Saturday, January 16, 2010

prayer requests

Please pray for the following:

The fleas have already started. I was in the car for 5 minutes, the first night we arrived home and I have 5 bites now.

I am in a deep, spiritual slump. Please pray for revival. I thought going to America would help that part, but honestly, it didn't.

John starts seminary class again on Monday.

John starts work again tomorrow (ministry in Oasis). He hopes the church isn't dead.

We start P90X together on Monday. This is an intense 12 week workout program, with diet, that will take a lot out of us. We will be doing it at nights together when the kids are sleeping.

For the kids' bodies to adjust back to Peruvian time (not California time). There is a 3 hour time difference. They are still sleeping until 9 a.m. and staying up later.

For all that we need to get done, to get done with happy, joyful (not stressed, anxious or angry) hearts. I am getting no where really fast.

Homeschooling to resume on Tuesday. :)

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