Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cultural Differences and Anecdotes

Yesterday each kid drew a name and bought a present for one of their brothers or sisters. Ally pulled Jaxson's name and bought him a flashlight. Unfortunately, he was with her when she bought it so he knew what he was getting. Last night after he went to bed, he called me to his room and said he really needed to talk to me. He informed me kindly that Christmas is NOT about is about JESUS! I agreed wholeheartedly. And then he reasoned that since it wasn't about presents that he needed me to give him his flashlight NOW so that at Christmas his present won't get in the way of the true meaning of Christmas! Now if that isn't deductive reasoning at it's finest - I don't know what is!
When I was in the hospital a lady named Christina came to our house with her 3 children (ages 8, 6 and 2) to watch my children. Keep in mind that they live in very small delapitated shack with dirt floors in Oasis. Well, her daughter, bless her precious heart, went into our bathroom and squatted down comfortably, as she is accustomed to, and went potty (#1 & #2) all over the bathroom floor. Ally was mortified and called me in the hospital to tell me. And John and I had to assure her it was only because she doesn't know "how" to use a toilet. They usually squat in a corner and then cover it up with the dirt. Christina told me at the end of her stay here that my house was beautiful, but just too much work. I am sure that although to me her living conditions are unimaginable, that she feels the same about mine.
In the hospital they brought me a pitcher of water - HOT WATER! Not warm, not cool, but hot! A few hours later I asked for some ice. 3 nurses came in to aske me "why" i needed the ice. Did my throat hurt? Was I feeling sick? What was the purpose of my ice?" I tried to explain to them that this was part of our culture, but they really didn't understand why in the world I would not want warm water. It was seriously a big deal to them that I asked for ice. When I explained to the one nurse that everyone in America drinks ice with water, she asked if it was because our throats hurt? LOL!
My first night in the hospital I was having really bad night sweats because I was breaking the fever. The air conditioning was on about 75 in my room. The nurse came and in saw that I had been sweating and she felt my clothes and back. She told me I was sweating so much because the air conditioner was on. Huh?
When I would use the bathroom in the hospital the nurses would follow me in, watch, hand me the toilet paper and then make sure that they "looked" before the toilet was flushed. It was SOOOO uncomfortable, but apparently this is very much a part of their culture. And a part of them "serving" me. UGH! I'd rather not be served this way. I'm sure you ALL agree.
The local department store by my house has REALLY nice stuff and it is a little expensive. However, they have awesome discounts that make the prices very, very affordable. But guess what? You can ONLY receive the discount (including the 2 for 1 toys) if you use their Credit Card. So they put the ENTIRE store on sale (practically) and you can't get a discount until you want to use their credit card. That is just so sad! This culture does not have the means to be living this way. And from what I have heard, credit card debt is a HUGE problem here and the stores are only encouraging it.
Peruvian Traditions at Christmas:
Paneton (think fruit cake) and hot chocolate (it's summer here and quite hot). And on Christmas Eve the families stay up until midnight to eat their Christmas dinner. NO THanks! I'd be so grumpy the next day. Apparently EVERYONE does this (except us).


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