Monday, November 2, 2009


The Lord has allowed me to catch up on some sleep this morning. I am so thankful. I need to be sleeping right now, so I need to make this quick.

John worked with 7 people from the church plant yesterday and they laid the entire concrete floor in 13 hours. He is going to go on Wednesday and fumigate the inside. Please pray the fleas are gone so they can start meeting there again. I would like to start going once in awhile as well. I haven't been able to show the baby off since he was born. But more importantly, we need the space for ministry.

We are looking at a ministry car, but a car that would cost $500 in America (like a 1998 Nissan Sentra) costs $2,500-$3,000 here. That is insane. It's a 20 year old car. We just need a separate car because of the flea issue and also because of the difficulty with me being here with 5 kids and no car many days a week.

Miles' follow-up appointment with the neurologist is scheduled for this Friday. We think he is doing really well. His head is getting stronger and his leg is not tremoring nearly as much. He is following us with his eyes, is very alert and today was smiling at all of us many different times. He doesn't seem delayed to me. However, he does NOT have any bowel movements on his own. This makes him very uncomfortable and fussy. Please pray he will start going. :)

Tomorrow we are going to the U.S. Embassy to get Mile's American Passport and Social Security card. We are hoping things going smoothly. We already have his Peruvian Passport, resident card and Birth Certificate. :)

We have had 2-3 appointments each week between the doctor's visits and paperwork stuff. This week should be the last of it and that should help things to get back to normal quite a bit. We are looking forward to it.

Keep Friday's appointment in your prayers please! Thank you!!!!


Jonatha said...

I am so happy to hear Miles is doing so great! He'll be chasing his siblings in no time! I can't wait to meet him! If I recall, didn't your other kids have the same issue with #2? I'll be praying - and I hope his appointment Friday goes great! Your intuitions are more important than any tests.

I'm still waiting to see my pediatrician for her 2nd opinion. We will be seeing her this week (Lord willing). I think Abby is fine, so I'm hoping she agrees. We can handle the breathing thing, it's the other stuff that worries us :)

Amy said...

Praying Jess. Always praying. I've opened up a poll for my friends, so email or call me to enter:

Baby's Due Date
Pounds and

Winner gets....well we'll see! Three have already been eliminated they guessed today before (3:43 pm). Anyway, email or call me with your guesses!

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