Thursday, October 2, 2008

Shopping Fun

A few days in Santa Barbara was exactly what we needed. We stayed in a one bedroom apartment with John's mom, but it was very restful and beautiful. The kids spent 2 1/2 days in the pool or at the beach (AMAZING) and we managed to eat at Chipolte's (2x) (I'm name dropping for my missionary friends), Panda Express, Subway, Taco Bell, and Krispy Kreme. Not to mention, the countless trips to Target I made in the last 10 days (like 7 times - are you jealous yet?) and the 2 fun runs to The Gap! Don't worry, we only bought one jacket in the gap for John (think, on sale) and I only purchased household necessities at Target and a slow cooker (finally). Can you believe they don't have slow cookers in Peru? Jenny, I am bringing you back some lip smackers. :)

Here's a list of important, but necessary things I purchased that are not available in Peru or are astronomical in price: (anything on this list you couldn't live without?):
1. Spray n wash - 6 bottles
2. Paper Plates - not styrofoam
3. Scotch Scrubbing pads for dishes
4. Downy Wrinkle Releaser
5. Bagels and Cream Cheese (strawberry)
6. Whole Wheat Pancake Mix (from Trader Joe's) - totally organic.
7. Markers and construction paper and other craft supplies.
8. Downy Fabric Softener
9. Pond's Cream for the Face
10. A highlighting Kit
11. Special purple shampoo for fake blonde hair (hehehe)
12. 8 packs of Altoids
13. Lots of extra gum in the green pack
14. Lip gloss, foundation powder, mascara and eyeshadow (gotta love maybelline)
15. Taco Seasoning
16. Pull-ups, baby-wipes and desitin
17. Chocolate Chips

So as you can see, I didn't go crazy, but definitely had a good time picking up some things we love and miss from Peru. I'm very excited to bring a little bit of America back with us!

We are leaving tonight at 2:00 a.m. California Time and will arrive tomorrow at 2 p.m. Peru time. I'm tired just thinking about it!

I can't wait to get HOME!!!!! I definitely missed hearing Spanish all around and felt very comfortable at one Target that I visited where no one spoke English. I was like, finally, I am comfortable. Talk about reverse culture shock.


Grannie Rains said...

Isn't God good? He changes our hearts to meet His Needs.

Welcome Home

Love, Grannie Rains

The Byrd's Nest said...

I am so glad to hear you say you are excited to get back "home" Jessica! You know I can sell all my possessions, just bring the clothes on my back but I sure wish I could also bring someone who could highlight my hair! lol

Very interest construction paper in Peru?

Natalie Jones said...

Yeah! What an answer to prayer that you guys were just able to rest in Santa Barbara! Thank you for allowing us to be with you all on Sunday. Dylan was excited to meet you. When we got out of the car he said "Oh, pray for Phams." And because of this great blog, I felt like I already knew you guys so well, even though we'd just met. So, thanks for all the updates and family stuff you share -- it allowed me to know how to minister to you better. Lord willing, our next time together, will be during happier circumstances.

Love to you all! Natalie :)

P.S. Jessica, Stephen said he could tell you numerous times when I get frazzled! And he'd be right! ;)

Cathi Duggan said...

Praying for you today as you return to the land of without...yes, I was salivating as you talked about all those restaurants and TARGET...praying for your family ( especially John)during this time.

Welcome home....
Cathi, for the Duggans in Costa Rica

laytonfamily said...

they don't have desitin in Peru? Or craft supplies? Who would have thought!!!

prayers for a safe return.

Jonatha said...

I am so glad you got to spend some time relaxing (and SHOPPING!).

The McClain's said...

taco sauce...mmmmmm!!! Target sounds great! Glad you had time to relax and enjoy the beach!

Amy said...

So glad to hear the wonderful things that God has done in your hearts:-) Can't wait to talk to you. Been having "withdrawls!"

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