Updates from the kid's physicals:
Ally is very constipated (TMI).
Ally need to see an opthamologist, too. I kind of already knew that was coming.
Parker needs and EEG from the neurologist due to some coordination, balance issues he has had since birth. They aren't getting any better and since the chord was wrapped around his neck 3 times, low apgar scores and he was in distress during birth for a little while, this is a good step (almost 10 years later). I am glad we are doing this since he is not outgrowing some of the concerns we have.
Jaxson was deemed perfectly healthy in every way. :)
I am thankful for:
What God is doing in my heart through His word.
for my two girlfriends who love me enough to hold me accountable in my pursuit of the word and for sharing with me daily what God is teaching them. This is changing my life and time with God radically.
for the fact that the doctor only charged me for 2 appointments instead of 3. Would that EVER happen in America.
That hubby and I got to take a nap together today for 2 hours. I just loved that he was sleeping next to me. We were so tired.
for some good news from the IMB about our future assignment. I will share this in another post tomorrow.
Hope you are feeling better!
I hope that this is able to post...my comments have been getting lost:-(
I am so HAPPY that you guys got to nap together...for so many reasons:-) I am envious:-) In a good way!!!
I will be praying about the kiddos physical follow-thoughs.
Cannot wait to hear the news about the IMB...
Sorry I couldn't talk earlier...wish I could have. Will call tomorrow:-)
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