Monday, April 19, 2010


Tonight I learned of 3 families that we went to language school with that are no longer on the mission field for one reason or another. And those are only people we keep up with. There might even be more than that. After Saturday's post of feeling like I haven't had any success, I guess I just want to say that my time here is a sucess. I HAVE MADE IT! I will never forget the IMB Counselor telling me that "I am a wild card." Translation: I am a loose cannon with a lot of baggage and if I make it it will be a long shot." But I AM still here and I have made it and I am far from a wild card! SUCCESS! SUCCESS! SUCCESS!

Thank you Lord for sustaining me and keeping me on the field despite the odds that were stacked against me from the beginning.
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1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

We have seen this too with other families. It really is a different and difficult life. On my REALLY hard days I look at families here and covet that they have ALL of their children with them, thinking (I guess) that it would make life easier with all four children around me but in reality I need to only rely on the feelings the Lord has for me and how it feels to have His presence 24/7 in my life. You are a success have learned and are learning a new have had a baby in the field........and you ARE showing Jesus to so many people in Peru.....I am proud of you:)

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