Sunday, January 24, 2010

Trying to be a good steward

Yesterday we decided to buy a pool for the kids. We loaded everyone up, drove for what seemed like an eternity with our Peruvian friend, Rosita and her son Berto, to an obscure market. We were the only gringos within 20 miles of the place and everyone was staring at me constantly. My friend, Rosita, was shocked at the gawkers. She thought that soon they would start asking for my autograph. LOL! I digress. Anyway, when we went to bargain for a pool, Rosita and John made me move to a place where I was not visible. Why? Because as soon as the Peruvians see me, the price is double. They think "gringo = lots of money."

After about a miles worth of walking, searching and bargaining in the heat, we bought a pool for 120 soles (about $38-40). We thought this was a good deal. We left the house at 2:40 and got home and 6:30 p.m. In total, yesterday, we spent 4 hours getting this pool and trying to be a good steward of our money. The supermarkets and stores that are comparable to Wal-Mart generally charge double for things like this. Even our Peruvian friends thought we got a good deal.

Well, we got home and the pool was missing 3 caps and we couldn't even set it up. So today, right after church, John heads back to this far-away area (called Dos de Mayo) to return the pool. He spends another 3 hours (including setting up) doing this. Then, he heads out to do ministry and stops at the local hardware store here (think Home Depot). While he is there, he decides to compare the price of the pool. Big mistake! It costs 106soles and we paid 120 and spent 7 hours of our life that we will never get back trying to be good stewards of the little bit of money that we are blessed with. Not only did we not save one single penny with ALL of that effort, but we OVERPAID!!!! UGH!! The market is suppose to cost MUCH less than the stores. And today, John bought an air pump to blow up the pool, only to find out that he was overcharged on that as well.

Peruvians wonder why I don't like to shop at the mercados (markets) here. And now you know why. Because for me, it just costs much more than if I went to the regular store that is already over priced anyways. For them, it is worth the effort, but not for the blonde-headed, blue-eyed gringo.

So this afternoon, when the kids wake up, they are going to swim in their overpriced swimming pool and I am going to pray for the person who gypped us and hope that the extra money that is in their pocket is a blessing to them and helps them out somehow.

And I'm NEVER going back to the mercado!

P.S. My spell checker doesn't work on blogger. Not sure why.

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