Friday, January 22, 2010

blah, blah, blah

We have been home a week now. WOW! That was fast. All I have to say is that I am unusually EXHAUSTED and irritable. I am working very, very hard to keep the grumpiness in check. I seriously have NO idea why I feel so poorly. I am eating unusually healthy (no sugar, caffeine, only fresh foods), am sleeping 8-9 hours a night AND am taking a deep, long nap each day. I am exercising as well. So why I would not feel INCREDIBLE at this point, is beyond me. I haven't been to the doctor (besides baby stuff) in over a year. I am wondering if my thyroid is off or something. But when I think about it, this is EXACTLY how I felt BEFORE I got pregnant. I don't know what is up. Maybe I'm just still recovering from the marathon.

Ally has been sick with 102 fever the past 3 days. I think I brought my cold home to her. Today we had a family beach day planned, but I am staying home with her and the baby since she can't go. John took the other three kids.

John's first day of ministry on Sunday went very well. Oasis had their first ever "baby dedication" and the people of the church planned this event ALL on their own. John simply showed up and said a few words. He said he was pleased with the progress. On Wednesday, he did a lot of visitations, but it was cut short by a migraine. He had to come home and quickly get a shot that nurse Jessica gave him in the behind. He went to bed for 3 hours and woke up feeling fine.

We are on day 5 of our P90X workouts. John is definitely hanging in there. He has been giving me lots of compliments about my physical strength. Awwwww....I love him. Last night we did yoga and I think he was expecting it to be a piece of cake. I have NEVER heard him grunt and groan so much. He made it about an hour, but just watched the last 20 minutes. I was struggling, too! We have enjoyed connecting through exercise each night as the kids are sleeping. It is MUCH better than watching television.

Please pray for little Ally to feel better soon and that Miles doesn't get sick as well.

Tomorrow I will be joining the running club at 6 a.m. to do an extremely hard Hills run of 15K. Call me weird, but I am looking forward to it. Well, I am looking forward to the running, but not the speaking in Spanish WHILE running.

Also, God has given me two good friends here, who believe in Jesus, but have no personal relationship with Him at all. They are extremely lost and I am praying to continually be a light and point them to Him. Please lift up these two people (God knows their name) to our Heavenly Father.


Layton Family said...

girl - you are doing awesome! Maybe you put an expectation on something and it didn't happen? Get a song in that pretty head of yours - and if you need I'll sing with my super voice (not) - climb on outta that funk, shake the dusty cobwebs and enjoy yourself!

Let's see - you just had a baby, you just ran a marathon, you just made a super long trip ... =) stop being so hard on my friend Jess!!

Praying for Ally's health!

Thad and I bonded greatly when we were working out together (yoga and cardio). HUGS
p.s. - tonight I'm wearing my blue gator shirt - it's your gray one's counterpart!! =)

Jonatha said...

I've had the same feeling lately and I've been praying for joy and peace moment by moment and I'll do the same for you :) I'm so sorry you are having to go through this, but think of it as a refining fire!

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