Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where are my keys?

Things have been kind of crazy over here the past few days. John has been sick since last Friday and the kids have been on and off sick. Today it was Parker! And yesterday and today I felt ill as well. At least I was functionable today.

Last night, Avery had my keys as I was cooking supper. Around 10:45 p.m. we realized they were lost. We searched for them until almost midnight. Let's review....Avery said she put them up high outside, gave them to me, put them in her room, left them in the grass, gave them to me, and put them in her bike basket - you get the point. We searched and searched and searched. We woke up this morning and started searching again. We even gave a "reward" for whichever kid could find the keys. They hunted as well. Parker made a list of all the places he had checked for the keys. It was really cute. Anyway, we gave up and admitted defeat. I must mention that instead of getting mad, I just prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed. I said, "Lord, I know that you know where these keys are. Please show us."

So, we sit down to eat lunch and I move the laptop that has been sitting on a dining room chair, since last night, to a different spot. As I lift up the laptop guess what I find? Yep, MY KEYS!!!! I called John right away laughing. I said, "I guess I win the 5 soles." :) But since I'm so nice, I decided to share my prize money with the three kids that helped look so dilligently. They were all bummed that they weren't the ones to find the keys because they wanted the prize money ALL to themselves.

On another note...(this is for my runner friends who read the blog), tonight I FINALLY broke the 10 minute per mile mark for the first time since I had the baby (yes, I did this sick). I completed 8 miles in a 9:35 overall pace. Yep, 1:16:44! I was even able to pull out an 8:55 mile and an 8:51 the last two miles. I am super, duper happy. The Lima half-marathon is next Tuesday and tonight's run just made me more excited for it.

So I will never, ever brag about the baby sleeping through the night again. The past two nights, he has woken up EVERY 3 hours again. The only thing I can think is that he hasn't had a bowel movement in like 5 days and maybe his belly is hurting. I will never take 6 or 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep for granted again. It has felt like having a newborn all over again. I am just praying, praying, praying that he does better tonight.

Please pray that Parker, John, Jaxson, and I all feel better.

One more thing.....John and I wanted to attend our churches annual Christmas dinner this coming Monday night. Well, it is $5 per plate, per person. And our family is big so that it would cost $30! OUCH! The Pastor's wife called us tonight to talk to us about pricing and what not. We found out that the dinner doesn't start until 9 p.m. Yes, you read that correctly - 9 p.m. WELCOME TO LIMA!! So I guess we won't be attending that one afterall. And now you know why I am not an early riser anymore; nothing starts until at least 11 a.m. around here and things go WAY late into the night. That's great if you don't have little kids! :)


Layton Family said...

so sorry you're not feeling 100% but what great news about your pace. I know you've been really down about it and happy to read you're pleased with it!!

congrats on finding your keys - an entire keychain must have gotten thrown away over here. I still don't have a house key replacement.

Jessica K. said...

I had to laugh about the 9pm dinner. Yes, that's very normal over there. During the 1980s there was a curfew (toque de queda) in place, you couldn't be out after midnight. What did people do? They just pushed dinnertime (partytime) even later, to about 10pm, and the party lasted until about 6am, when you were allowed back on the streets again. LOL, I'm not sure I could do that any longer in my old age. :p

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