Saturday, May 24, 2008

How God Changed my Non-homeschooling heart (part 1)

I graduated with a degree in Interpersonal Communication from UCF in 1997. I went on to become an executive at Target being in charge of one stores ENTIRE human resources. I then worked as the editor of a newspaper for a church of 10,000 and then I was a Manager at a staffing company. And I worked at the Orlando Sentinel for 5 years as a free-lance correspondent and news assistant. You can see that career, money and acheivements were very important to me.

I ALWAYS have known I would stay home when we had kids. But our plan was to put Parker in a prestigious "private school." I knew moms who homeschooled and I thought "Good for them" but "that's NOT for me!" No way! I would never in a million years want to be repsonsible for my child's education.

I am not a patient person.

I am not educated to teach children.

I will definitely not be able to be with them ALL day, EVERY day.

They need to be socialized.

They need to be well rounded.

I have NO desire.

I am not interested.

No thanks! No way! NEVER!!!

Plus, I gotta get back to my career.

And then God spoke (more tomorrow)........


Amy said...

Check me off on everyone of those reasons (excuses) to not homeschool. As you know, God brought me far from that, too, but it is good to know that I am not the only one out there who used to be a "homeschool hater." I would literally verbally assault people who tried to persuade me that homeschooling was a good (nay, the best) option for my children. Of course I was educated (uh..indoctrinated)at the very prestigious teachers college of the University of FL, so God had to re-train me and re-educate me to bring home to homeschooling. I am so very grateful.

Cannot wait to read the rest!

Amy said...

Check me off on everyone of those reasons (excuses) to not homeschool. As you know, God brought me far from that, too, but it is good to know that I am not the only one out there who used to be a "homeschool hater." I would literally verbally assault people who tried to persuade me that homeschooling was a good (nay, the best) option for my children. Of course I was educated (uh..indoctrinated)at the very prestigious teachers college of the University of FL, so God had to re-train me and re-educate me to bring home to homeschooling. I am so very grateful.

Cannot wait to read the rest!

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