Friday, June 19, 2009

Mom's Group

Our first group for the mom's group was a huge success. We had about 25 moms and 2 men who joined us. The neighborhood decided that this is so important (for moms to be encouraged and how to properly raise their children) that the leadership required 2 women from each block to attend. WOW! They all seemed very happy to be there and said the talk was very much needed. I talked about how the wise woman builds her house with her own hands and how the foolish woman tears it down (from Proverbs). And I compared the differences between each woman and charged them with the challenge to decide which woman they are and which woman they want to be. I talked for about 20 minutes and I felt like it went extremely well for the first time. I had some mistakes with my Spanish, but there was a woman there, who is apart of our church, who helped fill in my gaps (just a few) if she knew what I was trying to say. Praise God for her. At least 3-4 women, afterward, said this group was very much needed and that the talk was very good. Praise be to GOD!!!!!

One lady helped pour the coffee and pass out the bread (they were timid to do it themselves) and a few people stayed after to help clean up. All of the women said that next week they want me to share on how to get their kids to obey without screaming! WOW! We changed the time from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. because most of them said that more people could come if we changed it to earlier.

The night before the talk, I was awoken with crazy spiritual warfare in my head. It continued ALL night and into the morning. It was one of the strongest attacks I have had in years. I definitely know that this group is from God and that the evil one has no desire for these women to change, grow or learn anything about Christ. Please keep praying. It was super intense! John and I prayed and prayed and definitely felt the victory yesterday.

I think, for both of us, this group is one of the most exciting things we have done. John is totally into is as well and that makes it all the better for both of us!

Our first team arrives on Monday night. We are preparing and about ready for their arrival. It will be a team of youth from Texas. :) My first youth team, but since I love teenagers, this should be fun.

On another note, Avery came down sick very quickly yesterday afternoon and her fever quickly spiked to 104. She was delirious and kept crying, throwing up and covering her ears (in the middle of the night) saying that the music was hurting them and it was to loud. There was no music. This morning I asked John if he thought we were going to have to take her to the hospital last night and he said he was thinking the same thing at one point. She seems better this morning, but we are waiting for the afternoon to see if the fever spikes again!

Well, I am off to our last day of Awanas with the other 3 kids. Have a great Father's day to all of you beloved dads.

And on that note, I just have to say that John is perhaps one of the best Fathers I know. I am so blessed to be married to a man that loves his kids, and me, so much.


laytonfamily said...

HOORAY - I had been praying for a good turn out. Thanks for the update - how amazing! Praying for Avery.

The Byrd's Nest said...

Oh I am so thankful it was successful...I KNEW it would be! You inspire me Jess.

Praying for little Avery and you look great in the above pictures!

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