Update on John's Dad

John wrote:

Thank you all for praying. I finally found a way to have internet access here. I arrived to Los Angelese at 1:00 am Monday morning. Yesterday, my father had surgery to replace his nose feeding tube with a tube direct to his stomach. I arrived to the hospital yesterday, but he was sleeping all day from the anesthesia. Around 9:00 last night, he spiked a fever of 102.7, so the doctor was concerned about pneumonia, and administered antibiotics promptly. We left him still asleep at 11:00 pm.

This morning, when we walked in the room, he was awake. He was able to recognize my sisters and me, and managed to say our names!!!!!!!!!!! He is not saying anything other than, "I love you" or names. One word here and there. I showed him pictures of my family and he recognized Jessica. This is a miracle, since the neurologist has pretty much written my dad off as advanced stages of alzheimers. However, still not swallowing, no urinary or bowel control, blood sugar everwhere, and low sodium.

Thank you so much for praying. It is a miracle. As a side note, I was in the cafeteria and overheard a two young cafeteria workers talking. The girl said to the guy, "I believe in God, but I'm not religious." So I approached them, and was able to share the entire Gospel with both of them. They were not sure if they were ready for any type of decision, so I gave them the 4 Spiritual Laws and they agreed to talk to me more today and tomorrow. Please pray for Mi Linh (Vietnamese and brought up Mormon and Jehova's Witness) and Jaime (Catholic).

I humbly ask you to keep praying for my father, because now, just a few hours later, he can't recognize anyone. We can see he's trying, looks around looking for the answere, but he gets frustrated and sad that he just can't. Again, thank you.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Update/Monday night

I started my new language class today and I think I talked for about 25 minutes as opposed to 2 minutes. I am so happy for the change.

John's dad still has not woken up from the surgery. It was 8 hours ago.

Avery vomitted 9 times and then quietly went to sleep. I did come up with a good system for catching the vomit though. I am trusting she will sleep quietly through the night. She will be staying home with the Empleada tomorrow.

Please pray for my language partner Grace. She is 72 (this Thursday) and very ill. She hasn't been able to get out of bed for 4 days due to back pain. She is a lovely woman of the Lord. She has breast cancer and a myriad of other problems.

John's Dad Update/Monday

John made it to California by 1 a.m. last night.

His father had surgery today to put a feeding tube into his stomache. He is still sleeping very heavily and they hope he will wake up today. They are hoping the food will give him some strength and maybe he can return to 50% of normal or more. Only time will tell.

He did smile yesterday and he whispered John's name when he saw a picture of him. Other than that, things are the same. He doesn't seem to be getting the best medical care according to John.

I will let you know more when/if things change. Thank you for your prayers. John is very sad, but happy to be at his dad's bedside just holding his hand while he sleeps.

Please continue to pray for them and for us! Avery started vomitting today. She already had the virus so I'm not sure what's up with that. God is giving me an amazing amount of strength and joy through all of this.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

John's Dad

John's father made NO improvement during the night. The feeding tube has not seemed to change things. John is leaving at 2:20 p.m. today to fly out to California to be with his father and his family. My biggest prayer is that John's father will have 1 small moment of recognition of his children while John is there. Please keep them in your prayers. I will keep you updated as I know more.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Urgent Prayer Needed for John's Father

John wrote:

2 years ago, my father cut his finger and got an infection, which lead to very unstable diabetes. Then a few months ago, he fell and broke his hip. Since the hip surgery, he has not recovered fully and his health has gone downhill, due to his age (75) and diabetes.

Last week he went to the emergency room. They found that his sodium was low and his blood sugar was very unstable. His health has gotten worse over the last week. The attending doctor has not been able to get my father’s blood sugar or sodium under control, and does not know what is causing it.

I just received a call from my sisters, who came from Phoenix to be with him in Los Angeles. They said, my father is doing very poorly. Here is a summary:

1. The neurologist tested and concluded that my father is in advanced stages of Alzheimer’s.
2. He doesn’t recognize my sisters at times. Just a glazed over look.
3. He has forgotten how to swallow, and they had to start feeding him with a tube today.
4. He cannot eat food with his mouth, because he has forgotten how to breath from his nose and chokes when trying to eat.
5. He is incontinent and does not have the awareness to tell anyone when he has to go.
6. He does not talk.
7. Essentially, he is like a child, my sister says.

I beg that you would pray:
1. He would get his strength back from the feeding tube.
2. The new doctor that is taking over will be able to stabilize his blood sugar and sodium.
3. His strength would come back enough, so my sisters can take him back to Phoenix with them.
4. The Alzheimer’s would go away or improve, once his sugar, sodium and strength improve.

Homemade Catapults

What do missionaries do on cloudy Saturdays? Build medieval weapons of destruction. The kids were excited about their new catapults and Parker wanted to post pictures. They actually work!

How God Changed my Non-homeschooling heart (part 1)

I graduated with a degree in Interpersonal Communication from UCF in 1997. I went on to become an executive at Target being in charge of one stores ENTIRE human resources. I then worked as the editor of a newspaper for a church of 10,000 and then I was a Manager at a staffing company. And I worked at the Orlando Sentinel for 5 years as a free-lance correspondent and news assistant. You can see that career, money and acheivements were very important to me.

I ALWAYS have known I would stay home when we had kids. But our plan was to put Parker in a prestigious "private school." I knew moms who homeschooled and I thought "Good for them" but "that's NOT for me!" No way! I would never in a million years want to be repsonsible for my child's education.

I am not a patient person.

I am not educated to teach children.

I will definitely not be able to be with them ALL day, EVERY day.

They need to be socialized.

They need to be well rounded.

I have NO desire.

I am not interested.

No thanks! No way! NEVER!!!

Plus, I gotta get back to my career.

And then God spoke (more tomorrow)........


Some good happenings:

On Monday, I am changing language classes from a class of 5 people to a class of 3 people. So this means MUCH more talk time. WOOHOOO!!!

I had a half-hour conversation, in Spanish, with one of our teachers at school yesterday about my problems at the house of restoration. She was a director of this kind of house and has worked with addicts for 10 years. She gave me great advice and wisdom. I am going back next week with a renewed attitude and hope.

John and I are SUSHI freaks. Our friends introduced us to a Sushi place here where you can get 48 pieces for $20. Usually we are so full that we have to unbutton the top button of our pants when we are done because our bellies are bursting. Oh wait, that's only me. :) And it is quality, fresh sushi.

Parker is 100% better! Woohoo!!!

God is continuing to work in John's heart and life and is making him a STRONG spiritual leader in our home and a man of conviction. I LOVE IT!! And I love him, too! We have had some VERY rough patches this year, but things are just going so amazing now. I praise God! BTW: he is spending so much time reading the word, putting together an evangelistic presentation in Spanish, researching reformation and calvinism to find out what he believes (thanks AMY) and is constantly desiring to share Christ with others. I praise God for sending us here so that John could blossom in his heart's passion and his calling from God.

I have been working through some "mom" issues with my friend and a counselor at school, Sheila. God is using it to change my heart and my thinking. And the more I seek to forgive and to be forgiven, the more my heart is opened and I can freely love my husband and children. And now, I am able to pray for my mother, sincerely. And God is teaching me things in my OWN life that I was not open to receive until I laid all this "mom" junk at his feet.


Learn to Speak Spanish the Easy Way

Our very AWESOME Ear, Nose and Throat doctor speaks English like a Native American.

I inquired as to where she studied English to be able to speak it so well (or where she lived).

She has only lived in Costa Rica. She has NEVER formally studied English. Seriously, she is the best English Speaker I have met here - and that is saying a lot!

So here's the deal: when she was 8 years old she LOVED, LOVED, LOVED to watch television. Well, her dad didn't really like this. So, he made a deal with her, hoping to dissuade her. She could watch as much television as she wanted, without limits, but it HAD to be in English! So...she watched, and watched and watched. And now she SPEAKS!!!!

She learned her perfect English only from watching television - no books, no conversations with gringos, just television. How weird is that?

I have wondered if my kids will learn Spanish from watching Discovery Kids shows in Spanish and have had my doubts. But honestly, I think when we are homeschooling again, I am going to permit a half an hour to an hour of day of fun, Spanish kids shows to help them along in their speaking.

So I'm not an advocate of the television, but if you want to become fluent in another language - turn it on!!! :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm back...and always more prayer needs

John didn't want me to interrupt his presensation/homeschool thoughts so I haven't been posting. By the way, his thoughts are simply that - his thoughts and his convictions; things he believes are right for OUR family. They are not intended to make you feel that we have problems if you have or do send your kids to school. These are thoughts he has regarding the vision God has given The Phams.

Please pray:

Parker was very ill yesterday with the vomits. After 20 times in a like 5 hours the doctor recommended we take him to the ER for some special meds. He is not vomitting anymore, but has felt nauseous all day. There are 3 of us left that have not had this virus. It seems to have a 5-7 day incubating period.

Jaxson's tonsils are coming out Saturday, May 30th at 7 a.m.

Avery is undergoing tests to see if she needs tubes in her ears or if her tonsils need to come out too. I will know in 3 weeks, but if you can imagine, her tonsils look worse than Jaxson's. She has had multiple throat and ear infections.

I had my WORST bible study experience yet today. It has been a struggle for various reasons since the beginning, but it has been more and more difficult each week due to certain elements of which I have no control. I talked with the leadership at the house of restoration and if things do not change, I will not be teaching there anymore. We are going to make some changes next week and we will see how it goes. I have felt the Lord say that I "can" be released from this responsibility, but that isn't really what my heart wants. Please pray things will change. I can't really go into detail on the internet. The leadership was "super helpful and kind" in understanding my concerns and problems. Please pray for my cultural adjustment as well.

Well, I have missed blogging. If you are interested, I can write about how God called me to homeschooling. It's kind of interesting b/c I use to be adamantly against it. :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Books you can't live without!

I want to place an order of books on Amazon of "Must" have books for life in Peru. Please send me a list of 3-5 books that you CANNOT live without - that have changed your life and that you are constantly referring too.

They can be Bible studies, parenting, marriage, fitness/exercise or Christian self-help books. I don't care what time period they were written in (meaning I even like late 1800 books). So let me know what books were eye-opening and life-changing to you and that you think I MUST have. I'd like to order soon! Thanks for your help. I will take your suggestions VERY seriously and will let you know what I order.

Already on my list are:

Created to be His Help Meet!
The Abs Diet

Friday, May 16, 2008

A new blog?????

You may remember that one of my greatest passions after Jesus and my family is exercising/fitness/health!

I am thinking of starting a fitness related blog with ideas, motivational tips, exercises, training tips, how to get fit and stay fit, exercises for normal people, what works and doesn't work, thoughts about food, recipes and any and everything related to this passion of mine. I think it will help me to stay motivated with exercising and eating well and I want to spur others on as well.

Please let me know if you are interested and would read it or participate! If I get enough positive feedback, I would love to start it. If not, I am going to just keep my passion to myself. :) I hope that's not the case.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


check out my blog ticker - only 2 months 4 weeks and 2 days until Lima. Can you believe it?

P.S.S. because we haven't had enough drama this week, Avery has the vomits that Jaxson had on Saturday with a fever. :) I can still use your prayers.

No more play-doh and bye-bye tonsils!

Ally wants you to see that she can fold her tongue in 3 sections. Actually, this is QUITE difficult and I haven't figured out how to do it. If you can do it, send me a picture or let me know. Look closely at how she has it folded in 3.

The play-doh is officially out of Jaxson's ear! The doctor said it was in there for at least 1-2 weeks. OUCH!!!

I have wanted to take Jaxson to the ENT for a long time, but you know with 4 kids and lanuage school sometimes things that don't seem like a priority aren't important. So.....this play-doh thing was a blessing in disguise.


Well, because these HAVE to come out!

Yes....for real, these are the tonsils of our 4 year old. How does he even breathe? And this picture is when he is healthy. You should see them when he has a cold or a throat infection. His whole throat gets swollen shut.

Without the play-doh, he wouldn't have seen the ENT and the ENT wouldn't have seen these monsters.

Jaxson has always had nose problems, but we didn't know they were stemming from THESE things and the big adenoids attached to them that are blocking his nasal passages. The ENT doctor said she usually tries medicines and treatments first, but one look at these bad boys and she said, "They HAVE to come out. I am taking them out. There is no need for tests. They HAVE to come out."

So, Jaxson's tonsils are coming out and he will be able to:
Sleep better
Behave better (because he's sleeping better)
Breathe Better
Eat better
Talk better
And grow better (oxygen supply helps growth)

His overall quality of life will be better without these golf-balls in his throat.

And in case you are wondering, is not normal for tonsils to be THIS big.

He is having some blood work done and we go back next Wednesday to set the surgery.

In other news, his abnormal mole is perfectly normal and his genitalia problems are fine as well.

Just in case you didn't get enough from the first picture!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

More drama

Jaxson and I went to the dermatologist today. As he was laying on my lap waiting for his appointment, I noticed something strange in his ear. The doctor checked it out and turns out it is a big piece of dried up play-doh. She could not remove it! She tried and tried. We have to go back tomorrow to see her sister who just happens to be an ENT! Please pray she can remove it easily and quickly.
Here has been our week:
Monday - a minor knee procedure that left me very dizzy and with a headache and out of sorts for a few days.
Tuesday - A trip to the ER at 6 a.m. when Avery's finger was crushed in the door.
Wednesday - A trip to the dermatologist to check out Jaxson's weird mole.
Thursday - A trip to the ENT for a play-doh removal.

Calgon, take me away. Too bad I don't have a bathtub right about now.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Needing Some Prayer

We are really needing prayer:

There have been several robberies, assaults, and would be assaults/robberies in our neighborhood - all of which are focused on the gringos from our school. Please pray for these thieves (who like to hold people up at gunpoint) to flee and for continued protection. All of these attacks have been in broad daylight and less than 1 - 5 blocks from our home and school.

Our family really needs prayer. Tonight we had a family meeting to try to bring some order back into our lives. I won't go into details, but please, please, please pray for our little ones and for their hearts. John and I are doing AWESOME, but we feel like our family is falling apart and that we are living an episode of Super Nanny. Seriously, it's gotten that bad! Avery's finger was crushed in the door today due to some disobedience issues at home, but praise God after a quick trip to the ER and a mangled looking finger (and lots of prayer) she was diagnosed as fine. And within 2 hours her finger looked much better. Still swollen, but not mangled. :) Just an example of why we need prayer for our family.

I am having a hard time this trimester. I'm not sure what is up, but Spanish is seeming ever so difficult where as last tri it didn't seem that way. My mind is kind of jumbled and no matter how much I work I am not making much progress. But right now, I really feel a need to focus 100% on the family but am distracted by Spanish. Or maybe it's vice-versa. Please pray I will have a clear mind, a focused heart and lots of peace.

Thank you for your prayers. Some of this is just life and some of it is spiritual warfare.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day, Dad

My dad....... (with LOTS of help from my grandma, aunt and step-mom) raised me. He has had me in his care since I was only 1 years old. There are not even enough words to describe how much I love my dad. I know he's not a mom, but he was my mom, of sorts. Here are a few things I learned from my mom/Dad:

To be nice to everyone and always smile!

How to bait a hook and cast a rod.

How to take the fish off of the hook.

How to eat the fish without getting the bones caught in my throat.

How to drive a boat.

How to water-ski, wake-board and tube!

How to go mud slinging in the back of a truck without falling off.

How to lift weights and take care of my body (yeh, my dad's obsessed too).

How to eat crab-legs while getting the most amount of meat possible.

How to mow the lawn and plant flowers.

How to clean the vehicles.

How to paint!

How to SWIM!!!!!!!

How to keep on loving people when they are driving you nuts.

How to play mind-games (this is a secret between me and my dad).

How to eat oysters without crackers or sauce - just raw. YUMMY!

How to flip my eye-lids up and keep them that way for at least 10 seconds.

How to check for the PH balance in a pool and make sure its chemicals are stabilized. (This knowledge has gotten me far in life. HAHAHA)!!!

How to drive! This is why my dad has soooo many gray hairs.

How to watch Star Trek.

How to lift my hands high and scream really loudly on a roller coaster.

How to squint my nose when I smile. He does this too and it's precious.

How to do a front handspring on land and a back flip in the pool. We practiced these for like forever.

Last but not least, how to love my own kids despite my imperfections!!!!!!!

I love that my dad was just himself with me as he raised me. He didn't try to be a "mom." He was a dad, acting as mom, but he was still a dad. Does that make sense? And he loved to spend time with me doing "fun" stuff - exactly the way I am with my kids.

Happy Mother's day, DAD!!! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!!!

and a special shout out to my Aunt Kim , Mema and Charlann who filled in ALL of the gaps and at one time or another had me under their care too.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


John in all of his sweet glory tried to plan a date for us tonight in honor of me being the mother of his 4 precious children. Let me rephrase that....he planned a date for us tonight. And as we were getting ready to leave, little Jaxson Dean vomitted. This would not be the first time he has O.D'd on sugar. At first we thought he was nauseous from all the sugar he had at a b-day party that we went to today, but then we realized, later of course, that he didn't eat anything at the party. UH-OH! That was clue #1 that something wasn't right!
Clue #2, he had a 101 fever.
Clue #3 that he has a virus, and that he DIDN'T O.D. on sugar, is that he has continued to throw up all evening. We were only out of the house for an hour before we called home and found out about clue's number 2 and 3. So we returned promptly to rescue the babysitters and take care of him.
I'm sad he's sick, but honestly, what a great way to spend mother's day - being a mom and doing things that moms are the best at - like nurturing a sick child back to health and giving lots of hugs and loves to help him feel better. After all, these are the precious moments of motherhood.

What I love about this Country:

In honor of my 275th blog (see last post), here are a few my favorite things about Costa Rica:

The sun comes up at 5 a.m. (seriously, I love this).

The weather is usually perfect most of the time. No A/C or heater is needed!

A tree full of parakeets is spectacular.

The hummingbirds that live in our backyard.

The view of the mountains from our windows.

Everything is easily accessible by walking. And if it is not...the buses are very easy, reliable and cheap.

The produce is phenomonal and wont' hurt your wallet.

There is a bakery on almost every corner and their bread is usually fresh and fabulous.


Otero's Brazilliana Pizza-covered with tomotaoes and a lemon! Yummy!

The fact that we can get medicines we need without a prescription. Save time and money!

The sweet Ticas/Ticos that invest in John and I in our spanish learning endeavors and expect absolutely nothing in return. They just want to help us learn Spanish so that we can spread the Gospel.

How Ticos usually dress nice whether they have money or not. They take very good care of themselves.

The countless people who suffer through our bad Spanglish and laugh with us!

I could go on and on. But truthfully, I could live here forever if it was God's will. Unfortunately, it is not. But we LOVE this amazingly beautiful country and the wonderful people that God has filled it with.

A milestone of sorts......

This marks our 275th post and as of yesterday we reached 12,000 hits on our blog! WOOOHOOO!!!

Thank you to all who read and are faithful in reading when we are not faithful in writing.

It is an honor for us to know that you are invested in this journey with us; to know that you are praying for us; encouraging us in our struggles and victories; and that you support us with your friendship and interest in God's calling on our lives.

So, here's to 12,000 more hits and 275 more posts!!!!!!

More pictures and stories to come this weekend of my time with my awesome friends Jennifer and Deidre! What a blast!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What I did yesterday

Ready to Roll!
Jumping off the rock at the bottom of a very BIG waterfall! And we swam in this little lagoon! IT was paradise. I am the one to the left.
Riding the Rapid (I'm the one on the right)!

Hi Five - river style!

Are you jealous?

DO NOT watch this around children! These videos are not graphic, but not appropriate for little eyes and ears either.

I appreciate these videos b/c they are not propoganda or just a religious message. This is what happens!

As Christians we need to be aware that when a presidential candidate says they are "pro-abortion," that they are saying they support what you see on these videos.

It Was a Shot... In the Dark

John wrote:

Thank you to those who prayed for me yesterday, when I gave a shot at "storying" the Bible at the House of Restoration, instead of the normal preaching. Unfortunately, at times it felt like a shot in the dark. I have a new found respect for Jessica and how she leads a women's study at the House for women each week, because preaching a sermon is entirely different than leading an interactive study. Primarily because it is super hard to understand people when they talk really fast, and I have the Spanish vocabulary of a 5th grader, o.k. 2nd grader.

So yesterday, after telling the Bible story, I asked several discussion type questions. But let's just say, at times there wasn't much of a discussion. Several times, I asked the question, the gentleman answered, and when he finished, everyone looked back to me to comment on his comment. All he got back from me was a "deer in the headlights" face and an "anyone else?". Or an "Amen. Anyone else?" Humbling and scary to think in just 3 short months, Bible studies will be one of my primary functions in life.

Bur overall, the guys know me and they have seen my heart/Spanish over the past 4 months. And it doesn't hurt when I start off by saying, "In the states, normally I start off my talks with a joke. But here it's not necessary...because my Spanish is the joke." Tends to take the pressure off.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Trying to take a phamily photo!

Let's Give It a Shot

John wrote:

I was just talking to our friend Deidre, who is visiting from the States, and telling her about Jessica teaching Bible studies at the women's House of Restoration and me discipling and preaching at the men's House of Restoration. She thought it was something related to the school that students participate in. But after telling her the story of how God brought to us a Costa Rican friend that introduced us to the house, and how it started as an opportunity to simply practice talking in Spanish, and then somehow became what it is to us today, I just had to praise Jesus for how He works. I never would have imagined that we would have such a wonderful opportunity to do ministry while still totally stumbling our way through Spanish. Jessica and I have learned so many invaluable lessons (does and don'ts) about ministering in Spanish. And especially about ministering to people on the fringe of society, which is exactly the demographic we will be ministering to in Peru. So glory to God, for His plans!!

On that note, tomorrow I will be venturing into new ministry territory for me. Tomorrow is my typical day to preach at the 4:00 pm "time of teaching" at the House. But instead of presenting a typical sermon, I will be "Bible-storying", which is something we learned and simulated during our 8 weeks of training in Virginia. It is a technique to orally present the Bible to illiterate people groups or people groups that don't have the Bible, in such a way that they can correctly reproduce the Bible stories to families/friends and following generations. In a nutshell, we tell the Bible story, ask listeners to collectively recreate the story, say what they liked, what they didn't like and what it teaches about God/Jesus. Tomorrow will be my first time for real, and on top of that will be in Spanish (which I have not really spoken in a week due to our break).

So if you remember, please pray for me.

Friday, May 2, 2008

There's Something About Jessica

Soooo I'm not exactly Cameron Diaz, but this haircut reminds me of her from the movie "There's Something about Mary." I went back to the Hair Salon ($4 more dollars) to have the back of my hair angled some more and the stylist is scissor happy and she cut off 2 more inches and I almost cried. Oh well, I'm trying to make the best of it!

Look out Cameron!!

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