Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New IMB President Elected!

Ever since our Central/South America meeting in the Dominican Republic#ampsummit, I have been secretly begging/praying that the Lord would appoint David Platt David Platt Official David Platt Page, author of the New York Times Best Selling Book Radical, as the new President of the International Mission Board (IMB). It has been the secret cry of my heart. Today, I received the answer to my prayer and not only did it increase my faith but it led me to tears. This is a major step for our mission and I am incredibly JOYFUL and PROUD to see where this Man of God is going to lead us in the future. And praise God, for answering a little girl's silent prayers.

Here is the press release:

David Platt was elected president Aug. 27 by Board trustees, meeting at ILC,
Platt, 36, shepherds a large SB fellowship in Birmingham, Alabama, and will take office effective immediately as president. The author of several bestselling books, Platt has been shepherd of the Birmingham, Alabama fellowship of about 4,500 members, since 2006. Platt has traveled extensively the United States and around the world where he has worked with many of our personnel. He and his wife, Heather, have four children: Caleb, Joshua, Mara Ruth and Isaiah.
 — with Official David Platt Page and David Platt.
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Monday, August 25, 2014


Last night, Our family had the opportunity to visit a church on the outskirts of Lima. John was invited to preach. He preached about how often times God changes our names after He changes us. It was a blessing to be able to fellowship with these people. They were kind and welcoming.  We are starting a cell group panting movement and this church will be part of that. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

More pictures

Our life in pictures

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Just pray....

Hard recovery. Sick John. Exhausted Momma.

Building up our Facebook Social Media Page (so I have no excuse to not communicate)

You will find updates on our Ministry, Health, Kids and Missionary life at 

PLEASE take a second to go to the page to "like" it so you will automatically receive updates instead of electronic mail that ends up in the spam folder. It would help me SOOOO much as I seek to connect with as many people as possible, in the most efficient, effective way possible.

Also, if you want some good reading, you can read our blog that dates back to 2006.

Also, I want to mention that we are "trying" to build up our page so that it will be the easiest form of communication with all of our prayer partners, family and friends back home because social media is the new way. HOWEVER, this page is in NO WAY to solicit money/funds for ministry. We are 100% fully supported, in life and ministry, by the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering that takes place every December (more on that in December - LOL). So no worries about "liking" this page and feeling that we will be continually asking for financial needs to be met for our family. You will not find that here thanks to the SBC and IMB. Just enjoy our life and God's calling with us!!! Blessings - The Phamspost signature

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Let's Text

John is home, resting and quite uncomfortable. I wrote a little more on

Thank God for texting because that is how we are communicating since it hurts him to talk!! :)

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Hi friends. Please keep John in your prayers. He is not feeling well and has come down with a fever, although he continues to work. He must've picked up something from the jungle as he is NEVER sick.  Also, he will be having a mandatory surgery on Wednesday and he needs to be well for this. He will be in the surgical clinic overnight after the surgery. I do not think he understands the amount of pain he will be in. :( Nonetheless, pray for him to recover quickly.  He is such an asset to our family and the ministry here.

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