Friday, March 27, 2009


A beautiful song to lift your weary hearts!

Gratitude: Nicole Nordemen

Send some rain, would You send some rain?
'Cause the earth is dry and needs to drink again
And the sun is high and we are sinking in the shade
Would You send a cloud, thunder long and loud?
Let the sky grow black and send some mercy down
Surely You can see that we are thirsty and afraid
But maybe not, not today
Maybe You'll provide in other ways
And if that's the case ...

We'll give thanks to You with gratitude
For lessons learned in how to thirst for You
How to bless the very sun that warms our face
If You never send us rain

Daily bread, give us daily bread
Bless our bodies, keep our children fed
Fill our cups, then fill them up again tonight
Wrap us up and warm us through
Tucked away beneath our sturdy roofs
Let us slumber safe from danger's view this time
Or maybe not, not today
Maybe You'll provide in other ways
And if that's the case ...

We'll give thanks to You with gratitude
A lesson learned to hunger after You
That a starry sky offers a better view
If no roof is overhead
And if we never taste that bread

Oh, the differences that often are between
Everything we want and what we really need

So grant us peace, Jesus, grant us peace
Move our hearts to hear a single beat
Between alibis and enemies tonight
Or maybe not, not today
Peace might be another world away
And if that's the case ...

We'll give thanks to You with gratitude
For lessons learned in how to trust in You
That we are blessd beyond what we could ever dream
In abundance or in need
And if You never grant us peace ...

But, Jesus, would You please ...


Always waiting for the next thing......that's how I would describe myself.

Not content where I'm at, always wanting more. This can be a wonderfully, blessed thing, or in times of trials it can be a curse that stop me in my tracks.

In these days, it's not spurring me on, it's slowing me down. Looking for the next thing is not what I'm needing. Focusing on the here and now and glorifying God in the midst of it is where I need to be. I can focus, at times, but the glorifying part seems an insurmountable challenge.

All I can think is that I need to GET wisdom, understanding, prudence, discretion and knowledge. They can only be found at the feet of our Lord and in the pages of His love letter to us.

If I could just sit long enough at His feet and pour myself into His letters of passion for me, then I would find the place that I long to be. The place that He longs for me to be. And the here and now would certainly bring me the contenment that I think can only be found in tomorrow or yesterday.

Lord, I come to you wanting and waiting and knowing that You are enough. Make that a reality of my heart, not just some knowledge in my head. YOU ARE ENOUGH! Right here, right now - it's YOU that is enough for me!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009 this is NOT Facebook, but if it were, this would be today's status update:

Jessica would NOT be opposed to receiving Cadbury Chocolate Egg's in the mail since she hasn't eaten one in over two years! :) :) :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I should NOT have eaten the chicken and rice in Oasis Sunday afternoon. Exactly 12 hours after writing my last post about how glad I was that I ate the food, I fell very ill and have been hugging the toilet ever since. It was a long, long night and today has been as equally long and disgusting. Pride cometh before the fall!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Oasis Update

Things are really looking up in Oasis, once again. Your prayers are making ALL the difference. We had about 30-50 people come out for the service on Sunday. We have a new location in which we are meeting. It is a sand-lot with no roof or walls. Well, we have two walls because we are backed up to a day care and someone's house. There is an official sign that marks our "area." The sign says Baptist Church - Jesus The Rock! :) We have benches to sit on, Bibles and PEOPLE!!!!! We are doing a Bible Study at 4 p.m., followed by an actual service at 5 p.m. John announced it that this week that we are going to have a men's and women's Bible study starting next Sunday. To which I promptly replied, "But who is going to teach the women?" And his response, "You are!" LOL!!! So I guess starting this Sunday I will be teaching a women's Bible study again in the afternoons. Let's hope I can make it without having to run to the side of the car to lose my lunch like last Sunday. That was fun given there are no bathrooms, sinks or anything that makes getting sick easy.

Last Sunday, a visiting American gave a woman in our church some money to make Chicken and Rice and Salad for the entire group. WOW! It was delicious. We had a great turnout and everything was calm and peaceful (no begger's brawl like at Christmas time). We actually got to sit around and enjoy the food and fellowship. We were the ONLY gringos eating the food (something I'm sure we'll regret in a few days), but I am glad we ate. She didn't seem to understand why the other gringos weren't eating and she kept asking over and over why they didn't want to eat. I had 2 plates! :)

The afternoon was such a delight.

The study was dynamic and the people are really starting to learn how to study the Bible (we have taught them how to study the Bible with nothing except the Bible using something called SPECKA that we learned in training). One woman, Judith, opened up and gave a testimony about how her life and heart have changed so much since the church began. She said she is not the same person anymore and that God is doing miracles in her life. It was touching. A few other people shared about the radical differences they are seeing when Jesus touches a person's life. WOW! The truth of Christ is REALLY touching their hearts.

This weekend, or next, they people of the church want to host a movie night in their neighborhood to raise money for the church. They are TOTALLY invested in growing up "their" church. We are not providing funds, so it is up to them to make this happen. They are going to cook food and sell it all day and then sell tickets to their movie night. I think they are going to show Fireproof. John is really excited to see their enthusiasm.

And speaking of enthusiasm, John has been training up a guy to lead worship. Last week the gentlemen took the initiative to find 8 new songs that he liked. He printed out the words and made copies for everyone - just like John had done in the past. We don't even know where he found a computer or the money to print the copies. But he did it with enthusiasm. His whole family came out to see him lead worship. The only bummer was that another national who LOVES attention, actually took over the leading of worship (not his job), so that the guy who organized everything couldn't introduce the new songs or sing. He only played the guitar in the backseat quietly. To be completely honest, I was really irked! On a lighter note, John did not ask this precious guy to step up and add new worship songs, but he just did it all on his own. We can't express how wonderful this is to see a national taking ownership and initiative. :) WONDERFUL!

Praise God for the progress we are seeing and the work that He is doing!!!

P.S. For those of you from McComb who are reading this, Jad preached on Sunday and he did an EXCELLENT job! I think things are going well for him on ALL fronts!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Homebirth in Peru?

So I TOTALLY forgot to mention that having a homebirth here in Peru has become an option once again. I am very happy with the Dr. I saw 1 time. I loved many things about the experience EXCEPT the hospital birth. Well, I met another American last week who had her baby 9 months ago in her house by a legitimate OBGYN who speaks perfect English and has an office in a clinic. Remember, some of my other concerns from the first lady (dr?) who said she would deliver came from a language barrier and the fact that I wasn't sure if the she was a legit doctor or not. Anyway, I am going to visit the Dr. I like one more time and really express to him what my desires for my birthing experience are. If they cannot be met, then I will visit the English-speaking German doctor (a woman - this is a HUGE plus for me) to proceed with a homebirth. John said he is TOTALLY supportive of me having another home-birth here. He is also supportive of me continuing to run. The new dr. told me I cannot run. So I said to him, "You mean you just don't want to KNOW that I am running?" Hahaha.. I've successfully ran throughout two pregnancies and I'm certainly not going to sit this one out when I have a marathon to run just 3 months after d-day! :) Anyway, please be praying about the home-birth situation and that we would have wisdom and guidance in this situation. I am open to both, but my heart REALLY wants to have another experience at home. Even John agreed how wonderful it was for both of us. My next appointment is in a week so I'll let you know what I decide after my conversation with the doctor.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Today is the most exciting day of our life here in Peru - SO FAR! John's mom is coming today! Our first visitor! We are all so excited we can hardly contain it. She is only here for 5 days, but we are going to enjoy every minute of her. John will be taking time off except for Sunday when we have church in Oasis. We will be bringing her with us for that anyway. We are counting down the hours until we get to hug her neck.

Ally turned 7 yesterday. What a doll she is! I spent the day shopping with her and Avery while John took the boys out to the South Cone to help with construction. Now, everyone (except John) has officially had a birthday in Peru. Here are the ages in case you were wondering - Parker 8, Ally 7. Jaxson 5 and Avery 3.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A case of the giggles

The first part of this video has great sound, but then it goes fuzzy. Just turn it down maybe. Thought you might enjoy the giggles. I hear that they're contagious!

Something to laugh about

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Homeschooling Evaluation UPDATES

Yesterday was the BIG homeschooling evaluation day that I think most homeschooling mom's dread. Are they learning? Am I doing okay? Are we making progress? All these questions and more swirled through my mind.

I was most nervous about Jaxson. He is 5 years old and 3 months. I consider him in kindergarten, but in America he would only be in pre-school because his birthday is November 10 - 2 months after the cut off for public schools. I was really thinking he shouldn't be evaluated because he is so young still and I was really nervous he just wouldn't perform.

Okay - so here is the run down:

She said that Parker and Ally have great handwriting! WOOOHOOOO!

Jaxson did AWESOME! He did AMAZING on his kindergarten/first-grade evaluation and she said he is COMPLETELY ready to start first grade and he has already mastered many first grade skills. That is totally a God thing. So we press on to the first grade now that I know he is READY!!! Yeah!!!

Ally! When I received Ally from Costa Rica in August she had just completed kindergarten and couldn't read a word or sound out ANYTHING. I considered her to be greatly behind in reading, writing and math. We have worked VERY hard to get caught up to where she should be. I am happy to report that Ally came out EXACTLY on spot where she should be - a kid finishing up her first grade year. Her reading, writing and Math were All at a high first grade level. And guess what, Ally is about to be starting second grade in a few months here at home! So she has caught up and we are looking forward to her future progress.

Parker! This distracted guy did really great as well. In Costa Rica, he skipped first grade and went to 2nd (if you will remember). We picked up with 3rd grade here at home. In reading he tested at a 6th grade level! He reads like an 11 1/2 year old! YEAH! GO HOOKED ON PHONICS MASTER READER! His sentence writing is at a 4th grade level. This is a God thing for sure. I have no formal writing curriculum right now so we have just kind of been winging it. His reading comprehension was a little behind, but she thinks it was because he was so excited that he tried to read as fast as he could to show her how good he can read and he was paying NO attention to WHAT he was reading. He tested right on for everything else - 3rd grade level for math and spelling.

The evaluator used a complicated, American system that I guess is recognized nationwide by the school systems. She said if I ever went to put them in school then I would show these papers to the school and they would be accepted.

Anyway, I was souring high yesterday. It felt like PAYDAY to know that they are doing well and really making progress; especially given how inconsistent we have been since we have been transitioning to a new life here in Peru these past 6 months. She said whatever we are doing we should keep doing it. She was very pleased with the Calvert Curriculum we ordered and will be starting soon. She said that it is one of her favorite curriculums for homeschoolers and she doesn't know why more mom's do NOT use it. She said it will leave no gaps in their education. Parker will be starting 4th grade, Ally 2nd and Jaxson 1st. I want to work through the entire summer (winter here) so that we can take 3-4 months off when the baby comes. The curriculum should arrive sometime this week.

Anyway, I was just praising God all day yesterday and very thankful that everything turned out so well. I am definitely going to have her come back once a year so that we can know where the kids are and what we need to strengthen. So all in all - a GREAT evaluation.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Greatest Story

2 steps forward, 1 step back and a stumble now and then...

This is an old school song that brings me to tears. Today as we were looking at old family pictures (from America) I just kept hearing the lies in my head that said, "You use to have worth in Florida. You use to be a better mother, wife and friend. You use to be so smart, athletic, funny, creative and a go-getter. You made a difference. In AMERICA you HAD value." And today is certainly not the first day that I have been bombarded with these lies. And then tonight, as I was listening to this song, I literally wept as I heard the line that says "You cannot measure your worth by human standards. That's always a lie; oh you have to see through heaven's eyes,‘cause in the light of eternity, standing face to face you will finally see....

Oh the very first time you’ll understand your perfect place in the Master’s plan in Him ." And a relief came over me because my value has NOTHING to do with anything I use to do or accomplish or BE. My value is simply because Christ loved me enough to die for me. He loves me enough to give me victory in this life (dear Lord, please bring the victory soon) and He loves me because I AM HIS and HE GAVE ME LIFE. It has absolutely nothing to do with how great of a homemaker, homeschooling mom, party host, dynamic friend, life group-leader or runner that I USE to be. Trust me, I am none of those things anymore. But yet, the root of WHO I am (the most important part) is still the same. I am His with A value beyond comprehension.

Now that is something to cry about, isn't it?

Take a listen.

The Greatest Story by Avalon

Verse 1

Someday your own resolve is strong and other days you run

Its two steps forward, one step back and stumble now and then

You wonder if you’ll ever make the difference, you pray that you will

Well I know that prayer will be fulfilled ‘cause


Your life, woven day by day is a new design, of the glory God displays

On the canvas of creation, through the poem of history

In pattern of redemption, running through the tapestry

Your life in Christ can be the greatest story ever told

Verse 2

You cannot see the hands of God or the feel the grace that flows

From Him through you to those you touch, in ways you’ll never know

You cannot measure worth by human standards

That’s always a lie; oh you have to see through heaven’s eyes ‘cause.



In the light of eternity, standing face to face you will finally see

Oh the very first time you’ll understand your perfect place in the Master’s plan in Him


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I have nothing to post. I actually came to my blog to see that cute little baby bouncing around in the ticker. Is it just me or "WOW!" is it growing like crazy. John and I just sit and stare at it in amazement. WOW, WOW, WOW! Everyday it looks different these past few weeks. Truly amazing!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Feeling good

Since we bought the air-conditioner last week I must say that I feel 80% better. WOW! I have had a moment here and there of nausea, but overall what a HUGE improvement. Today I had my most productive day in 5 weeks. YEAH! We started a new homeschooling schedule that ran from 9 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. and then I had a meeting at 3 p.m., went grocery shopping, got supper on the table, had fun family time, got the kids to bed, went swimming at the pool and then came home to relax. So definitely a great, productive, feeling great kind of day. We had the air on ALL day in the living room and it made schooling so much more pleasant. Who knew that being so hot could really, really affect a person (especially during pregnancy)?

Please pray for me and the kids. They will be evaluated this Friday as part of a regular (voluntary) check-up on their education. An IMB representative will be here in Lima and I asked her to test and see where they are at. I am kind of nervous b/c the past 6 months have been so crazy and not as consistent as I would have like them to be. I am sure things will go well. She told me to tell the kids it wasn't a test to see how well they are doing, but how well mommy is doing. No pressure there! :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Gift of Bearing Children

This blog posting from "Generation Cedar" chic really blessed me! (AJB-I know your giggling at that). What a privilege it is.....The Gift of Bearing Children

World's Worst Conference Call

Today our church had their annual mission's luncheon. They invited us to be a part of the luncheon by hosting us on a 5 minutes conference call. I wasn't planning to be a part of it, but at the last minute, John asked me to change my shirt and sit down next to him. The video portion didn't work and we couldn't see the church, but they could hear and see us. They called us on our American line so that we could hear their questions and their greetings. And the moment I heard them greeting us....I just broke down crying. I spent the next 5 minutes wanting to crawl into a hole and wiping tears from my eyes. The pain of missing our church and my best friends that go there was almost too much to bare. I kind of zoned out and the tears kept streaming. I didn't say much except that I am taking care of the 4 kids and growing a new one. They all clapped! And then I told them how much I love and missed them. Pastor Steve said he was sorry we couldn't see them. If I could've seen them all, you would've had to peel me off of the floor from weaping. WOW! When does this pain go away? Or does it? I feel awful for crying, but at least they got to see the reality of missionary life. It's not all glamorous and adventurous like it might seem. There are some very long days with a lot of hurting and sadness. Even though that 5 minutes brought me pain, it also brought me joy to know that God has knit our hearts together through Him and that we will see some of them in August when they come here to do missions. YEAH!!

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