Sunday, February 3, 2008

Little Fatty and spiritual stuff

Okay, so I'm totally not inspired to blog although there is a lot to blog about. I think it's because I read other people's blogs and their's are so creative or funny or super-deep spiritually and then there is my blog! BORING! So if you're content to read boring than I'll update more, but I think I'm just uninspired because I'd rather post nothing than a boring ol' update - which seems to be all that I can muster out these days.

Anyway, John preached and it went very well. He said the worship time that he had to lead was disasterous. I am going to let him blog about his preaching because I wasn't there and I don't know what to tell you except that it was about Gideon and it was in Spanish and he probably did a great job! :)

I lead the Bible study on Thursday at the House of Restoration and it went better than I had expected. We stayed on course. I understood a lot of what was being said, but not all. My friend Rita helped me when I needed it. We studied Ephesians and putting off our "old man" and walking in the Spirit in our "new man." Everyone participated, except the lady who fell asleep (she's detoxing). My friend, Rita, said it was a beautiful. I truly felt like I was out of God's way during the study because my Spanish and understanding is limited, it had to be ALL about His WORD. Praise God!

Also, John's language partner, Blanca, is going to be discipled by our friend and co-worker here in Costa Rica. She has been a missionary for over 25 years. She is going to meet with Blanca on Wednesday night and asked me if I would like to join them. The kids will be sleeping so I think I will. :)

Parker is improving everyday.

A funny - there is a parakeet that we walk by everytime we go to the grocery story. He says "Hola, Hola, Hola....." You get the point. Today I walked over to him to say "Hola," and he said, "Hola, Gordita." At first I thought gordita was the name of his owner! HAAAA! Then I realzed he was saying, "Hello, little fatty!" Nothing like a sweet talkin' bird!

Another funny - I bought a bathing suit at the cheap grocery store (think Save-A-Lot) for $8 and it's Body Glove. :) How fun is that?


Justgottalaugh said...

Little fatty! Ha ha ha!! That's so funny! Especially to you because you're so the opposite!!

So you're doing a Bible study in Spanish, John's preaching in Spanish... did I mention that I can say the days of the week in Espanol?

Jonatha said...

What a bird - I wouldn't want it for a pet! Just for the record - your blog is anything but boring. It is amazing to read the ways God is working in your lives - so please keep blogging!

Kerri said...

Wow! Jon's preaching, the Bible study in Spanish and Parker's healing . . . it's great to be privy to God's work in your lives.

Please don't stop blogging. I so enjoy getting the updates, seeing God's faithfulness and yours, and knowing how to pray for you guys. Really it is an encouraging thing to see. So I'm asking you to keep on blogging!!!

your friend in Texas,

The Sage Family said...

I check for new updates daily, infact I'm disapointed when there isn't one. As far as comparing your blog to those funny blogs, written by those who just need to laugh (I won't mention any names) don't compare yours to theirs. They are a unique bunch, wonderfully made by the Lord, who fulfill His purpose, of reminding the rest of us what big losers we are... (I'm just kidding). Their just a special creation that helps us to chuckle (kind of like the duck billed platapus) So now keep up the blogging and praise the Lord that you've never been equated to a platapus! (good thing I didn't mention any names... I could have offended someone. :)

Justgottalaugh said...

Wait a minute... I know I'm slow but did someone call me a platypus?? Mrs. Sage??? Where are you girl?

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