Saturday, May 24, 2008

Learn to Speak Spanish the Easy Way

Our very AWESOME Ear, Nose and Throat doctor speaks English like a Native American.

I inquired as to where she studied English to be able to speak it so well (or where she lived).

She has only lived in Costa Rica. She has NEVER formally studied English. Seriously, she is the best English Speaker I have met here - and that is saying a lot!

So here's the deal: when she was 8 years old she LOVED, LOVED, LOVED to watch television. Well, her dad didn't really like this. So, he made a deal with her, hoping to dissuade her. She could watch as much television as she wanted, without limits, but it HAD to be in English! So...she watched, and watched and watched. And now she SPEAKS!!!!

She learned her perfect English only from watching television - no books, no conversations with gringos, just television. How weird is that?

I have wondered if my kids will learn Spanish from watching Discovery Kids shows in Spanish and have had my doubts. But honestly, I think when we are homeschooling again, I am going to permit a half an hour to an hour of day of fun, Spanish kids shows to help them along in their speaking.

So I'm not an advocate of the television, but if you want to become fluent in another language - turn it on!!! :)


laytonfamily said...

Our old neighbors moved from Spain and dad spoke little to no English. He stayed home with his son - while mom had a great job. Dad and son watched PBS television shows and little by little he would have these long conversations with us - in English. After 2 years - he was fluent, no classes! We were amazed!

Amy said...

Hmmm...well, I have been looking for a reason to watch some television. Do you think I can get a copy of the original My Friend Flicka in say, Russina or French? I'll have to check that out!

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