Saturday, June 9, 2007

If it means people will get saved

From Jessica.....

I think I have adopted a new motto in life. Recently, God has been showing me that I am going to have many situations in which I have to make uncomfortable decisions and submit to decisions made by leadership and peers that I might not necessarily agree with. The past 2 weeks have brought about a situation in which I have had to bend and mold and be in an absolute flexible state. I can tell you that normally I would put my foot down and not tolerate the situation, but here's the deal: if I don't tolerate it, then I might not get overseas and if I don't get overseas then people won't hear about Jesus. And if people don't hear about Jesus how can they accept him? And if they can't accept Him, how can they be saved? My decisions have eternal implications!

AHHAAA!! It is all so simple now and so easy for me to walk in love and flexibility. God has brought me to a place where I truly care about people knowing Him more than I care about being right or having my rights! If I go my own way, people will not be saved.
This new perspective in life is helping to mold every decision I make.

"If it means people will get saved I will do it!" no matter how uncomfortable it may be for me.


Texas Aggie in Florida said...

I miss ya girly!!! I was thinking about you today. Miss you TONS!!!!

M.Aldridge said...

Jessica & John,
I am so inspired by your BLOG. You are already drawing others closer to Christ....ME! Thank you for your commitment and your sacrifice. I would really like to know what the kids might want or need that we could send them things from time to time. Please email me when you can some things each child might like to have..big or small, we'll do what we can when we can, so don't be afraid to be honest. We love you guys and miss you tons. Praying for you too!

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