Monday, November 30, 2009

Weigh in Day

Every Tuesday is the dreadful, I mean, much anticipated weigh-in day for the Online Weight Watcher's program that I have been doing. I am trying to get this baby weight off. It was so much fun putting it on, but shedding it isn't so delightful! I gained 31 lbs. during pregnancy and now I am down 30 lbs! WOOHOO! 1 more pound to go and I will have hit my pre-pregnancy weight. The sad thing is that my pre-pregnancy weight was still 10 lbs. more that what I normally weigh, so I have a ways to go still. And honestly, I certainly don't look like what I looked like before I got pregnant with the 5th baby. My gut still hangs over my jeans when I sit down. My arms are flabby and the back fat hangs over my sports bra. Nice images, huh?! So...I am working really hard to stick with the Weight Watcher's plan. It is perfect for nursing and also for marathon training. I am definitely eating enough and still losing weight. And Miles....well, the 12.5 lbs. he weighs speaks for itself.

I started WW on October 19th and have been doing it for 6 weeks now. I have lost a total of 8.5 lbs. on the plan (12.5 since I started trying to lose weight), which averages to be 1.4 lbs. per week. It is definitely a MUCH slower process than I would like, but most research shows that the slower you lose it, the better your chances of keeping it off are. And to be honest, I feel extremely satisfied and am rarely ravenous on this plan. Last week, I hit the milestone of losing 5% of my body weight and now I am aiming for another 5% to get me to a place where I feel comfortable and so that ALL the clothes in my closet will fit me once again.

I wish it were as easy to lose weight as it is to gain weight! Anyway, it is a process that definitely takes time, but will be so worth it in the long run. I didn't think I would have much success with WW online and doing it overseas. But honestly, it has been a lot easier doing it here in Peru because there are so few food choices as compared to the United States. I am pretty much in a rhythm of eating the same 15 things and not constantly thinking of what I'm going to conjure up next to fulfill a craving. I am just eating to be satisfied and stay within the points system.

Okay, so that was probably WEIGH more (get it) than you wanted to know! So this week I am going to keep plugging away (the Holidays kind of got me off track) and I am shooting for my next goal!


Amy said...

Did I mention I don't own a scale -- a working one that is.....wheeewh! No pressure here! How I envy you for not having abundant food selection! That is truly my downfall. If I could find 15 solid, healthy, sustainable, and filling items and repeat them over and over again, I would be so very grateful. Say...that sounds like a good idea. Maybe I will try that this week:-) Anyway, congrats on 30 lbs! You rock, are my hero, and kind of make me sick:-) But, I'll get there, too......I'm thinking of going back to skipping rope and doing my "boxer" routine. Fast, furious, and fun! We'll see. Baby slept 5 whole hours last nite. Woohooo!

laytonfamily said...

I know back fat! I know muffin top belly fat in pants too - so don't beat yourself up. We're not made to look sickly thin - you've had 5 children! You are absolutely beautiful! Inside and out!! What is it - charm and beauty fade but a woman who fears the Lord should be praised. (stef paraphrase). You are praised!!

Stick to the points - I only did WW for 4 weeks (before realizing I was pregnant and should be dieting) but what a difference portion size makes!! And I saw more off the first few weeks in inches than lbs!! YOU CAN DO IT!!

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