Saturday, October 31, 2009

My rights - am I entitled?

God is reminding me that I am not entitled to what I think are "my rights." Sometimes I get caught in this trap and it can hinder me spiritually and leave me trying to work things out for myself instead of trusting God to work things out for me. The biggest right that I need to give up, in this stage of life, is my right to sleep. I am a mom of many children and an infant. 7 hours of sleep in the last 2 nights is all little Miles has allowed me and there hasn't been much rest time during the day. I found out this evening that John will be gone tomorrow from 5:45 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. tomorrow - just when I thought I could finally catch up on some sleep. I wanted to cry. Okay, sob is more like it! Doesn't he (John) know that I need sleep? (BTW- it's totally not John's fault that he has such a busy day planned coming off of 2 LOOOOONG nights with the baby). But then I was reminded that God knows I need sleep and He can do many things (as he has in the past) to help me through the day. Maybe the baby will sleep through the night tonight. Maybe I will wake up with a ton of energy tomorrow. Maybe I can steal a few hours of rest tomorrow even though I am in charge of 5 kids alone. No matter what the day holds, I know that God can and will me the strength to make it through since He gave me these precious kids and ordained this awesome, albeit sleepless right now, life for me. :) And I just need to continue to surrender what I think are my "rights" and trust in Him and his power and grace.

ROFL - as I was typing this, I fell asleep with my hand on the mouse! John said, "Jess...wake up." I had my hand on the mouse and my head was bobbing with my eyes closed. How funny is that? :) Too funny!

P.S. John and some men from the church are pouring the new floor tomorrow morning to help the flea situation. It has gotten so bad that no one can meet in the building anymore. And I use the term building loosely.

P.S.S. Dr. Spangenberg, the Ped., e-mailed us tonight and said he talked with the 2nd opinion Ped. Neurologist and to call her on Monday to get Miles in right away next week! YEAH!!

1 comment:

Shawna said...

I'm in the sleepless night's club right now, too. Caleb has had a bad infection had for about a week. Now I have bronchitis....

Moral of the story. Tomorrow when Miles falls asleep put Parker in charge of the kids. Set some ground rules. Tell them to stay together in one room unless they need to go to the bathroom. Tell them they cannot wake you up unless the baby is awake and GO TO BED...even if the house is a wreck, even if you haven't showered, etc....

Praying for a very HELPFUL visit with the new Dr. who speaks ENGLISH!!

And now, I'm going to bed before I fall asleep at the keyboard! At 7:47 p.m.! : )

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