Sunday, December 7, 2008


This was too long to proof-read, so please ignore the typos, spelling and grammatical errors!

Today we went to visit the lady for whom we poured the concrete in her house. Remember, her baby has cancer. WOW! Her reception to us was almost cold. She didn't invite us in, acted as if she didn't know me (and I'm the one who set this up for her) and she definitely didn't say thank you or express any type of gratitude. I was kind of put off by her atitude and then right away the Holy Spirit gently reminded me of the AMAZING gift of salavation I have received from Jesus, but yet at times I am not thankful, act cold towards Him and don't invite Him into my daily happenings. My heart softened towards her and became repent towards God when I realized that I, too, am guilty of doing the same thing towards God, but DAILY and on a much grander scale.
Yesterday we went to a GREAT beach. Once again, I got dressed, but this time in my bathing suit and swim dress. Can you believe I walked out of the house in my slippers again? How crazy is that? This time I realized it once we got into the parking garage to get in the car. Could you see me at the beach with my bedroom slippers on? Not cool!
The beach was AMAZING! It had small kiddy pools for the kids to play in, umbrellas, lawn chairs, clean sand and a ton of restaurants with English music. We even ate world famous Ceviche yesterday. The only problem with the beach was that we were hastled every 3 second buy vendors trying to sell us stuff like fake tatoos, sunglasses, pirated movies and c.d's, ice-cream, snacks, sand toys and even beach clothes. You name it, we could buy it. We must've been asked no less than 40 times. This started to drive me nuts, but we endured it and had a magical day in the sun! It felt like a very normal day back home. And the beach is only 30 minutes away.
Speaking of magical....last night I took the kids to downtown Miraflores (6 blocks from our apartment). I knew they were going to be having some kind of show, but I didn't know of what or when. So we went down and waited for about an hour until the show started. Guess what? Do you remember how I was so sad to leave Walt Disney World since I grew up there, worked there and frequented it like EVERY weekend. And holidays at Disney were the best. Well, God is so kind and unbeknownst to me, he surprised us with the best gift. He brought DISNEY to US! Yep, it was a 40 minute Disney Christmas presentation called Magica Navidad. Mickey, Minnie, dancers, singers, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast ALL came to see us. And it ended in with a grand fireworks spectacular. I could hardly even concentrate on the show becaue the entire time I just kept thinking, "Lord you are so incredible. This is incredible. Thank you for such a PERFECT gift." I so didn't want to leave Florida because of the great beaches, wonderful Christmas programs, but yet God is showing me that what He has is even better. I am so thankful that I let go and followed Him. What a MAGICAL NIGHT it was!
Last weeks Bible study was awful so I didn't write about it. This week was GREAT! The women came and participated and are definitely warming up to me. We have a long, long, long way to go, but I am already seeing progress. Just the fact that they participated and asked me questions was huge. Normally they just sit and stare at me. We studied about following Jesus and living in obedience. I think it went REALLY well. John said his study was great too. We are learning more and more every week and things are starting to run smoother. We always end each Sunday night with a trip to McDonald's with the kids.
And the last comment is about the lice. Today at Oasis, I saw this precious little girl who is about 3 that just adores me. She loves me to hold her and hug her and kiss her. Only problem is....her head is infested with lice. I felt so scared to even touch her. She is so precious! And then there were at least 5 flea infested dogs running around. They couldn't even stay on all fours for very long because they had to itch so bad! UGH!!! I definitely trying to get over my fear of fleas and lice. I think we have cleared out Ally's head and the rest of us our fine (for now). :)
John and I are starting a new schedule this week. I will homeschool M,T,W & F. Thursdays will be my day for continued language learning, tutoring and other things that need to get done. I will be out of the house on these days and he will be doing "light" homeschooling with the kids. This will help my stress level SOOO much because I have a lot to do that I am just not getting done. He is looking forward to it and so I am. This way I won't be putting a Bible Study 2 hours before I have to walk out the door. :)
My mom is out of the hospital. I think she is doing better.
GO GATORS!!!!!!!

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