Monday, July 20, 2009

So What's Up?

On Saturday, we said good-bye to our 2nd mission team of the summer. I didn't spend as much time with them as the other teams, but I definitely got to know a few of the women from the 2 days we (the kids and I) went with them and the supper we shared together. I found myself getting teary-eyed once again! The good-byes are just never ending and they don't seem to be getting any easier. We meet someone, love them to death and then in a week they are gone! I know this is part of God's plan for our lives right now, but boy does it hurt! Today we had to say good-bye to a volunteer, Pavel, who has been here since the middle of May. To say that my children have fallen for him is an understatement. We spent a TON of time doing ministry with him, having fellowship and eating together. Jaxson was the most attached to him. It was another sad goodbye, as we know we won't see him for at least a year. He is one of our favorite people (he is a Peruvian married to an American girl).

Anyway, today Pastor Steve and Pastor Carey from our home church, First Baptist St. Cloud (Florida), will be flying in to visit us! YEAH! I think I am so super excited about this visit. They are just coming to love on us, see the ministry and spend some great time encouraging us and getting to know our lives here. They are super cool men of God and a taste from home! We are very excited about this time we have with them.

So what's going on here?
Fleas, fleas and more fleas! We are fighting them like crazy, but they are determined to eat the flesh of Jaxson, Avery and John! It's a never-ending battle. John is really getting frustrated and feeling so tired of working in the areas that are flea infested. Please pray for direction on how to beat these buggers. Nothing is working!

Ally came down with a bladder infection and I took her to the local clinic by myself with 4 kids yesterday. The entire 3 hours was in Spanish and I did it. She was successfully treated and released without a word of English! Praise God! She is feeling a little bit better today and isn't screaming every time she has to use the bathroom. Her fever is gone, so far!

I am doing well. I am almost 30 weeks. The main problem is that I am having terrible insomnia and using the restroom 10-15 times EACH night. That is excessive! Last night was only 5 times, so I slept a little better. This morning I have had about 10 contractions in just a few hours time span, so I am drinking some water and resting on the couch to help them subside. I probably have not had enough to drink. I wouldn't say they are super painful. I would use the word moderate! :)

Well, the kids are getting hungry (kind of a priority, you know) so I better sign off now. Hopefully the contractions won't start again as soon as I stand up and start working. :)

2 more hours until the pastors are here!!!! YEAH!!!

I wrote a nice little paragraph about ministry and it got deleted and I couldn’t get it back.


Jonatha said...

I am having the same problem with sleeping! I feel like my body wakes up the minute I lay down. It is so frustrating! I've never had to deal with this (other than the getting up for bathroom breaks :) ). Anyway, just wanted to share in the complaining! I hope your visit is wonderful!

Shawna said...

That is too many contractions for this early! Make sure you guzzle water and take it really easy! Has the baby dropped? Is that why you are up so much? If so you might want to have your care taker look you over, SOON.

Sorry to carry on but as a mom of three preemies your note set me on edge. I'd be VERY careful!

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