Thursday, October 15, 2009


Miles had his follow-up appointment with the pediatric neurologist today. He came to our house and did an extensive evaluation as well as an ultrasound of the brain. He found a few things that still have him concerned. He scheduled an EEG for tomorrow as well as a toxicity screening for me to see if I have pesticides or some type of metal in my body that could be effecting the baby's central nervous system. We are still waiting for the metabolic test results which tests for 50-60 different metabolic/genetic problems. The test takes 12 business days so hopefully we will have some concrete answers next week. I was a little unnerved after the appointment today, but God is faithful and Miles continues to be an amazing blessing to our family and we are enjoying him so much. Please continue to pray for this issue at hand.


mali said...

Praying for Baby Miles, Jess! And you! Where are you going in December? How long? MISS YOU!

Shawna said...

Praying for all of you. God is BIG and He has a perfect plan.


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