Monday, February 15, 2010

2 blogs for the price of one

First blog: The team meeting today was EXCELLENT! We topped it off with a fun trip to Chili's. Yummy! To sum it all up: in 3 years, when it is time to ship off to a new location, we have the option to learn a new language and go to Asia, Europe, Africa or to any UPG (unreached people group) that we feel God is calling us to. Or, we can stay in Central or South America and go live in a VERY rural area, learn a new language (tribal) and work with indigenous people groups. Fortunately, we have plenty of time to see where God is leading us and what He has in store for us. Either way, we will be moving and learning another language. We do feel called to Columbia and there are some UPG's in Columbia. So, we do have the option of taking our Stateside assigment until January and then when we get back we could decide that we are ready to go to any of the above locations, and then pack up and go. It is all very flexible. Our boss told us today that we will not be missionaries that stay in one place for 10 years and that missionary work is "mobile." Boy, God has such a sense of humor to give me five kids and then send us all over the world with all kinds of crazy foods, exotic languages and interesting cultures. I guess I never have to worry about my kids being 1 dimensional or uncultured. Instead, I'll need to make sure they know how to settle down in one place and get grounded and rooted. There is a reason they are called Third Culture Kids (TCK'S). They are 2 cultures mixed together, that make a third culture. But in our situation, they could end up being 5Ck's or 6Ck's. As they grow up, they will never be short on stories, I'm sure.

2nd blog: Met with the kid's teachers today. The school is hyper-conservative (and I mean that as a positive) and exceptionally strict. So strict in fact, that Jaxson was in tears as I read him the new handbook. He's not that crazy about rules. ;) The girls have to wear long skirts or dresses everyday (LOVE IT), and the boys have to be neatly manicured as well. The only kids who attend the school, are children of missionaries and English speaking children. There are about 30 kids in the school and I could not be more pleased with it. Here is the rundown:

Jaxson and Ally will share a teacher. She is young (early 20's) and SUGARY sweet. Jaxson is in First Grade and he will have one other boy in his class.

Ally will be in 2nd grade and she will have 2 other, very kind and gentle spirited girls (like herself), in her class. So there will be 1 teacher, 2 grades and 5 kids. I had the opportunity to look over the curriculums, and after a week or 2 of review, my kids should be flying high and easily on grade level with ZERO problems. I think the maturity level of all the kids and that class, will help Jaxson to mature a little bit as well (this is a good thing).

Parker will have a nice, young teacher as well. She has 3rd and 4th grade. I looked over the 4th grade math curriculum and I about fainted. NO WAY could he do that kind of stuff. It is Abeka math and I promise you it is like 5th grade stuff - fractions, long division, long multiplication. It is all WAY above his head. All the rest of the stuff he is easily in 4th grade, but he would completely be so lost in the math. And if you skip these fundamentals or rush through them, he could struggle with math for the rest of his life. So.....we are allowing him to go into 3rd grade, which is the grade he would be in if he was in an American school. He is going to have a very easy year, except for math, and will be able to sharpen some of his fundamental writing and spelling skills. I am very happy for him because he gets easily frustrated. We think this is the very best decision for him. It's not like he is dropping a grade level or anything, he just won't be doing what we were doing at home, which was probably way too hard for him anyway. He took the news very well. His 3rd grade class will have 4 kids in it in total. The 4th grade class has 5. So, his class will be on the larger side with a combined total of 9. Isn't that funny? That's still a tiny class.

All 3 kids cried tonight at one time or another about starting school or some school related issue - the first of many tears I am sure. I have an incredible peace that this is the right school for us right now and that we are making the best choice. However, I know that this is going to be a bit of a challenge for the kids at first, but once they get into the groove, they will love it and excel. I think they will be challenged spiritually, academically and socially. I am going to be super hands on and involved in everything. I never thought I would feel so excited about a school before, but I truly am. If it was any other school, I might not feel this way.

Well, it was an information packed day and I just wanted to let you guys know what is going on in our lives. John starts his "research" tomorrow. Please keep his safety on the forefront of your -prayers.


Shawna said...

Glad all was encouraging on the team meeting front! We'll be praying for your "where does God want us" process.

Praying also for the big transition with the kids. Many big things happening in their little lives. Hope they are all very happy with the new little school. Hope you adjust quickly and easily, too. You may be surprised at some of the adjustments you have to go through!

Remember God is big enough to help you and your kids handle the adjustments no matter how many new places you end up!

Layton Family said...

YEAH - what an awesome school. How fun - and I bet they are going to enjoy themselves, it's just the fear of starting something new. I couldn't be more excited for having such a great opportunity for y'all! GO GOD!!

hugs - miss you

Stephen Jones said...

Thanks for sharing these updates. We will certainly be praying for God to keep you faithful and "semper gumby" -- always flexible!

circus of love said...

Excited for the Phamily in all these changes to see how God is going to work and provide for you all and use you!!!

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