Parker just received his Tai-Kwon-Do outfit, so I was sure to snap some pictures of this handsome guy. You can pray for him as he was sick for 2 weeks with a lung, throat and nose infection and now he has vomitted today 9 times in a few hours. I think it is residual from all the infections his body has been fighting. Anyway, he is still as cute as ever.
Too cute!
Pucker up!!!!! Avery is sending you a kiss.
I have been meaning to blog about this for awhile, but the days get away from me. To make a VERY long story short.......I am going to now have a homebirth here in Peru. I am not going to the clinic that I originally had planned. I have found a woman who is a medical doctor that will deliver the baby in her personal birthing center or in my home. I am opting for my home. She is a bit new-agey, but I am okay with it. The C-section rate at the BIG clinic is 70% and I am confident that I would not have the birthing experience that I desire there. So, you can check out to see the lady I am going with. Please view the pictures with caution as some of them are graphic. John and I are very excited about this new adventure and we both feel very confident that this is what is best for us and the baby. Of course, if any complications arrive beforehand or during labor, we will have the baby in a clinic. My first OBGYN appt. with her is June 1. She has been delivering babies at home for 12 years and she speaks English, German and Spanish. I am so happy to be able to have this opportunity again and I think she will be a perfect match for me. I will keep you updated.
Avery has gotten SO big!!! Great pictures, Jessica! Thanks for the update!
Great pictures, Parker! Avery looks SO big! Thanks for the update, Jessica! We love watching the baby grow! :) Love, Brooke :)
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