Friday, February 27, 2009

My hubby

Let me tell you all the ways my husband has served me this week alone! Yes, I am still battling some sickness which has led to physical, emotional and spiritual fatigue. So:

1. He signed me up for swimming lessons - HAPPILY! I will swim laps twice a week at night when the kids are sleeping.

2. He stepped outside of our "budget" (this is hard for a spreadsheet minded engineer) and bought me a portable air-conditioner unit to keep me cool and sane. We felt that this might GREATLY improve how I am feeling. Then he spent another 3 hours setting it up and figuring it out.

3. He took the family out to eat to Benihana's because 1., it fit my cravings and 2., it's air-conditioned and 3., it was out of the house. He was so happy to once again step outside of the budget to make me smile.

4. He came home early one day unexpectedly to give me some relief and just to let me know how much he cares for me.

5. He has prayed for me daily and asked me how I am feeling constantly.

6. He doesn't complain when I have to randomly lay down for periods of time when I feel nauseated.

7. I almost forgot, he let me go out one afternoon by myself to buy some clothes that fit my ever expanding waistline.

8. He has kindly eaten or ran to the store to buy whatever crazy craving I might be having on a particular day. Seriously, one day if I crave pickles, then I have to have them RIGHT THEN! He has never once said anything negative about the money I am spending to satsify my irrational cravings or the fact that he is having to eat what I WANT to eat.

9. And if I don't feel like it, he happily goes to the park or swimming lessons without me - without complaint.

10. And this is on top of ALL of the ministry he is doing. Sometimes he works EXTRA hard after hours to make sure he can keep up with everything and still help carry my load.

Is he not hubby of the CENTURY or what? How in the world did I end up with a guy this amazing?

Sometimes I am so negative about his faults and I just had to share ALL of the ways this wonderful, Godly, family man has blessed me this week ALONE! I praise God for his commitment to me, our children, and the Lord. I love him so much!


Jonatha said...

You are truly blessed! And you are an amazing wife as well, so you guys are a perfect fit! I'm glad you are feeling a little better. I didn't make it to buy clothes but I'm hoping to very soon (like today!).

The Byrd's Nest said...

Oh are so truly blessed. I am feeling so thankful that God placed him in your life. What a guy!

Jessica Kl. said...

What a wonderful, supportive hubby! A true blessing. And I'm sure it warms his heart that you have dedicated a whole blog post to writing about him and how kind he is. :)

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