Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oasis Ministry Update

So marks our 6 months of being here. 4 months ago, we began to work in an area called Oasis. Here is a video update (below is a desciption and update on prayer needs).

Oasis is located in one of the southern districts (suburbs) of Lima, called Villa El Salvador. Oasis started as an invasion of open land three years ago. It is a rectangular area which covers about 8 blocks by 3 blocks. The area is divided into 3 groups or phases. Group 1 is the oldest, Group 2 has the largest land area, but Group 3 has the most people. Group 1 has over 500 homes in a 3 square block area! There is no running water or sewer, but there is electricity. Each group has their own internal, informal government with a president, vice-president, directors and even security guards at the perimeter wood gates. The areas are vey well organized.
Two years ago an IMB missionary was working in the area and was able, with the support of a stateside church, build a community center. The missionary was able to start a small church gathering, but had to go back to the States for 9 months for a family emergency. While gone, a Pentecostal group took over the work, but then shortly abandoned the church. When we arrived 6 months ago, we tried to start things back up, but there was not much response, even among the original group members. But then FBC McComb from Mississippi came and we held Back Yard Bible Studies and evengelistic services. After they left, God had revived the work. New people have joined, old members returned, new believers are being baptized, more are interested in being baptized.

However, one month ago, the area reorganized to give all the residents bigger peices of land. We were not able to meet for three weeks during the deconstruction and reconstruction of the homes. Families moved to different locations and the community center was disassembled. In the move, the materials for the community center were stolen or destroyed. Now we are meeting out in the open in an open peice of land, but people do not know where we are meeting. There is no way to spread the word, since the community megaphone system has not been reassembled, and we don't know where the members live anymore.

So we need the assistance of stateside churches to come and do Back Yard Bible Studies, evangelistic services and door-to-door evangelism. This will inform the community where we are meeting as well as continue reaching the community with the Gospel.

1 comment:

The McClain's said...

Great video and update, John and Jessica! We are praying for Ally, poor thing...

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