Monday, November 30, 2009
Blog Facelift
Just 2 more weeks until we are in America. I REALLY need the spiritual encouragment as well as some Target and Cracker Barrel! :)
My thoughts are always so scattered and random. I'm like that in real life, too!
Weigh in Day
I started WW on October 19th and have been doing it for 6 weeks now. I have lost a total of 8.5 lbs. on the plan (12.5 since I started trying to lose weight), which averages to be 1.4 lbs. per week. It is definitely a MUCH slower process than I would like, but most research shows that the slower you lose it, the better your chances of keeping it off are. And to be honest, I feel extremely satisfied and am rarely ravenous on this plan. Last week, I hit the milestone of losing 5% of my body weight and now I am aiming for another 5% to get me to a place where I feel comfortable and so that ALL the clothes in my closet will fit me once again.
I wish it were as easy to lose weight as it is to gain weight! Anyway, it is a process that definitely takes time, but will be so worth it in the long run. I didn't think I would have much success with WW online and doing it overseas. But honestly, it has been a lot easier doing it here in Peru because there are so few food choices as compared to the United States. I am pretty much in a rhythm of eating the same 15 things and not constantly thinking of what I'm going to conjure up next to fulfill a craving. I am just eating to be satisfied and stay within the points system.
Okay, so that was probably WEIGH more (get it) than you wanted to know! So this week I am going to keep plugging away (the Holidays kind of got me off track) and I am shooting for my next goal!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A new friend, a new treasure
Next week we are having the party, here at our house, for the people from Oasis. Well, Rosita INSISTS that we not buy pre-cooked food from a supermarket. She is going to do all the shopping for me and then she will follow us home from church next week and we will cook the meal together. Since she is extremely reliable, I consented and am really looking forward to it. It will save us a lot of money as well. Praise God!
Rosita is a single mother of two young men, 16 and 18. Her boys are incredibly polite and sweet. Of course, my kids had a great time with them.
We went to the late service today instead of the early morning service since I was going to her house directly after church. Normally we are there from 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. but the 2nd service starts at 11 a.m. and didn't get over until 1:30 p.m. OUCH! And John wasn't with me because he has to work in Oasis. So there I was, the only gringo there with 5 kids in tow alone. I could just feel that all eyes were on me. All that to say, I think I will stick with the first service that is short and sweet and will always have hubby with me.
Anyway, John and I are just praising God for the sweet fellowship and the new friend. :)
I also met another woman named, Isabelle, at church today and she lives very close and said that we should get together. WOW! I am constantly amazed at God's provision of friends and so very thankful that since we started this church that things are coming together for me and I am integrating into the culture more and more.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Loving Life in Lima
Miles now weighs 12.6 lbs! Can you believe it? The doctor was a little concerned about his rapid weight gain, but I told him not to be because Parker was 27 lbs at one year. That comforted him. Miles is now in the 75th percentile for his weight. The pediatrician said that he thinks his neck strength is improving.
The baby rolled over today for the first time. He almost did it in the doctor's office on Wednesday and the doctor said he would be doing it very soon. He rolled from his belly to his back. Honestly, I think he is my earliest kid to do this - 8 1/2 weeks. Doesn't seem like he is going to have problems developmentally - if you ask me!!
3 of my kids came down ill on Thanksgiving Eve so we stayed home yesterday and had a quiet family feast! It was a great day. John came down sick today. Hopefully this will be the end of it. Tomorrow is our big neighborhood Thanksgiving feast.
Also, here is a link to the food I will be eating with the lady from our church. I have been told it is very delicious.
Enjoy the pictures!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
What's happening around here?
Today, we went to church again and the people there are just extraordinarly (is that a word?) kind to us. They all love the baby and our kids. So many people talk to us each week after the service. We love it! Today, a woman named Rosita invited us to her house after church next week to eat a typical Peruvian dish that they make in the jungle. John won't be able to make it, but I will take all 5 kids and enjoy some Christian fellowship with her. Can you believe that we have been here for 15 months and this is our first "dinner" invite from a Peruvian? It takes a long time to make friends here, I guess. The culture is extremely different than Costa Rica.
In about an hour, we are ALL heading out the door to Oasis for an afternoon of ministry and showing off the baby. This is the first time he has been out there since he was born and ALL of our friends that live out there have been asking for him. In fact, 2 women who haven't been attending are going to come today just to see Miles. Isn't that sweet? Although, I do wish they would come regularly. Anyway, we are praying that the fleas do not get him or the rest of us. We are all looking forward to seeing people and attending the service in Oasis.
We have decided that we are going to have a Christmas party in our home for the church leaders in Oasis. There are about 7 extremely faithful attendees (as well as their families) that we would like to bless. These are the ones that are taking the evangelism course and have helped with all the construction on the building. We have decided we are going to make sure that not one person leaves our home without a present and that we fill their bellies with typical Peruvian food and typical American Deserts. There should be about 20 people coming. I am so excited to be doing this for them. I hope it is an evening where they feel very loved and blessed. We just want to let them know how thankful we are for their commitment and service to God and the church.
On the homefront, this week we will have a very "light" schooling week since it is Thanksgiving and I also need to refresh and recharge. We have lots of plans. Tomorrow our new friends that came over last week will be coming over again (but this time with all 4 of her kids). Tuesday I have a lunch date with another missionary that is my good friend and like a mom to me. Wednesday we have Mile's 8 week check-up. Thursday is Thanksgiving and we will be celebrating with a missionary family that works for another organization and they have 5 kids as well. They have a pool so we are so excited to get to go swimming! :) And Saturday I have another long run of 16 miles with my German/Peruvian friend, Isabelle, and Sunday I have the luncheon with Rosita. So, it should be a good mix of cultural activities as well as with other missionaries. I am really feeling MUCH more connected to Peru since we started attending this church. I have even been dreaming in Spanish again. :)
Well, off to start round 2 of the day.
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Look what I'm going to make! It tastes better than it even looks. And I think it looks pretty good.
Here is the recipe (with MANY more from this great blogsite).....
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A new missionary to Lima came over today with her 4 year old. She and Avery became fast friends. She stayed for about 4 hours and we had great fellowship. I forgot what it was like to do something like "have" fellowship while hubby is working. It was definitely a nice time.
Tomorrow, a Peruvian woman, who lived in Melbourne, FL for 7 years that speaks perfect English, is coming to my home tomorrow to highlight, cut and style my hair. I seriously have been praying and hoping for a hairdresser that speaks English that I can trust. It is super hard to find someone who will do a good job, is affordable and that you can communicate EXACTLY what you want to. In fact, it is hard enough to communicate a hairstyle in English. With 5 kids and a nursing baby, it is even more convenient that she is coming to my home. She will do my hair and my neighbor's hair. I just love that Peruvians make house calls. And all that for a whopping $47. Now, I'm just hoping she does a great job since I'm super picky. :)
In other news, there are a TON of changes happening with the IMB. We are getting e-mails daily about financial changes. Money is definitely going to be MUCH tighter next year as we will have more expenses. I am just praising God for a job and his continual provision and blessings for our family.
Speaking of the IMB, I have to pat John on the back. He received an e-mail from the leadership of the "Americas" affinity group this week asking him to attend a "young leaders" conference in March. They are training up and developing new leaders for the future. Only 10 men, out of a big pool of missionaries, were invited in all of South and Central America so this is a huge honor for him. I am so proud of him and can't wait to see the plans God has for our family in the future. John is not so sure if he ever wants to be in leadership, but he is honored and will attend the conference.
I will put some pictures up of little Miley Smiley! He is a cutey pants. He is now going #2 after almost EVERY feeding. WOOHOOO! He is sleeping better as well. For 2 nights in a row he has slept for 7 hours straight. Come on, Miles, keep it up!
Thanks for checking in!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Still battling fleas! What else? :)
A friend is going to let me use her BMW while I am in Florida so I don't have to rent a car after all and will save money. I'm very happy about that.
John's mom is going to help us with the rental van in California unless God provides another alternative. That is a blessing too.
The baby has gone #2 at least 3 times this week on his own. That is such an improvement from zero and we are thankful for that.
John and I have been running a lot recently. John is up to 9 miles and I am up to 14 and will run 16 next week in preparation for the Disney Marathon. We signed up for a half-marathon in December that we are going to run together. It is in Lima and starts at 9 a.m. Should be nice and toasty for us. I am enjoying running with him. I am very proud of his progress. When each one of us comes home from a run we immediately share our average pace, average heart rate and distance. It's so fun!! We also talk "race" strategies. I LOVE having a fellow runner in the house.
Well, I have something shocking to tell you. I actually LOVE living here now. If the IMB told us we had to leave Lima, I can honestly say that I would be very sad. We have a lot of friends in our neighborhood, ministry is progressing, we found a church that we love, and we are extremely settled. Our life is here now and I am so thankful! Boy, it was a rough start, but I am so glad to feel like this is home.
On other good news, we found out that we will be able to live in St. Cloud, FL when we return to the states in September of next year. Originally, we were going to have to live in Orlando about 30 minutes away. Our home church now has a house that we can use in the center of town. We could not be more excited (especially me).
Please pray for my house helper's brother. He was in the hospital for like 10 days and needed an operation on his stomache. They sent him home to take antiobiotics before the surgery. He went in on Nov. 10th for the surgery, but he needed to pay $100 before they would do it. He didn't have the money and had to postpone the surgery. Now he is working really hard, WHILE he is sick and infected, to try to come up with the money. We have been having our empleada work extra so she can earn more money to help him, plus John gave her a cash advance, but her financial situation isn't very good either. She lives in a dirt shack and barely had enough money to get by (with 6 kids). If you could pray for their situation (her name is Maria and I don't know her brother's name), that would be wonderful. Can you imagine not being able to have a very NEEDED operation b/c of a lousy $100? That is like $1,000.00 or more to them. It breaks our hearts. We want to just give them the money, but we have been told countless times that it is not a good idea. UGH!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The baby went to the bathroom (#2) on his own yesterday. I was shocked and completely happy. We were just about to have to take him to the gastroenterologist this week (the Ped. said we should). But now we can hold off on that. YEAH!!!
Yesterday was Jaxson Dean's 6th birthday. We had a wonderful time celebrating with our family. In the late afternoon, all of our neighbors came over to our patio and we had cake with them to celebrate. They all brought presents for Jaxson and the kids played very hard (pictures to come). It was a tremendous blessing to have them to help us celebrate.
I'm sure I could write a lot more, but the homeschooling day must now begin. Thanks for checkin in and for your prayers.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Eight-things (AMY)
UPDATE: Amy had her baby around 2ish without a c-section. I will let her fill you in on all the details and stats on her blog when she gets home in a few days. She is thankful for your prayers. :)
Friday, November 6, 2009
Miles Praise!
YEAH!!!!! :)
Okay, I'll give you a little more than that. She said there is cause for concern, but not cause to worry. She reviewed ALL of his previous tests and also did an extensive evaluation. She definitely agreed about his extremely weak and floppy head. But she wasn't super, duper concerned because she said sometimes it can be "familial." Parker had the same exact problem and grew out of it. Anyway, she is repeating a blood test that caught her attention and she is hoping it will come back fine. She wants to wait until he is 4 months old and then evaluate him again. She said if he cannot hold his head and is not reaching milestones, then she will do an MRI of his brain and some "muscle" tests. She rattled off some kinds of muscle enzyme problems that are possible, but like I said...she wasn't worried at all. She even thinks the EKG looked good for a 2 and half week old baby. And she commented that a mother's instinct is very often the best indicator for how the baby is doing. And personally, I think he is doing great. She also said that the tremors in his legs are completely normal for a baby and he should outgrow them by the next appointment. And she mentioned that his not "pooping" could be from weak muscles as well. If the muscles in his neck are weak, it is possible they are weak in his bowels as well. And ironically, Parker had the no-pooping issue too. Everything else about this baby is perfect and healthy in every single way and honestly I really think there is NOTHING wrong with him.
We are so glad for the 2nd opinion and all of your prayers! I am so relieved to be done with appointments. It was getting a bit much for a family with so many kids that is trying to homeschool.
Monday, November 2, 2009
John worked with 7 people from the church plant yesterday and they laid the entire concrete floor in 13 hours. He is going to go on Wednesday and fumigate the inside. Please pray the fleas are gone so they can start meeting there again. I would like to start going once in awhile as well. I haven't been able to show the baby off since he was born. But more importantly, we need the space for ministry.
We are looking at a ministry car, but a car that would cost $500 in America (like a 1998 Nissan Sentra) costs $2,500-$3,000 here. That is insane. It's a 20 year old car. We just need a separate car because of the flea issue and also because of the difficulty with me being here with 5 kids and no car many days a week.
Miles' follow-up appointment with the neurologist is scheduled for this Friday. We think he is doing really well. His head is getting stronger and his leg is not tremoring nearly as much. He is following us with his eyes, is very alert and today was smiling at all of us many different times. He doesn't seem delayed to me. However, he does NOT have any bowel movements on his own. This makes him very uncomfortable and fussy. Please pray he will start going. :)
Tomorrow we are going to the U.S. Embassy to get Mile's American Passport and Social Security card. We are hoping things going smoothly. We already have his Peruvian Passport, resident card and Birth Certificate. :)
We have had 2-3 appointments each week between the doctor's visits and paperwork stuff. This week should be the last of it and that should help things to get back to normal quite a bit. We are looking forward to it.
Keep Friday's appointment in your prayers please! Thank you!!!!