Saturday, February 21, 2009


Please pray for Ally. She has been having stomach problems for some time now. Yesterday she fell ill with a high fever and diarrhea and I decided to finally take her to the doctor. Anyway, we sent in two stool samples this a.m. and the lab called us RIGHT away and said we needed to call the doctor right away. She has blood in her stool and her stomach is inflammed 4+. Not sure what that means. We are having a hard time getting in touch with the doctor who treated us yesterday. Please pray we can get her the care she needs TODAY and not have to wait until Monday. If we can't get in touch with the pediatrician's office within the next hour, we are going to call the wonderful doctor who treated me for Shigella. Please pray for Ally. I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned.

Yesterday the doctor was leaning toward some type of parasite or giardia. I'm not sure if today's results confirm or negate anything.

Just heard from the doctor and the inflammation is significant, but the blood in the stool is normal for someone who is having these kind of problems. He believes she probably has girardia as well as some other type of accute baterial infection. She is starting antibiotics today, but we are waiting for the full culture to pin-point the exact type of bacteria so that we can treat it accordingly. It could take 3-4 days for the results and the doctor didn't want to wait that long. Worst case scenario, she is on antibiotics for awhile until we kill exactly what is living in her belly Welcome to 3rd world living! :)


The Byrd's Nest said...

I continue to pray for Ally...bless her heart. I DO love that song Jessica...beautiful words.

jackye said...

Jess, please let my precious little Ally know we here at FBC are praying for her. (And for you, too) Thank you so much for your blog--I know you don't really feel like writing, but I love being able to keep up with you all. We are really looking forward to coming back to Peru in the future--it's a fact that you just fall in love with the Peruvian people. And of course we all fell in love with your phamily! When we get ready to come, we'll check with you to see what you might want or need so we can bring it when we come. Take care--we love you all! Jackye

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