Friday, February 27, 2009

My hubby

Let me tell you all the ways my husband has served me this week alone! Yes, I am still battling some sickness which has led to physical, emotional and spiritual fatigue. So:

1. He signed me up for swimming lessons - HAPPILY! I will swim laps twice a week at night when the kids are sleeping.

2. He stepped outside of our "budget" (this is hard for a spreadsheet minded engineer) and bought me a portable air-conditioner unit to keep me cool and sane. We felt that this might GREATLY improve how I am feeling. Then he spent another 3 hours setting it up and figuring it out.

3. He took the family out to eat to Benihana's because 1., it fit my cravings and 2., it's air-conditioned and 3., it was out of the house. He was so happy to once again step outside of the budget to make me smile.

4. He came home early one day unexpectedly to give me some relief and just to let me know how much he cares for me.

5. He has prayed for me daily and asked me how I am feeling constantly.

6. He doesn't complain when I have to randomly lay down for periods of time when I feel nauseated.

7. I almost forgot, he let me go out one afternoon by myself to buy some clothes that fit my ever expanding waistline.

8. He has kindly eaten or ran to the store to buy whatever crazy craving I might be having on a particular day. Seriously, one day if I crave pickles, then I have to have them RIGHT THEN! He has never once said anything negative about the money I am spending to satsify my irrational cravings or the fact that he is having to eat what I WANT to eat.

9. And if I don't feel like it, he happily goes to the park or swimming lessons without me - without complaint.

10. And this is on top of ALL of the ministry he is doing. Sometimes he works EXTRA hard after hours to make sure he can keep up with everything and still help carry my load.

Is he not hubby of the CENTURY or what? How in the world did I end up with a guy this amazing?

Sometimes I am so negative about his faults and I just had to share ALL of the ways this wonderful, Godly, family man has blessed me this week ALONE! I praise God for his commitment to me, our children, and the Lord. I love him so much!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A new OBGYN and bye-bye homebirth!

This week I went to an OBGYN that speaks English. I wasn't feeling comfortable with the other sweet doctor who only speak Spanish. I don't want to leave any room for error with possible communication problems. Plus, I'm not sure her level of care is what I was looking for. This means no homebirth! I am completely okay with this and think it the best given we are living in Peru. I am still going to have a natural labor and delivery as if I was at home. :) Anyway, I went to see Dr. Jaime Gonzalez Del Reigo in his plush, brand-new, American like office on the 10th floor of a tower. It's a far cry from the dump I went to for my last appointment. Oops, did I say that? Needless to say, I am happy with my change in decision and feel like he is the best doctor for me. He lived in the U.S. for 22 years and speaks English without an accent. He sounds like us. Anyway, he did an ultrasound and the baby looked EXACTLY like the baby in my ticker. How cool! He said my uterus is definitely bigger than 8 1/2 weeks (which is why I have a cute baby bump already). I guess this happens when you decide to have 5 kids! :) The baby measure exactly to the day! YEAH! With a great, strong heart-beat. All of my blood work came back perfect, far, so good. I am still really sick, which is causing me to be grumpy and down. Your prayers are still needed. John says this is the sickest I have been in my pregnancies. I think he is right. Thank you for praying for this precious life. Just to see and hear the heartbeat on the ultrasound brought tears to my eyes and made me declare that "THIS IS WORTH IT!" THIS IS WORTH IT! The blessing is a miracle. It has brought me closer to my other 4 blessings. They are just bouncing off the walls in anticipation. So am I!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Help me win something

I'm trying to win a free Vision Forum give away on

If you go to this blog and scroll down to the giveway and leave a comment under the comments section and tell her that (Jess in Peru) referred you, I will be automatically be entered. And check out her blog while your at it.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Captivate Us

The Lord has been using this song to minister to my heart. I hope it blesses yours as well.

Captivate Us Lyrics by Watermark

Send "Captivate Us" by Watermark

Your face is beautiful
And Your eyes are like the stars
Your gentle hands have healing
There inside the scars
Your loving arms they draw me near
And Your smile it brings me peace
Draw me closer oh my Lord
Draw me closer Lord to Thee

Captivate us, Lord Jesus
Set our eyes on You
Devastate us with Your presence
Falling down
And rushing river, draw us nearer
Holy fountain consume us with You
Captivate us Lord Jesus, with You

Your voice is powerful
And Your words are radiant bright
In Your breath and shadow
I will come close and abide
You whisper love and life divine
And Your fellowship is free
Draw me closer O my Lord
Draw me closer Lord to Thee


Let everything be lost in the shadows
Of the light of Your face
Let every chain be broken from me
As I’m bound in Your grace
For Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light
You’re full of wisdom, power and might
And every eye will see You

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Just wondering if you noticed the little baby in my baby ticker? It sprouted arms and legs this week and the tail is almost gone. Next week it will be completely gone. How cool! Keep watching it each week to see the miracle!

Oasis Ministry Update

So marks our 6 months of being here. 4 months ago, we began to work in an area called Oasis. Here is a video update (below is a desciption and update on prayer needs).

Oasis is located in one of the southern districts (suburbs) of Lima, called Villa El Salvador. Oasis started as an invasion of open land three years ago. It is a rectangular area which covers about 8 blocks by 3 blocks. The area is divided into 3 groups or phases. Group 1 is the oldest, Group 2 has the largest land area, but Group 3 has the most people. Group 1 has over 500 homes in a 3 square block area! There is no running water or sewer, but there is electricity. Each group has their own internal, informal government with a president, vice-president, directors and even security guards at the perimeter wood gates. The areas are vey well organized.
Two years ago an IMB missionary was working in the area and was able, with the support of a stateside church, build a community center. The missionary was able to start a small church gathering, but had to go back to the States for 9 months for a family emergency. While gone, a Pentecostal group took over the work, but then shortly abandoned the church. When we arrived 6 months ago, we tried to start things back up, but there was not much response, even among the original group members. But then FBC McComb from Mississippi came and we held Back Yard Bible Studies and evengelistic services. After they left, God had revived the work. New people have joined, old members returned, new believers are being baptized, more are interested in being baptized.

However, one month ago, the area reorganized to give all the residents bigger peices of land. We were not able to meet for three weeks during the deconstruction and reconstruction of the homes. Families moved to different locations and the community center was disassembled. In the move, the materials for the community center were stolen or destroyed. Now we are meeting out in the open in an open peice of land, but people do not know where we are meeting. There is no way to spread the word, since the community megaphone system has not been reassembled, and we don't know where the members live anymore.

So we need the assistance of stateside churches to come and do Back Yard Bible Studies, evangelistic services and door-to-door evangelism. This will inform the community where we are meeting as well as continue reaching the community with the Gospel.


Please pray for Ally. She has been having stomach problems for some time now. Yesterday she fell ill with a high fever and diarrhea and I decided to finally take her to the doctor. Anyway, we sent in two stool samples this a.m. and the lab called us RIGHT away and said we needed to call the doctor right away. She has blood in her stool and her stomach is inflammed 4+. Not sure what that means. We are having a hard time getting in touch with the doctor who treated us yesterday. Please pray we can get her the care she needs TODAY and not have to wait until Monday. If we can't get in touch with the pediatrician's office within the next hour, we are going to call the wonderful doctor who treated me for Shigella. Please pray for Ally. I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned.

Yesterday the doctor was leaning toward some type of parasite or giardia. I'm not sure if today's results confirm or negate anything.

Just heard from the doctor and the inflammation is significant, but the blood in the stool is normal for someone who is having these kind of problems. He believes she probably has girardia as well as some other type of accute baterial infection. She is starting antibiotics today, but we are waiting for the full culture to pin-point the exact type of bacteria so that we can treat it accordingly. It could take 3-4 days for the results and the doctor didn't want to wait that long. Worst case scenario, she is on antibiotics for awhile until we kill exactly what is living in her belly Welcome to 3rd world living! :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

a rundown

If your wondering how things are going over here I'll give you the run down. It goes something like this:

wake up, nausea, lay down, eat a cracker, nausea, john takes over, more nausea, continue with the daily routine with lots of nausea, laying down, fatigue and John doing my job. In case I haven't mentioned it, he is wonderful.

I forgot how hard pregnancy is. I am really trying to not whine and complain, but it takes an army from your body to build a new life. I'm counting down the days until this trimester is over.

My husband is amazing and without complaint as I lay around trying to keep my cookies down. And last night when I couldn't keep them down and had to stick my head out of the van on the freeway, he was so kind to clean the van afterwards. Apparently, stomache acid will eat the paint. I had NO idea. He's a doll!

I have no idea, truly, what's going in ministry right now. I know there are some Bible studies and John is discipling individuals as well as helping hold the fort down here. :)

Please pray for:
that God would provide another homeschooling family here for us to have fellowship with. I know he can do this.
for us as we decide about our healthcare options this pregnancy. The OBGYN that will delivery the baby at home doesn't speak English and I don't think that is going to work out for me.
that I would regain my motivation to exercise. This is so important to me.
For Oasis and that people would start coming to the study and service. Things have changed since the neighborhood changes.
my continual homesickness and feeling like an alien to GO AWAY for good. And no, I don't share this with the kids. They have no idea. :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The blessing of a heartbeat

On Tuesday we had an ultrasound of baby Pham #5. We saw a tiny little blueberry with a beautiful, strong-heart rate. Praise God for the miracle of life. It's hard to believe that many people don't believe that I am carrying a life at this point and only consider it an "embryo."(pro-abortion supporters). Incredible! The miracle of life never gets old to us. We stand in awe of God and the perfect little heart beat that pumps life into this baby!

On that note, please pray for me as I have been nauseated all day long today and was unfunctionable. It started the moment I stood up this morning. John and our great friends, the McLambs had to rescue me and take care of the other little ones today. I am praying that tomorrow will be a much better day. I can tell you though, that this momentary sickness is worth EVERY single minute of it so that we can welcome this precious life into the world.

I really feel so confident that this is a boy. I have never had this kind of confidence before, but I feel really sure. I hope I'm not wrong or I'll have egg of my face. hehehehe.... Oh well!

Check out this link to see how the baby is developing this week. Can you believe that in one week it doubled in size? WOW!!

By the way....if we have a girl, which I doubt, it will Alani Bella Pham (a soft vowel A). The middle name is pronounced like Ella in English not Ella in Spanish. We got that name from John's mom who is Be and my grandma who is ella. Be + Ella = Bella!

A boy will be Greer ??? Pham. Greer is my maiden name in case you wonder where we got that name from. My family is super excited about us using that name. If you have any good middle names, please let us know. We are not finding out what the sex of the baby is. Surprise! Surprise!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

We're home

We are home from our IMB prayer retreat. We added 2 days on to the end of it to have some family relaxation by the pool. We had fun, but the weather wasn't as sunny as we'd hoped. The kids swam their hearts out. We came home refreshed, but yet tired from having so many people in just a few beds.

I signed up for the Disney Marathon for January 10, 2010. The baby is due Oct. 3 so right away (like 2-3 weeks after delivery), I have to start training. It will be a great motivation to get back in shape and drop the baby weight. And the bonus is that I will spend 2 weeks in Florida with my friends and family AND running my favorite marathon for the 3rd time. I don't care if I have to run really slow or even walk. I'm so excited to get to participate next year (Lord willing). Each year I get so sad when my friends run and I can't. What a blessing!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mostly Ministry (not proofread)

So much to write, so I am going to do it in bullet points to avoid rambling.

* Christina's daughter was attacked by 2 girls and a mother in her neighborhood. Some of the problems are stemming from their new house and some from the daughter's attitude as well. Please pray for them. The neighborhood wasn't happy when she lived in a hole and apparently many aren't happy that she was blessed either. This just goes to show how much these people need Jesus.

* Oasis is having a ton of problems. We were called yesterday and told we couldn't go out there to have a service because they were having another meeting with the governor about the housing situation. Apparently last week they had meetings and it got out of hand (violence and rioting or something of the sorts). And they were expecting more of the same today, but worse. We were told to stay away.

* The building we were using to have church in Oasis is a community center built by a church in the U.S. The building was dismantled and apparently some of the walls have been stolen. We doubt the building will ever be put back up again and the concrete is now being occupied by someone's house. We have NO PLACE to meet now. God is bigger than all of this and we know he will prevail. We don't know when we can start meeting again. We haven't been able to meet for 3 weeks.

* So...we decided to go out to another neighborhood in Oasis and do an impromptu Bible Study. Neither one of us were excited to go, but we felt like we needed to. We had nothing planned with the people, but just loaded up the kids and went. Well, we ended up doing a Bible study with 9 people - including us. It was on Faith and the importance of Faith, Works and Obedience. John did a great job and our little ones were so happy to be playing. The people in this neighborhood are some of the ones who were meeting in the other Oasis (there is Oasis 1 and 3). Anyway, they really want to start a church in their neighborhood. We'll see where it goes. They all asked for prayer for their spiritual lives. I can honestly say, this was such a nice study and much better than a service of 40 with hardly any help. This was more manageable and intimate. Please be praying for what the Lord is doing. John and I are praying too, but we are not sure where this is going with the other Oasis shake-up.

* While we were leading the study, Jaxson begged a little store owner for a lolli-pop. After begging her for awhile, he finally said, "Do you know the Bible? The Bible says you should share lollipops with little kids?" Of course, this isn't good, but it WAS hillarious. He said he just begged until they caved and he got the lollipop.

* We did our Seeking Him study again! 2 days in a row! Woohooo! We had a great family day and are both feeling better, spiritually, already!

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