Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm NOT sick....I'm.........

This might bore you to tears, but I am going to start a little series about each one of my kids and their uniqueness. It's time that I caught you all up to speed on each one of these cuties. I will start that tonight or tomorrow so be on the lookout. I am going to start with Jaxson first. ;)

Okay, so I figured out 2 things that are wrong with me. Brace yourself because you might be shocked. I'm NOT sick!!! I am NOT sick at ALL!!!

I AM...........


I AM HOT!!!!!! I AM HOT!!!!!! And do you know what happens when I am hot and have no air conditioner? I get tired and irritable! Yep, I am hot. That's it. That is my problem. It is summer here and the sun is scorching down and the house stays about 80-85 degrees or higher inside (yes, I know it could be worse), but without air and sometimes no wind coming in or good circulation in the house, I'm sweating and sticky, then I get tired and then I'm irritable. Did I mention the 100% humidity and terrible air pollution? And last year before I got pregnant, summer had kicked in and that is why I felt the EXACT same way. I felt fine before we left for America (because it wasn't too bad yet) and fine IN AMerica (because it was FREEZING). And now I am here and I am just hot.

And the 2nd thing is disobedience. I have noticed that when my kids don't obey me the first time and I have to ask for things to be done 2 and 3 times, it makes me grumpy, too. So I can't control the heat, but I can control whether or not my kids comply and obey me. So instead of getting frustrated or irritated with them, I'm going to get down on their level, ask them to do it and there will be a conflict of some sort if it doesn't get done. I will not be hot and grumpy with them. I will just put the expectation clearly on the table and deal with if it is not obeyed.

How hard was that? I know that many of you have been praying for me and have sent encouraging e-mails and suggestions. Thank you so much, I feel that your prayers have helped me to see where I need to regroup.

Also, I did want to mention that the exercise and nutritional program that we are doing (which is intense and demanding) is not a heavy load to me. I know it would be for some people, but it is one of the few things here in Peru that truly makes me feel NORMAL and brings me an immense amount of personal satisfaction!!! :) Without the running and exercise, I just wouldn't be me. And speaking of that, I also realized that exercising has been difficult as well because guessed it....the heat!!!

1 comment:

Jonatha said...

I am so happy for you! What a blessing to only be HOT! I will pray for first time obedience for the sweet kids, and that you will enjoy your overpriced pool as much as them!

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