Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mostly Ministry (not proofread)

So much to write, so I am going to do it in bullet points to avoid rambling.

* Christina's daughter was attacked by 2 girls and a mother in her neighborhood. Some of the problems are stemming from their new house and some from the daughter's attitude as well. Please pray for them. The neighborhood wasn't happy when she lived in a hole and apparently many aren't happy that she was blessed either. This just goes to show how much these people need Jesus.

* Oasis is having a ton of problems. We were called yesterday and told we couldn't go out there to have a service because they were having another meeting with the governor about the housing situation. Apparently last week they had meetings and it got out of hand (violence and rioting or something of the sorts). And they were expecting more of the same today, but worse. We were told to stay away.

* The building we were using to have church in Oasis is a community center built by a church in the U.S. The building was dismantled and apparently some of the walls have been stolen. We doubt the building will ever be put back up again and the concrete is now being occupied by someone's house. We have NO PLACE to meet now. God is bigger than all of this and we know he will prevail. We don't know when we can start meeting again. We haven't been able to meet for 3 weeks.

* So...we decided to go out to another neighborhood in Oasis and do an impromptu Bible Study. Neither one of us were excited to go, but we felt like we needed to. We had nothing planned with the people, but just loaded up the kids and went. Well, we ended up doing a Bible study with 9 people - including us. It was on Faith and the importance of Faith, Works and Obedience. John did a great job and our little ones were so happy to be playing. The people in this neighborhood are some of the ones who were meeting in the other Oasis (there is Oasis 1 and 3). Anyway, they really want to start a church in their neighborhood. We'll see where it goes. They all asked for prayer for their spiritual lives. I can honestly say, this was such a nice study and much better than a service of 40 with hardly any help. This was more manageable and intimate. Please be praying for what the Lord is doing. John and I are praying too, but we are not sure where this is going with the other Oasis shake-up.

* While we were leading the study, Jaxson begged a little store owner for a lolli-pop. After begging her for awhile, he finally said, "Do you know the Bible? The Bible says you should share lollipops with little kids?" Of course, this isn't good, but it WAS hillarious. He said he just begged until they caved and he got the lollipop.

* We did our Seeking Him study again! 2 days in a row! Woohooo! We had a great family day and are both feeling better, spiritually, already!

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