Friday, November 27, 2009

Loving Life in Lima

A picture update and an update on Miles!

Miles now weighs 12.6 lbs! Can you believe it? The doctor was a little concerned about his rapid weight gain, but I told him not to be because Parker was 27 lbs at one year. That comforted him. Miles is now in the 75th percentile for his weight. The pediatrician said that he thinks his neck strength is improving.

The baby rolled over today for the first time. He almost did it in the doctor's office on Wednesday and the doctor said he would be doing it very soon. He rolled from his belly to his back. Honestly, I think he is my earliest kid to do this - 8 1/2 weeks. Doesn't seem like he is going to have problems developmentally - if you ask me!!

3 of my kids came down ill on Thanksgiving Eve so we stayed home yesterday and had a quiet family feast! It was a great day. John came down sick today. Hopefully this will be the end of it. Tomorrow is our big neighborhood Thanksgiving feast.

Also, here is a link to the food I will be eating with the lady from our church. I have been told it is very delicious.

Enjoy the pictures!

This is Miles' favorite position. What would I do without this Hot Sling?

This is the 2nd time he rolled over today. I had to take a picture of it. He had been crying for awhile and I wasn't sure why until I saw that he was on his back. He rolled over! WOOHOOO!

Taking care of Miles!!! Jaxson took this picture, too!
Even old moms can have fun. This is me bobbing for apples on Thanksgiving day! We had a blast. I got 10 in 59 seconds for the Phamily record. It is A LOT harder than it looks!

This is Parker working really hard to break my record. It was hysterical to watch him! We all had to back up about 5 feet.

Were you this cute?


The 5 Ragamuffins. John said they look a little homely in this picture. I still think they are so cute!

Check out this omelet I made the other day. I flipped it over and it had a heart in the middle of it. One of the kids noticed it first. How beautiful! A nice reminder of LOVE!

Sleeping Prince Miles! Say Prince Smiles 5x fast and it sounds like Prince Smiles!

Miles and Ally. He is laying on her chest. Jaxson Dean took this picture!

Mommy and her kids enjoying our Thanksgiving feast! We cooked lots of yummy food from scratch. Daddy took this picture and that's why he is not in it.

Miles and his First Thanksgiving! Check out the cute bib over the Gator colored outfit!

Prince Miles on his throne!

This pigeon, and her dear hubby, have decided to make a nest over our laundry room. They are constantly dragging in branches and leaving a mess. And then they lay the eggs and the eggs fall from this ledge. So, John took a piece of wood and covered it with nails to keep the birds away. If you look closely, you can see that she is sitting on top of the nails and trying to build another nest. She waits there while her hubby gets her some sticks. He brings her 1 stick about every 2 minutes. It is very entertaining to watch, but nonetheless the birds have GOT to go. Can't believe they are nesting on nails. Oh, the things we will do for our babies.

1 comment:

Justgottalaugh said...

Ok girl- don't know what flab you were talking about in your other post cuz you look GREAT!

Your little Miles sure is a carbon copy of Parker- I just can't believe it!
He seems to be doing so much now. I agree- he doesn't appear to be delayed at all:)

LOVED the pics of Ally with Miles laying on her. So cute! Tell Jaxson Dean he's a good little photographer.

Your Thanksgiving spread looked awesome! It made me so hungry. Beautiful dining room, too:)

Love you all!

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