Wednesday, May 14, 2008

More drama

Jaxson and I went to the dermatologist today. As he was laying on my lap waiting for his appointment, I noticed something strange in his ear. The doctor checked it out and turns out it is a big piece of dried up play-doh. She could not remove it! She tried and tried. We have to go back tomorrow to see her sister who just happens to be an ENT! Please pray she can remove it easily and quickly.
Here has been our week:
Monday - a minor knee procedure that left me very dizzy and with a headache and out of sorts for a few days.
Tuesday - A trip to the ER at 6 a.m. when Avery's finger was crushed in the door.
Wednesday - A trip to the dermatologist to check out Jaxson's weird mole.
Thursday - A trip to the ENT for a play-doh removal.

Calgon, take me away. Too bad I don't have a bathtub right about now.

1 comment:

Amy said...

What?! No bathtub! Okay, I could survive all of the other sacrifices, but I don't know if I could survive that! Lots of prayers for you guys. Keep us posted on progress!
Love you!

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