Monday, June 4, 2007

ILC Weeks 1,2,3 at a Glance

It’s finally me. Yes, I am here with Jessica. No, Jessica is not here by herself. But by the absence of any info from me, you could think that. We have just completed our third week. What is my impression of live at ILC (International Learning Center) so far? The best way to describe it would be, “trying to drink from a fire hydrant.” There is so much great information given to us, but we feel like we are only scratching the surface. As Jessica mentioned in the previous entry, we are not just learning about strategy and theory, but we are learning about strengthening our own relationship with God, spiritual warfare and doctrine. But I want to go back and fill you in on some of the highlights of the first three weeks. In this entry, I want to share some one-liners that God has used to really speak to me. I want to share these thoughts, because Jessica and I feel that you, our partners through prayer, go with us through this journey and as we prepare for the work. So what we learn, you hopefully will share in. What we struggle with, you also will share in and lift us in prayer. But, when we see God working in the lives of those we will reach with His good news, you will also share in. Share as partners in the plowing and harvest. So here we go…

Week One - (Overview, Personal Discipleship, Doctrine, Medical Overseas, Personalization)

Monday (Overview) – God was so gracious. Coming into these 8 weeks, the thing I dreaded most was dropping off the kids to school and daycare. Not for my sake but for Jessica’s. None of the kids have ever been in school or daycare, and there would be mourning for the loss of closeness and blessing that comes from home schooling and watching the small ones grow up. Never to miss a moment. But God was so gracious. Jessica cried a little at breakfast, but that was it. I anticipated the day to be an emotional disaster.

Tuesday (Personal Discipleship)
We had a mandatory three-hour retreat of silence. There was a question sheet that helped us to identify unmasked, un-confessed sin. One question asked, “ Do you take the slightest credit for anything good about you, rather than give all the glory to God?” Another question asked, “Do you allow feelings of inferiority to keep you from attempting things you should in serving God.” At first glance these two contradict each other. But what God revealed to me was that I am doing things in my own power. I strive and toil, but it is not out of a Spirit filled walk. That is why I take credit for things. And that is why I don’t try things that are outside of my expertise. Because if I fail then it is a reflection of me and not what God is doing through me. That is the root of my struggle for seeking the approval of man. I am seeking their approval of me and what I have done, instead of walking in the spirit and finding peace in knowing that only He is pleased with me. I resolve to learn to walk in the Spirit. Romans 15:17 says, to glory in Christ in my service to God, and not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me, through the power of the Spirit.

Wednesday (Personal Evangelism)
I need to tell people within the first 10 minutes of meeting them that I am a follower of Jesus Christ. If we wait for weeks, until we have built a relationship with them, before we tell them that we all need Christ, they will call us a liar. If it was so important to our lives, and us why has it taken so long to bring it up.

Thursday (Doctrine)
What a great day. So much good truth shared yesterday. Speaker was Tom Elliff, past SBC president. He covered foundation scriptural doctrine the encompassed, “What do we tell our friends about – Mankind and the human problem, God’s answer in Christ, Truth, Faith, Divine Guidance, God, The Church (Ordinances, Spiritual Gifts, and the Mission). There is too much to fit in one journal entry. But, here are some things that stood out:
-The Bible does not contain truth - it is truth.”
-You are what you are doing now. Not what you think you would be when the conditions are perfect. Specifically, when it comes to our daily time with God.
-We pray to get us to want what God wants. To cooperate with Him in what He is doing. -We need to decide to turn to God for the answer first – not last when we have exhausted all other resources.

Friday (Doctrine)
Tom Elliff spoke about doctrine again. What a great day. The thing that stood out to me the most is when he said, “Nowhere does the Bible say that we witness because we have a burden for the lost. If someone doesn’t have a burden for the lost, they are still required to be a witness.” Also, in talking about being a missionary wherever we are he said, “Shouldn’t those around you get a leg up when it comes to heaven. Is anybody’s eternity affected by the fact that you are alive?” I commit to take every opportunity to make sure I can give as many people “a leg up” as I can. I may never see them surrender their lives to Jesus, but I will do what I can, even if small.

Week Two - (Spiritual Warfare, Third Culture Kids, Malaria, Medical, Definition of a Church, Culture Shock)

Monday (Spiritual Warfare)
Jerry Rankin, IMB President, talked about spiritual warfare. What stood out to me was when he said, “God’s purpose in everything is so He will be glorified. We exist for His glory. Missions only exists for God’s glory. Bringing more people to God, to increase His glory. However, if we are disobedient to God, then Satan has succeeded in reducing God’s glory, not ours. Satan doesn’t care about us. We are just pawns. He is at war with God to steal His glory.” Also Jerry said, “He calls us not so much to a place, but to Him.” I want to make sure that I am keeping my focus on why I go overseas. Not to do my best, but to get close to God and see Him glorified.

Tuesday (Spiritual Warfare)
Jerry Rankin spoke about spiritual warfare again. He said, “If you are living in Christ, you can do anything you please. Because if you live in Christ, what pleases Him will please you.” He also said, “Fasting is a desire to know God more than our desire for food.” Wow, let’s give that a moment to sink in and simmer in our spirits, since it can apply to any other object of our attentions in life. I want to begin to learn the discipline of fasting. Every time we get a hunger pang, it reminds us to focus our attention back on God.

Thursday (Spiritual Warfare)
Jerry Rankin spoke about spiritual warfare again. Told us the adversity will come during our time overseas. Much adversity. Bu he said, “Adversity is our greatest opportunity to demonstrate the power of a Holy Spirit indwelt life to a lost and dying world. God’s primary concern is not our safety, comfort or security. It is His glory.

Week Three
In week three, we learned all about Anthropology, Worldview/Religions, Persons of Peace, Training for Trainers. A ton of strategy, theory and practical missiology.

I hope this gives a good picture of how God is using this time and place to prepare us for the years of service ahead. Praise Our Lord that the IMB is able to provide such extensive for its personnel. I can’t imagine just getting dropped on the field without the training that we have received here.
- John

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