The family celebrating Abigail's Baby Dedication.

Local missionary, Miguel, and the home where his small home church meets. He has been working in a small corner of Gosen for 5 years and we believe God is opening up the doors for us to partner with him and reach the area on a much bigger scale.

Outside of the house where they meet.

Gosen. 1500 homes. Miguel (see pict. below) and John are partnering to reach the area.

A Peruvian Missionary, Miguel, who has been working for 5 years to plant a church. This is one of the houses where he is having a Bible study with about 20 people.

Just one view of one area God has called us to work in.
Area is called Jose Galvez. Have not found any Baptist churches in the area.

I have NO idea how this picture got stuck in here. LOL! It is us with our missionary friends, going to a local petting zoo last week. Meet the McLambs!! I decided to keep it in anyway.

John and Alberto, Miriam and Abigail as she was getting dedicated to the Lord!
Great pics Jess! Miss you guys! Everyone looks great, especially the youngest Pham! I want to hold him and give him kisses!!
Hope Avery had a wonderful birthday!
Much love from the Sinclair fam!
20 at bible study?! WOW - I can't get 20 people to come to my house and I have carpet!! =) God continue to shine favor on Miguel and John there!!
I declare it is hard to see all the poverty in the ministry areas, but it is wonderful to know that God is working there. Mary Joe McLamb
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