Sunday, July 15, 2007

Some Sweet, Sweet Fellowship

Today we had the privilege of partnering with a local church.

When we were in Virginia we found out that one of Parker's teachers was from Kissimmee/S. Orlando. She arranged for us to visit with her home church. Part of our job is to partner with at least 5 churches and encourage them to Pray, Give and Go! Each church is our lifeline and a vital part of what we will be doing. So, it was a God thing that a church near our hometown (20 minutes) was TOTALLY interested in having us visit. God totally set this up for us and it was super evident to us this morning. One guy even knew John's sister from Miami from over 15 years ago. He was able to make the connection because of our last name. What a small world!

The entire experience was nothing short of Sweet, Sweet, Sweet! The people were sweet. The worship was sweet and the fellowship afterwards was sweet. We could have easily stayed for over an hour chatting with all of the fine folks who were coming up to us. It warmed our hearts. 2 separate Sunday school groups said they were adopting our family in prayer. WOW! We are so honored and thankful. I encouraged one nice lady to think about joining us in Lima in a few years on a short-term trip. She said they were too old - between 50-70. I told her that that age group is usually some of the best, most effective workers and can reach people we can't reach!

Something funny that when we were sharing together on stage (there are like 500 people in this church), I was saying that we will be planting churches that are.....I looked at John and said, "What's that word again." He said, "reproductive." I said, "I should know that word since we are so good at reproducing." Everyone burst out laughing and some people even clapped. In case you don't get it - we have 4 kids and have spent the better part of 6 years reproducing. It was unintentionally funny and John playfully pulled the microphone from me so I wouldn't get us in anymore trouble. Then, my hubby did his best job ever in conveying our vision and encouraging the people to join us. I was so proud of him and just wanted to run right up on stage and kiss him and hug him. It made me proud to see him shine!

This morning was nice! I can't express enough how sincere, sweet and friendly this congregation was. They are transitioning to a new Pastor b/c theirs retired after 20 years. We have visited many churches over the years and this one was definitely one of our favorites. If you live around us, check out South Orlando Baptist church - you won't be disappointed.

Thank you for having us - it was truly our pleasure.

Thank you God for allowing us to partner with such a sweet extension of yourself!

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Oh how it blesses my heart to see how God works! I know there have been a lot of tears thinking about leaving soon and then God just steps right down into your lives and loves on you through people like those at South Orlando Baptist Church! NEVER forget that no matter where you go, God is already there and will walk you through ANYTHING if you'll just hold tight to His hand. I'm praying for y'all!
Ms. Marlene

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