Thursday, April 12, 2007

He is here.

It's been a while since I have had time to put some thoughts down on this blog, but today is a must remember type of day. If I don't put this in words now, by mid-day tomorrow, and definitely a year from now, it will be forgotten in the busyness of life.

You know how there are statements that just don't seem right when you actually say them out loud? Well today we did the final packing of the house, our furniture was crated away, and everything is in one room in 18 pieces of luggage. We move out tomorrow and move into Jessica's fathers house, in the woods, and then off to orientation in Virginia. So tomorrow we will be storing away the kids' bicycles. So I found the following words coming out of my mouth, "Kids go outside and ride your bikes because it will be the last time you will be able to ride them." It just doesn't seem right that a parent has to say that to their children. There should never be an end to bike riding. That's part of childhood. After the kids rode their hearts out, we went around to 4 houses and said goodbye to all of their friends in the neighborhood. One by one ties were cut. Precious ties that were created while riding bikes together, playing in driveways, jumping on our trampoline, and just plain sitting in the driveway talking about what children talk about. At the end Parker, our oldest at 6 years old, broke down. He is having the hardest time of all of the kids. He is the most aware of what he is giving up. But slowly, tears and sorrow became the beginnings of resentment and bitterness. He said, "Dad, it's hard leaving. This is the last day we will be here. I don't want to leave. This is your fault! You decided to move us and now everyone is so sad. Me, Ally, Jaxson and Avery. This is all your fault." Well, I felt about 2 inches tall at that moment. My heart wanted to say, you're right, this is too hard, why are we doing this and let's just stay. But when things calmed down, we both remembered why we are going and who really decided to move us. Please pray that Satan does not get a foothold and stir up a root of bitterness in Parker's heart.

The tears ended and the kids went to bed. Jessica got home from saying her farewells to her running club friends and we finished packing the rest of the luggage. Around 11:00 pm, after coming in from the garage, I found Jessica in our room crying. I assumed it was from the grief of moving, packing or saying goodbye to her running club friends. But, praise God, she sat me down and showed me about 11 emails that we had received this evening from people all around the country saying that they were praying for us. People we didn't even know. People we had never received anything from before. Not just one, not two, but a whole bunch of emails at JUST THE RIGHT TIME. She was crying because God knew what we needed right when we needed it. Not yesterday or tomorrow, but tonight at our lowest time thus far. As I write this around midnight we just received another one from someone in California.

I tend to think sometimes that God is waiting for us for when we arrive in Virginia or Costa Rica or Peru. But the truth is that He is HERE, and He knows what it is like to leave a wonderful home where things are amazing and just right, to do a task the must be done. He knows. He cares. He is here.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007


We have such a blessed life here in the states and here are some things I will be missing. They are in no particular order and are random thoughts:

St. Cloud Pavement Pounders
Running with Jenn on the lakefront early in the morning
Life Group
Zoey, Heidi K. and Heidi E.
Steph, Amy and Kitty
Helen and Craig Adams
My king sized pillow top mattress with my 500 count sheets
Cool Blue Burrito
Gold's Gym
Free incoming calls on my cell phone
The City pool and swimming lessons
The Library and its fun activities
The lakefront park
Track Shack Races
Dr. John Hartman
Cyberspot (free internet)
My Mom and Dad
Aunt Kim and MeMa
Christmas Breakfast at the Donohoes
Speaking in English :)
Shannon and Steve Rymer
Marathon training with other fellow running addicts
Mom's Group
3degrees - John and Kathryn Evans
Janey Neibor's Wisdom
All of the kindness and help from my friends
St. Cloud
My dad's boat on Lake Toho and the boat party
Homeschooling moms
Fellowship in Christ with other believers
My family - oops, did I already say that?

:) Thank God for memories.........

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Under Attack

3 days left in our house.....Satan hates us.

He hates the plans that God has for us.

He hates God.

He hates to see God glorified.

He most certainly hates to see people give their lives to Christ.

Please pray for us as we are under MAJOR spiritual attack by the evil one who lurks around waiting to devour us. Don't think for a second that the enemy is going to let us leave or pursue Christ's plans for us unscathed.

Just a glimpse:
We returned from Appointment ceremony in January excited about what God did. Our entire family comes down with a nasty, nasty virus, the night of the appointment ceremony (half of John's family had to miss the service and Parker vomitted all over me at dinner), and upon our return home, Ally contracts a weird virus in her hip (toxic synivitus) that sends us to the ER and knocks her off her feet. The stomache virus did not end until it kept us out of church for 2 weeks so that we could not share what the Lord was teaching us.

The week of our yard sale we were trying to pack and prepare everything to be sold. Two of our children had 104 and 105 temperatures throughout the week. Once again, we were out of church for 3 weeks and could not share what the Lord was teaching us.

A week and a half ago we went to a marriage conference. God did some amazing things in our marriage and we came back so thrilled and excited. Since then....

A vomiting 13 month old (is it a virus or an allergic reaction from immunizations?), a 3 year old with second degree burns on his hand (crying all night) from touching the stove, a husband who hasn't slept much in over 3 weeks b/c of massive allergies - day and night, and I'm recovering from knee surgery with a major pinched nerve in my neck that hurts constantly - especially at night. Oh yes, and we are trying to finish packing, crating, moving and raising 4 little ones simultaneously.

Are these coincidences that every time something MAJOR is happening in our lives sickness seems to prevail? No, of course not!!!!!!!

Satan is very deliberate in his plans.

We are still rejoicing. We are still joyful. We still know that God has the victory! We are not complaining, but just very aware of the REALITY of spiritual warfare.

Satan will NEVER have the victory over Christ!!!!!

Please, please, please pray!

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