Sunday, December 2, 2007

Prayer for Grandpa in California

Update 12/4/07 -John's sister called this morning to let us know that grandpa has 2 blood clots in the leg he had surgery in last week. John says the clots are from surgery. Praise God, though, none were found in his head. John didn't ask about the fever today so I'm not sure about that one. He is continuing to be more coherent. John says, "Please keep praying." Gracias!

Update: 12/3/07 - The fever has gone down in John's dad. He is a bit more lucid. They are doing an MRI of his head to make sure things are okay. They are keeping him at least until Thursday for Observation! :) Appreciate your prayers!

John asked me to write this so that you can pray for his Father, To Hong Pham, 75, Los Angeles, California:

Please pray for John's dad because he had a hip replacement on Thursday after suffering with an undiagnosed broken hip for over 2 months. The one thing that John was concerned about, and the doctor's as well, was the risk for infection. John used to design air conditioning systems for hospitals and in his designs he always had to take special care in designing OR's where hip replacements are done because people die frequently from infections AFTER these type of surgeries. Not to scare you or anything, it's just a very valid risk. Anyway, Grandpa was suppose to go home today or tomorrow, but he spiked a fever last night and continues to have one today. They are running tests to see why he is spiking a fever; they are not sure if it is from infection or not. He is also diabetic which might compilicate the situation. We are told that he is still a bit incoherent which might be from morphine, but once again they don't know. He will remain in the hospital until his temperature has returned to normal - which we are praying will just be a day or two. Thanks for praying for Grandpa in California (that's what the kids call him).

All this information was given to me from John who received it from his sisters who received it from other sisters or doctors, so please forgive me if any of it is incorrect. I tried to double check my facts as much as possible.

On a better note, today is my 3rd day headache free!


circus of love said...

Prayed for Grandpa in California for complete and quick healing. glad you are taking time to enjoy life. The cookies looked like so much fun!!!

Praising God for headache free days with you.

We love you guys so much!!!

Mountain Momma said...

We are praying for John's Dad and his doctors and still for your headaches to disapear completely.

Enjoy your cookies! You can also make gingerbread houses out of that recipe but, use the frosting with crisco and make it thick so it will glue the pieces together...Let the house set for a few hours or even overnight before the kids start decorating it or it may fall apart.

Have a great day!! I just got my house clean for a BRIEF moment I am enjoying a nice clean house!! ha ha!!

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