Saturday, October 24, 2009

Good day already!

They day has already started out pleasant! The baby slept last night from 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. with only one middle of the night feeding. YEAH! From 7:30 - 6:30 p.m. I fed him at 10 p.m., and 2 a.m. and 6: 20 a.m. so I really can't complain. He is fast asleep again! YEAH!! It sounds like a lot of feedings, but compared to the every solid 2-3 hours he has been eating, I was very happy for a little extra sleep. :)

And then I jumped on the scale to see if I have lost anymore weight since I started Weight Watcher's for nursing moms. I am down 4 lbs. in 2 weeks and have lost a grand total of 25 of the 31ish I gained during pregnancy! WOOHOOO!!! I have been working really hard to get it off simply because I need to fit in my clothes again. For me, the first 20 usually comes right off, but the last 10 I really have to work VERY hard at. But I started this pregnancy 10 lbs. heavier than some of my other pregnancies, so I still have about 15ish to lose. But I am very happy with the progress so far. I just wish I wasn't craving a chocolate e-clair from Dunkin Donuts this morning. ;)

I had a great conversation with the Pediatrician, on the telephone, Thursday night. He is going to help line up a 2nd opinion with another Pediatric Neurologist. This doctor will speak English so that will help the communication. The Pediatrician said our current Neurologist is very good, but extremely Meticulous. So we are wondering if he is being "overly" cautious. It was a lengthy conversation so I can't go over all the details, but it was reassuring that Baby Miles is probably VERY okay and even without therapy would catch up and grow to live a completely normal life without delays. John has been saying this all along. Lets see what the next doctor says.

I uploaded a bunch of pictures of Baby Miles on Facebook last night. Hop on over there to see his cute myriad of cute expressions!

Please pray about the fleas and a ministry vehicle for us. Our kids are eaten up AGAIN and no one except John has been going out to Oasis. He is carrying the sand fleas back in the car and in one car ride, the kids get tortured with bites. I have found that putting deodorant on them helps ease the itch a little. Who would've thought?


Stephen Jones said...

Thanks for the updates. It's great to hear from you. We will pray!

Jonatha said...

It seems like we are walking on the same path with our little ones. How strange for us to be having these things with our 5th! I think our pediatrician is being overly cautious as well, which is in turn scaring me and causing Abby to have unnecessary tests. Chad keeps telling me Abby is fine, and I'm trying my best to trust God through all of this, but when a doctor tells me such scary ideas it's easy to focus on that.

Anyway, we are praying for you and little Miles (and everything else)! I'm going to check out his pictures now. I hope you are feeling great today!

Layton Family said...

what a great update!!

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