long phone conversations, in English, with my girlfriends back in the States.
My hubby who took Jaxson to the eye doctor last night so I didn't have to fight traffic.
the money to buy Jaxson's glasses and medical insurance.
that Jaxson's other eye is perfect.
excellent doctors in Lima that speak perfect English.
my empleada (house helper) who is a loving, Christian woman and brings such joy to our house when she is here.
a baby's first tooth.
the friend who sent me Cadbury eggs and the other friend who is going to send me more eggs.
money to buy groceries every single week.
a house with wood floors instead of just plain ol' concrete or dirt floors (tierra).
an oldest child who loves his siblings so very much and treats his little brother like a king and still kisses his momma in public.
A hubby that everyone likes.
for God calling us to a ministry that is by no means "dead."
for the opportunity to see God work here in ways that have absolutely nothing to do with us.
for the refreshing "cooler" air these last few days that have really felt beautiful.
for the opportunity to run 13.2 miles on Sunday alone.
for a crying baby that needs me right now.
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