Friday, December 7, 2007

A baby at Christmas

We all came home from school today and took a long nap. It was WONDERFUL! Upon waking up, I felt that my sweet Avery was as hot as a stove. I took her temp. and she was 102.5. Not quite as hot as an oven, but getting there. It came out of no where! She has been totally fine, but just woke up ill. We were all getting ready to head out for an IMB conference from 4-7 p.m. when we decided that we couldn't take her to the conference ill. So I stayed home to be with my sweet baby girl.

The night was nothing short of perfect. I put our rocking chair in front of our tree and turned on Z88.3 on the internet. They are playing Christmas music non-stop until Christmas. So I sat in front of the tree while I rocked Avery in the dark - just the two of us. She acted as if there was no other place she would rather be and then she quietly fell asleep. I started crying as I became aware of this precious gift that we experienced together tonight. I have always enjoyed having a baby at Christmas. The lights! The warmth of a baby snuggled against me! The peacefulness! Words cannot describe it. But if you've experienced this then you know what I am speaking about.

Because Avery was sick, she fell asleep in my arms as I rocked her for almost an hour in front of the tree. I was teetering between prayers and tears. It was truly a beautiful time from the Lord.

I have fallen on some tough times as of lately and have struggled in many areas of my faith and my walk. Nothing that I want to share online for all of the world to see, but tonight's gift really meant a lot to me and was a powerful reminder of what's important and also that God knows and cares about my every desire.


Justgottalaugh said...

i'm tearig up too. such a special gift! i'm praying for you- miss you all so much

Jonatha said...

God is a comforter and I'm thankful you were given that sweet time as a blessing from Him! You are an amazing mom, and your words encourage me - knowing the struggles we all face, we are not alone. You are in my prayers :)

Amy Jo said...

What a wondeful evening you had! I so relate to your sentiments...all of them. May there be many more wonderful moments to come (minus the sick baby:-)

Anonymous said...

I was just reading John McLamb's blog about the hard part of missionary life having to say good-bye to people so often and it got me to thinking about how that's all my life is here at ILC hello..good-bye..hello..good-
bye..but it also got me to thinking that last Christmas I didn't even know any of y'all and now I do! Even though it's hard to say good-bye, I'm so blessed to have been able to say hello to y'all in the first place.

I know this first holiday in CR will be hard, but I am praying for y'all that the quiet, simple beauty of that very first Christmas will fill your hearts with much joy and comfort! I love y'all and hope Avery is feeling better REALLY soon!

Ms. Marlene

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