Monday, June 4, 2007

A Glimps of the Future

I have just uploaded three posts tonight, so you can catch up with more recent happenings in the two posts prior to this one. But, recently life here at ILC is starting to settle down. We are getting into a good rhythm of daily life. We take Saturdays to go off campus and get away as a family. Thus far we have taken a road trip through the mountains, climbed a small waterfall and went to a zoo. We are really enjoying life here now. Most of us say here, that ILC is the closest thing on earth to heaven. Like minded believers everywhere, learning about God all day, and all the food you can eat with no dishes or cooking.

I want to lead off with a story that happened while we were on our family vacation just prior to leaving for ILC. While at lunch one day, Parker said, “Mom, Dad, I got to disciple a boy in my kid’s club.” “What do you mean you discipled a kid?” I said. He replied, “I got to tell a boy about being a Christian.” “Tell us about it”, I said with anticipation. He began his story. “Well, I was talking to one of the boys and I asked him if he was a Christian. The boy said, No. So I asked him if he believed in God. And he said, No. And then I asked him if he believed in Jesus. And he looked at me funny and said, No why should I do that. Then I said, you don’t want to go to hell do you.” Well, that wasn’t certainly wasn’t the model presentation of the “Roman Road”. And it definitely left something to be desired when it comes to relational evangelism. But in the worldview of a 6 year old, I couldn’t ask for anything more from Parker. I gave him a big high-five and said, “Way to go son. I am so proud of you.” I am certain Parker is going to grow up to be our evangelist.

Along the same lines, at the beginning of last week, Parker said to me, “Dad, when I get older I want to go to China. I want to go to China. I want to be a missionary in China.” He checked out books everyday about China. What a blessing and confirmation that God is beginning to mold our children into world changers. How can you not want to become a world changer in this type of environment? Everyone here has committed their lives and the lives of their children to be world changers. God has big plans for Parker. But as I thought about the day, Parker would make that decision and actually go to China, I thought,” Can’t you pick someplace safer than China?” Actually, as I sit here and type this, Jessica is reminding met that I actually said, “There is no way I am going to let him go to China. He will need to find a safer mission assignment.” Especially, since I know what danger and security issues are involved in going to an anti-Christian country. Funny, huh? It made me realize, it is easier to go than to be the one that is left. I can’t imagine the day that our kids would leave us to go off to some far off country. And even worse, to take our grandkids with them. So all this to say that God is beginning to answer our prayers. Prayers that by taking our children overseas they would 1.) grow up to see a full picture of God that they could not get here in the states, 2.) grow up to be world changers because they say it modeled in their parents. Praise God that He is working in the lives of our children as much as He is working in our lives. Glory be to God forever. –John.

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