Friday, July 13, 2007

Saying Goodbye

This week we are faced with saying good-bye to those we love the most.

We have been feeling strengthened, but the sadness is intense and breathtaking.

Last night we said good-bye to our Pastor and his wife. I just wanted to wrap them up and take them with me. I knew the evening was coming to an end and I just kept talking and talking because I didn't want them to leave. Because once they left that meant we would've said good-bye and that means this is all real. By the way, Pastor Steve and Shannon are dear friends and supporters - not just our pastor and his wife.'s was soooo sad to see them walk away. We could've swam in my tears. SAD! SAD! SAD! Good, but sad!

Today we said good-bye to Pastor Craig and his wife, Helen. They have been super-duper blessings to our family. Friends, helpers, co-laborers in Christ. Once again.....very hard to walk away. So many memories, emotions, feelings.

Goodbyes are not forever - right? We have the future - even if that means 3 years or so. And if that never happens, there is always heaven.
Even with heaven, I still don't like saying goodbye!


Kevin, Somewhere in Southern America said...

You will love Costa Rica. It was beautiful when we were there; they assure me that it still is.

I know how tough those goodbyes are. They are sad, painful, and seemingly interminable. But they are not! God will touch you with his comfort and you will find that bitter water will become sweet.

trent and kay said...

We know it is hard, but, speaking from the other side, once you get past the goodbyes, it gets exciting again. We're praying for you!

Trent & Kay

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