Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The church has walls

The men of our church built wood poles and put a put a blue tarp for a roof over our lot in Oasis. Then, the men built walls to encase the front side of the church. The backside is enclosed by walls from other house. 3 males leaders spent 4 days doing this work and the money came from the tithe that we have collected since January. The Peruvians have done the work and paid for this "building." I use the term building loosely. :) Pictures to come! It's very exciting!

The mom's group has stopped for many reasons. The main one being that I don't have the 10-12 hours that is required each week to put into this ministry. Now that I am 7months (on Sat.) and in my 3rd trimester, I just don't have the extra time or energy to devote to this. It is sad, but John and I felt this was best. We know God directed us to start it, but we felt a freedom to put it on hold for now.

We have a new team coming on Saturday night. I will be joining them a few afternoons "with the kids." We think this is best for our family.

Please pray against fleas and lice as we have been battling itchy heads (no lice seen) and a crazy flea infestation again. No sooner than we get it cleared up, we our out in the poor areas again collecting more fleas!

Please pray for our family. I am tired. The kids are going stir crazy in a little apartment and no vehicle most days and John is REALLY busy with the teams. We have a house that needs to get ready for us to move into, a lot of packing, organizing, etc...and a lot on our plate. We are doing well, but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel overwhelmed at the sheer thought of it all. I am SOOOOOO ready to be in the house. I am counting down the days. The family that is in there will leave August 31. :) The house has to be painted and 2 bathrooms are being remodeled. We are going to move in, however, as soon as the painting is done. If the couple allows it, we will start the painting earlier than the 31st. It will take 2 weeks for the house to be painted, but we are going to move in after the top floor (with all the bedrooms) is painted and we will deal with living in the bottom while they are painting. We don't want to risk not being settled when the baby is born. :) Especially since we are having a homebirth! :)

Thanks for praying!


The Byrd's Nest said...

Yes...that is a lot you have going on Jessica but I know that the Lord will strengthen you each day and give you just what you need. One dose of Grace at a you and praying for you.

Aimee's Cabins said...

Boy, I know you must be worn out Jess! Hang in there. We are praying for you guys.

For the fleas maybe you could get some flea collars... LOL!! Does that Deep woods off or anything help if you spray yourself before you go out to Oasis? Have you looked online for anything for fleas?

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