Monday, July 12, 2010

Grace.....oih how I need you?

I am still in shock over my language evaluation. It's quite amazing, actually. All I can say is "Thank you, Jesus."

Right now, I am going through something extremely personal that I cannot publish on my blog. It has shaken me in a way that it should not. It has really got me thinking about the verse that says, "Your grace is sufficient for me."

As a Christian woman, I have a hard time living in grace and letting it just be enough. What if everything in my life completely fell apart, would the grace that God has extended to me, through faith in Christ, be enough to sustain me? It should be. But sadly enough, this situation has squeezed me and I see that at moments it definitely is not enough for me. Why not? I am shaken to my core in a way that just brings me to tears and sadness. And if you knew the situation, you might even laugh and say it's not that bad. But it feels like the biggest deal in the entire world, right now, and I am having the most difficult time experiencing God's peace and comfort. I feel guilty that it is ALL my fault and I have this image of God shaking his finger at me in disgust.

Anyway, I have to reconcile this situation to my faith and truly receive God's grace, live in it and experience the peace that comes from knowing no matter what happens in this lifetime, that it is all so temporal and something better is promised to me in the future. Once I figure out how to do that successfully and actually do it, I will surely let you know. :)

We have a busy day around here, so I need to get going.

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1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

Oh my sweet friend...this breaks my heart. No matter what it is He will give you the strength you need! I am so honored to know you and pray for you. You are, to me, truly Latina in the way that you feel deeply in so many ways. I know that you will see Him and feel His love for you Jessica. Love you my friend and praying you are resting in His grace.

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