Friday, June 15, 2007

Knee Update #2

Not so fast......everytime I say I am getting better I have another set-back. Please continue to pray for COMPLETE healing. I am back on the handicapped scooter and have had major pain since Wednesday night. We spent the entire day in Washinton D.C. walking - walking too fast I might add. We were trying to dodge the downpour and lightning strikes. The colder weather here and rain makes it worse.

I put my running shoes back in the closet. I'd be happy just to walk and sit pain free.

This week we have been learning about the persecuted Christian and the persecuted church. I came to the realization that if I never run again I still have a great life! I will probably never know suffering like many others. I am so thankful for this perspective of reality.

I think I have finally surrendered this running thing to God and I am okay with it - truly okay.
I have also realized the only thing I am in control of in this world is what I put into my mouth (food, that is). And when I get to Costa Rica I might realize I'm not even in control of that. :) So it least I'm not suffering or persecuted. Although I would count it all joy....I hope!

Prayer is needed, complete healing would be great, I am waiting and hopeful......

1 comment:

M.Aldridge said...

Oh no! The knee is giving you trouble!? Praying right now for you to heal! Please pray for God to heal Ian's eczema, too. He had a new flare and I'm at my wits end trying to sort this all out. It makes me so sad. I will keep your knee in my prayers, but keep those sneakers in the closet...running will destroy your body...take it from me I used to be a long distance runner too (I never ran a marathon though). Gave it up to save my bod. Everything has a season His Word says! I still miss it, so you can cry on my shoulder and I can understand.

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