Friday, July 24, 2009

Goodbye to our Pastors and 30 week update!

This morning we said goodbye to the pastors. It was wonderful to have them here and I know that John was especially encouraged to be able to share his strategy, vision and daily duties with both of them. They gave a lot of good insights, asked questions and helped with some ideas. And did I mention that they spoiled us like crazy and really loved and encouraged us? It was WONDERFUL!!!!! We will miss them a lot. They are planning on bringing a team next summer. YEAH!!!

So...back to the contractions. Well, I was suppose to have my 30 week appointment on Monday, but I called the doctor this morning and she moved it to today because of a possible bacteria infection. There isn't really a doubt that I have an infection, it's just trying to determine what kind and how to treat it. Usually I am plagued with Group B strep and then it colonizes in my bladder and then my kidneys. If you ask me, that is probably the bacteria that I am battling once again (but praise God, the first time in this pregnancy). So, I had the appointment today and she really believes all the contractions I have had this week are coming from the infection. She said that over 50% of pre-term babies are born to mom's with infections. Oddly enough, I read the same thing on the internet just last night. She did a few lab tests and sent me home with herbal teas, soaps and some homemade stuff that has so far, only irritated the life out of me. I'm sorry, just send me to the pharmacy and get me some meds! :) I should know on Monday the results of the labs and how to best beat this bacteria to ensure the baby stays in for the full 40 weeks and that I feel good.

I had to do the DREADED weigh in this month after eating out with Pastor Steve and Cary ALL week and not exercising. I was dreading it. I only gained 1.4 kilos in 4 weeks - which is about 3 lbs. I gained the exact same last month so I was happy to see that I was up 6 lbs. in 8 weeks. But get this? She thinks that 1 lb. a week is TOO much. LOL! Doesn't like every pregnancy book tell you that you will gain 1 lb a week in the last trimester? Interesting. I think my overall gain is 21 or 22, but I started out 5-10 lbs. heavier than previous pregnancies (depending on which pregnancy we are talking about). So, I will definitely have to work hard to get the 30-35 off after the baby comes. Oh well, praise God for the Disney Marathon and Weight Watchers online to help!

The baby's head is completely down and he measured 28 weeks instead of 30, but that is because his head has moved into position. She didn't seem concerned about the 2 week difference that only showed up once his head dropped a bit. Trust me, I knew before the appointment that he had snuggled, head down, very comfortably!

On to house news. We went to the mission house that we will be moving into. I forgot how huge it is. The pastors helped me pick out what walls should be accent walls. That was really fun and funny. Pastor Steve would say one thing and I would be like "okay, maybe" and then Pastor Cary would walk in and say the exact same thing and I would be like "yes, definitely." LOL! I just think Cary has the decorator's touch and I seemed to trust his opinion as the authority. We were all laughing.

The missionaries who are living there now said their stuff will be loaded up to ship out on August 1 and that they were going to try to get out of the house as soon as possible. So, it could be SOONER than we had planned! YEAH!!!! I will keep you updated. We are hoping for the first week in September, but it could really be in August.

The only other thing I have to mention is the constant banging in our building. It is ALL day EVERY day and really hard to deal with. It is impossible to take naps or rest and it is just downright disruptive. They said it will go on for 2 more months -if I don't throw their jackhammers out of the window first. I am SOOO glad we are moving SOOON!

Miss you all and blessings! We are very encouraged and feeling good right now. We praise God for sending Pastor Steve and Cary. It was PERFECT!

1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

Praying for your health Jessica and I think it is a smart decision to sit these next teams out for yourself....I don't think I typed that correctly but you know what I mean!

I cannot wait to see this new precious baby AND your new home. You try and take it easy and don't worry about your are a fitness freak! You will lose look beautiful!

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