So I didn't get mastitis, just a clogged milk dug! Yeah!
However, now my hip is REALLY, REALLY bad. I ran 10 miles last night and today I can hardly walk. I am set to run a half marathon on Sunday morning, so I seriously pray it gets better.
We have a mission team coming from McComb, Mississippi. This team is SUPER special to us because they were our first team ever as missionaries. They are the team that had the party for our children. We are so excited to do ministry with them and just be around them again. Please pray for them as they are here to serve a local church as well support the ministry God has called us too. They will be doing VBS, evangelism, prayer walking and whatever else God leads them to do. Remember...McComb Mississippi.
Yesterday, I studied the Bible with Empleada again and this question came up. Please let me know what you think the Bible says. Who should be served first.....believers or unbelievers? Meaning: if someone has a need, which need do you meet first - the believer or the unbeliever?
John and I did a Bible study, today, out in one of our areas. It was okay. They weren't really paying attention and there were a lot of distractions. Nonetheless, it was nice that we could do it together. This afternoon, the Pastor's daughters from our church came over and we practiced our Spanish and English. It was A LOT of fun and I am getting better and better again from all of my practice. I am SOOOO Happy!
I'm sorry I have left you hanging about what was presented to us for the IMB. It will take me a little while to type it out, so I keep putting it off. Maybe tomorrow.
Prayer requests:
for wisdom and guidance in our decision making our future assignment.
for FBC McComb as they come to minister alongside of us.
for relief from the terrible nightmares I have been having for several months.
for lives to be changed the areas we are working in.
for my knee and hip to stop hurting and for the ability to continue running.
Thankful for:
my new friend, Angela, that lives in my neighborhood.
for my hubby and best friend.
for the cutest little baby.
the mission team that is coming.
the fall-like weather that reminds me of "November" in Florida.
for Ally, Jaxson, Avery and Parker.
for shrimp.
runner's world magazine.
and the 1/2 marathon on Sunday!