Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If you can't say anything positive then don't say ANYTHING at all! Isn't this the old addage we have been taught since we were kids? Well, then.....I won't say anything about homeschooling. I will just ask that you pray for me and the children. PLEASE!!!!!

A new missionary to Lima came over today with her 4 year old. She and Avery became fast friends. She stayed for about 4 hours and we had great fellowship. I forgot what it was like to do something like "have" fellowship while hubby is working. It was definitely a nice time.

Tomorrow, a Peruvian woman, who lived in Melbourne, FL for 7 years that speaks perfect English, is coming to my home tomorrow to highlight, cut and style my hair. I seriously have been praying and hoping for a hairdresser that speaks English that I can trust. It is super hard to find someone who will do a good job, is affordable and that you can communicate EXACTLY what you want to. In fact, it is hard enough to communicate a hairstyle in English. With 5 kids and a nursing baby, it is even more convenient that she is coming to my home. She will do my hair and my neighbor's hair. I just love that Peruvians make house calls. And all that for a whopping $47. Now, I'm just hoping she does a great job since I'm super picky. :)

In other news, there are a TON of changes happening with the IMB. We are getting e-mails daily about financial changes. Money is definitely going to be MUCH tighter next year as we will have more expenses. I am just praising God for a job and his continual provision and blessings for our family.

Speaking of the IMB, I have to pat John on the back. He received an e-mail from the leadership of the "Americas" affinity group this week asking him to attend a "young leaders" conference in March. They are training up and developing new leaders for the future. Only 10 men, out of a big pool of missionaries, were invited in all of South and Central America so this is a huge honor for him. I am so proud of him and can't wait to see the plans God has for our family in the future. John is not so sure if he ever wants to be in leadership, but he is honored and will attend the conference.

I will put some pictures up of little Miley Smiley! He is a cutey pants. He is now going #2 after almost EVERY feeding. WOOHOOO! He is sleeping better as well. For 2 nights in a row he has slept for 7 hours straight. Come on, Miles, keep it up!

Thanks for checking in!


Shawna said...

I remember hearing once that when a homeschooling day is going bad it is smart to announce the "next" activity. A trip to the park and picnic lunch (if you haven't had lunch yet). While there find a few things you like about your kids and look for things to "discover". A statue of some guy to find out the history of, a bug you've never seen before, some pretty flower or plant, etc. When you get home or the next day take time to learn more about those things via internet. (Maybe interspersed through the day as fun breaks.) The point is to break the monotony or the bad attitude and rekindle the love of learning.

That said, my kids experience some of the most unstructured homeschooling of anyone I know personally until they start attending Smith Prep! (I'd guess we take a few breaks a week for this kind of reason. Sometimes an hour long sometimes all day....) My kids do GREAT at Smith Prep because they have learned to LOVE learning through all of this.

If you need to talk about specific homeschool problems and how to work them out shoot me an email and I'll try to help you trouble shoot!


Justgottalaugh said...

I am thrilled to hear about Miles' progress! Yeah!

We will certainly lift your requests up to the Lord, my friend:)

Make sure you post pictures of your 'after' hair, OK?

laytonfamily said...

I am praying about homeschooling too! Jake is "bored" after our lessons - and it's constantly, "what can I do" boredom for him. Looks like 2nd grade will definitely be in school of some sort!!

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